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Highlights of Prescient Predictions From 2020 Astrology Forecasts

Highlights of Prescient Predictions From 2020 Astrology Forecasts

Episode 300 features a montage of highlights of prescient predictions and statements that were made during our monthly astrology forecast episodes in 2020, featuring astrologers Kelly Surtees, Austin Coppock, and Chris Brennan.

This compilation was put together by a listener of the podcast named Alisha Park over the past few months, and after watching it recently I thought it would be a great way to celebrate the 300th episode, by looking back at some memorable moments from the forecasts over the past year.

The episode starts with some highlights from the year ahead forecast that we recorded in November of 2019, and then moves into some highlights from the subsequent forecast episodes that we recorded each month over the next year.

The highlight reel provides a nice review or recap of how things went astrologically last year, but also provides interesting insight into our process as astrologers, both in making predictions as well as learning some new things about astrology as we experienced them firsthand over the course of the year.

My hope is that people will find it both interesting and useful to learn from, and I think it is a nice way to look back now that the podcast has reached this milestone.

I would recommend watching the video version of this episode, because it lists the date when each clip was recorded in the bottom right corner, which provides important context for when certain predictions were made. There are no cues for the dates and the transitions in the audio version of this episode.

Thanks to all of the listeners and patrons who have helped us get to 300 episodes!


Here are some timestamps for topics covered at different points in the episode:

00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:22 2020 Year Ahead Forecast (Recorded Nov 23 2019)
00:17:53 2019 Year Ahead Forecast (Recorded Dec 28 2018)
00:19:26 February 2020 Forecast (Recorded Jan 21 2020)
00:22:33 March 2020 Forecast (Recorded Feb 23 2020)
00:25:17 April 2020 Forecast (Recorded March 26 2020)
00:30:27 May 2020 Forecast (Recorded April 28 2020)
00:34:52 June 2020 Forecast (Recorded May 27 2020)
00:39:33 July 2020 Forecast (Recorded June 21 2020)
00:41:53 August 2020 Forecast (Recorded July 22 2020)
00:43:51 September 2020 Forecast (Recorded Aug 25 2020)
00:44:55 November 2020 Forecast (Recorded Oct 26 2020)
00:45:32 October 2020 Forecast (Recorded Sept 22 2020)
00:46:20 November 2020 Forecast (Recorded Oct 26 2020)
00:49:50 Post-Election Analysis Episode (Recorded Nov 10 2020)
00:50:05 December 2020 Forecast (Recorded Nov 27 2020)
00:51:37 Post-Election Analysis Episode (Recorded Nov 10 2020)
00:52:20 December 2020 Forecast (Recorded Nov 27 2020)
00:53:07 Post-Election Analysis Episode (Recorded Nov 10 2020)
00:55:24 December 2020 Forecast (Recorded Nov 27 2020)
00:57:36 2021 Year Ahead Forecast (Recorded Dec 18 2020)
00:58:57 December 2020 Forecast (Recorded Nov 27 2020)
01:01:21 Thanks to Patrons and Sponsors

Watch the Video Version of This Episode

Watch the video version of this episode through our YouTube channel:


A full transcript of this episode is available: Episode 300 transcript

Listen to the Audio Version of This Episode

You can either play the audio version of this episode of the podcast directly from the website or download it as an MP3 to your device by using the buttons below:

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  • What’s up with all the gun violence and shootings? The only thing I notice is a sun square pluto. Mars is out of the way and trine jupiter. 04/16/21.