In episode 445 astrologers Chris Brennan and Patrick Watson have a followup discussion about Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions in history, and review more examples of major events in the past that coincided with those conjunctions. This is a followup...
In episode 405 astrologers Nick Dagan Best and Patrick Watson join the podcast to give an in-depth explanation of what Venus retrograde means in astrology, and show how it can coincide with important turning points in people’s lives. We begin...
In episode 357 astrologers Patrick Watson and Chris Brennan answer some questions about astrology from listeners of the podcast, and discuss some miscellaneous astrological topics, ranging from understanding significant transits to the meaning of...
In episode 311 astrologers Chris Brennan and Patrick Watson discuss the concept of stelliums in astrology, and what it means to have 3 or 4 or more planets in the same sign or house in your birth chart. In the first part of the show we try to...
In episode 304 astrologer Patrick Watson joins the show to talk about how to use an ephemeris to study the movements of the planets in astrology. An ephemeris is a book of planetary positions that lists where the planets will be in the zodiac in the...
In episode 140 of the podcast astrologers Austin Coppock and Patrick Watson join the show to talk about the transit of Saturn through Capricorn, which will occur from December 2017 through December 2020. We begin the episode by talking about the...
In episode 131 of the podcast astrologers Leisa Schaim and Patrick Watson join the show to talk about some examples of Saturn returns that we have observed over the past few years as Saturn has been transiting through the zodiacal sign of...
The podcast has reached a major milestone, and this is the 100th episode of the show! To celebrate the 100th episode we had a question and answer session with astrologers Chris Brennan, Patrick Watson, Leisa Schaim, and Nick Dagan Best. The day...
In episode 91 astrologer Patrick Watson joins the show for a followup discussion about Hillary Clinton’s birth time, in order to talk about some new developments that have taken place over the past few weeks since we originally covered this...
In episode 50 Patrick Watson joins the show to talk about his list of 10 unique problems that only astrologers have. Some of the problems represent real issues regarding the perception of astrology in modern society, while others that are just...