Episode 282 features an interview with astrologer Robert Weinstein about his work using astrology to study fluctuations in the value of the cryptocurrency called Bitcoin. Robert wrote an article in The Mountain Astrologer magazine last year on the...
In episode 281 astrologers Kelly Surtees, Austin Coppock, and Chris Brennan look at the astrological forecast for December of 2020. December features a solar eclipse in Sagittarius, and a great Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. We spend the...
Episode 280 features a lecture by astrologer Chris Brennan where he gives an overview of the history and transmission of western astrology over the past 4,000 years. The talk begins with the ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian astrological traditions...
In episode 279 astrologer Michael J. Morris joins the show to talk about using astrology within the context of the lives of transgender people. We spend the first part of the episode talking about some basic things that astrologers should know in...
In episode 278 astrologers Chris Brennan and Leisa Schaim look back at the astrology of the 2020 US presidential election, and reflect on what we learned as astrologers, now that the outcome is known. In the first part of the episode we discuss the...
In episode 277 astrologers Kelly Surtees, Austin Coppock, and Chris Brennan look at the astrological forecast for November of 2020. The astrology of November features Mercury stationing direct on November 3, which happens to be election day in the...
In episode 276 astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo joins the show to talk about Mercury retrograde and what it means in astrology. Mercury retrograde periods occur when the planet Mercury begins moving backwards in the zodiac for about three weeks every few...
In episode 275 astrologer Kirah Tabourn joins the show to talk about the concept of dividing groups into of people into generations astrologically, and looking at the different sub-generations of millennials based on their Saturn sign. At the start...
In episode 274 of the podcast Chris Brennan gives a detailed overview of the concept of sect in astrology, which is the difference between day and night birth charts. Sect is a fundamental concept that was used in Hellenistic astrology, but it has...
In episode 273 astrologers Leisa Schaim and Chris Brennan answer some questions about astrology that were submitted by listeners of the podcast. Some of the topics we covered in this episode include whether you should learn natal or horary astrology...