In episode 376 astrologer Nick Dagan Best joins the show to talk about the Uranus returns of the United states, discussing how the transit of Uranus in Gemini has worked out for the country in three distinct periods in American history, and what it...
In episode 360 astrologer Nick Dagan Best joins Chris Brennan in the studio in Denver to talk about his work in astrology, including research on the Uranus return of the United States, Venus retrograde cycles, and more. Nick flew out to Denver from...
In episode 269 astrologers Kelly Surtees, Austin Coppock, and Chris Brennan look at the astrological forecast for September of 2020. September is one of the more crucial and tense months that we identified back in our year-ahead forecast, due to...
On episode 259 of the podcast astrologer Sam Reynolds joins the show to discuss the issue of racism in America, and to talk about some related topics that have come up in the astrological community in the past two weeks. These discussions resulted...
In episode 252 astrologer Nina Gryphon joins the show to talk about question of what is the correct birth chart for the United States, and to review some of the different possible charts that are available. While this sounds like a simple question...
In this episode I interview astrologer Nick Dagan Best about his new book titled URANU.S.A.: Astrology Looks at the First Planet and Nation of the New World. The book focuses on three different periods in American history when transiting Uranus was...