Episode 124 of the podcast features a discussion about different options for getting a well-rounded education in astrology, and the pros and cons associated with the four major educational paths that a student can take if they want to study...
In episode 123 astrologer Moses Siregar joins the show to talk about locational astrology, also known as astrolocality or relocational astrology, which is used to describe how people experience different places on Earth. Locational astrology is a...
In episode 122 of the podcast astrologer Kelly Surtees and Austin Coppock return to the show to talk about the astrological forecast for September of 2017. The astrology of September features the final of three Jupiter-Uranus oppositions, Mercury...
In episode 121 of the podcast astrologer Gemini Brett joins the show to talk about why it is important for astrologers to have some grounding in the astronomy underlying astrology, as well as some of the problems that can arise when they don’t...
In episode 120 of the podcast Benjamin Dykes and Eduardo Gramaglia join the show to talk about their new translation of the astrological works of the 8th century astrologer Theophilus of Edessa. Theophilus was a Christian astrologer who served the...
In episode 119 of the podcast Dr. Bernadette Brady joins the show to talk about the astrological significance of eclipses, and how astrologers have viewed and worked with them, both in ancient and in modern times. Bernadette has a PhD in...
In episode 118 of the podcast astrologers Kelly Surtees and Austin Coppock join the show to discuss the astrology of August of 2017. The main highlight of the month of course is the much-hyped solar eclipse that is set to take place in Leo, and will...
In episode 117 astrologer Kenneth Bowser joins the show to talk about the modern movement to revive the use of the sidereal zodiac in western astrology. During the course of the show we discuss the sidereal origins of the zodiac, the revival of its...
In episode 116 of the podcast astrologer Lee Lehman returns to the show to talk about a branch of western astrology known as horary astrology. During the course of the episode we talk about the recent revival of the practice of traditional horary...
In episode 115 of the podcast astrologer Vic DiCara joins the show to talk about his use of the tropical zodiac within the context of Indian astrology, and some of the recent debates surrounding the subject among Vedic astrologers. Vic has done a...