In episode 452 astrologer Chris Brennan hosts a live chart reading session with listeners exploring how Jupiter’s transit through Taurus manifested in their lives based on the house it activated in their birth charts. The premise of the...
In episode 444 astrologer and historian Richard Tarnas joins the show to talk about conjunctions between the planets Jupiter and Uranus, and discuss major events they have coincided with in history. Jupiter and Uranus form a conjunction in the sky...
In episode 319 astrologer Samuel F. Reynolds joins the podcast to talk about the meaning of Jupiter in astrology, as part of our ongoing series on the significations of the planets in a birth chart. In astrology Jupiter is generally said to signify...
In episode 180 astrologers Kelly Surtees, Austin Coppock, and Chris Brennan reconvene for the second of our two part series on the symbolism of the signs of the zodiac. In this episode we discuss the meanings of the second half of the zodiac signs:...
In episode 64 Kelly Surtees and Austin Coppock join the show to talk about the meanings of the seven classical celestial bodies, as well as how astrologers developed those meanings. The topic was motivated by Chris recently finishing a translation...