In episode 95 of the podcast astrologers Austin Coppock and Kelly Surtees join the show to talk about some of the major astrological alignments coming up in 2017.
We start out by doing a bit of a review of some of the major themes that came up over the past year, and talking about them in light of the forecast episode we put out last December.
Later we launched into a full discussion of the astrology of 2017, which includes a lot of activity in late fire signs, a major solar eclipse in Leo that will cross the entire continental United States in August, and series of Jupiter-Uranus oppositions in Aries/Libra before Jupiter moves into Scorpio in October.
Below you will find an outline of some of the different topics that we touched on during the course of the show, followed by links to download or stream the recording.
Giveaway Prizes for January/February Announced
At the top of the show I announce our two sponsors for the next couple of months, as well as the giveaway that we are doing in cooperation with them for patrons of the show.
For this month’s raffle we will be giving away a pass to the upcoming Northwest Astrological Conference, which is taking place this May in Seattle, as well as a copy of a new 2 CD package from The Mountain Astrologer magazine which contains copies of every issue they published from 2007–2010.
For more information about the giveaway and how to enter for a chance to win see the description page for the January/February giveaway.
Auspicious Elections Announcement
The other announcement I make in this episode is that from now on we are going to move the auspicious elections segment of the monthly forecast episodes, and turn it into a separate 45 minute discussion that will be available to patrons of the show.
Since I’m not longer writing the electional column for TMA I wasn’t sure if I wanted to keep doing the elections segment on the monthly forecast episodes, mainly because it is a lot of work to find four elections each month. This seems to be the best solution though that will allow me to keep offering them while making it so that I can justify the time spent on it each month.
The plan is that Leisa Schaim and I will record a separate 45 minute podcast each month with the auspicious elections for the next month, which will be released around or not long after the monthly forecast episode each month.
The auspicious elections episodes will only be available to patrons of the show who sign up on the $5 tier or higher. If you want to get access then all you have to do is sign up to become a patron on our page on Patreon.
I will continue to highlight one auspicious election each month on the monthly forecast episodes with Austin and Kelly. The best election for this coming month is:
- January 6 at 5:20 PM with 23 Cancer rising
- Moon exalted in Taurus in 11th, in a night chart, applying to sextile with Venus at 3 Pisces, mutual reception.
- Emphasizes 11th and 9th house themes.
- Jupiter angular in Libra in 4th.
- Mercury retro but stationing direct.
The full electional episode for January will be sent out to patrons in the next few days, so sign up now if you would like to receive it!
Main Signatures for 2017
- Leo eclipse in August, and that axis shifting from Virgo-Pisces to Leo-Aquarius in general.
- Venus retrograde in Aries/Pisces, echoing back to 8 years ago.
- Jupiter-Uranus opposition off and on most of the year.
- Final phases of Saturn in Sagittarius, followed by start of Saturn in Capricorn.
- Saturn-Uranus trine
- Jupiter-Neptune trine
Full List of Major Alignments for 2017
- Mercury direct at 28 Sagittarius January 8
- Jupiter stations retrograde at 23 Libra February 6
- Venus stations retrograde at 13 Aries on March 4
- Saturn stations retrograde at 27 Sagittarius on April 5
- Mercury stations retrograde at 4 Taurus on April 9
- Venus stations direct at 26 Pisces on April 14
- Pluto stations retrograde at 19 Capricorn on April 20
- Mercury stations direct at 24 Aries on May 3
- True Node moves into Leo on May 9
- Jupiter stations direct at 13 Libra June 8
- Neptune stations retrograde at 14 Pisces June 16
- Uranus retrograde at 28 Aries on August 3
- Mercury retrograde at 11 Virgo on August 13.
- August solar eclipse everyone talking about.
- August 21
- Occurs at 28 Leo
- Shadow moves over entire continental United States
- Saturn stations direct at 21 Sagittarius August 25
- Pluto stations direct at 16 Capricorn on September 27
- Mercury stations direct at 28 Leo on September 5
- Jupiter moves into Scorpio on October 11
- Saturn moves into Capricorn on December 20.
- Preceded by a Mercury retro in Sag that stations direct around same time.
Listen to This Episode
You can either play this episode of the podcast directly from the website or download it as an MP3 to your computer by using the buttons below:
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 2:17:59 — 63.5MB)
Thank you all – very much – always educational. Most interesting year with the degrees so close to the Mars/ASC of the President elect and then the US eclipse. Getting greedy here but would love to hear more about the US chart – the controversial birth times etc. and this years astrology. Wouldn’t it be great if we had a birth chart for Earth? Also – just curious if any discussion of fixed stars and their place in interpretation (mundane, natal etc) is worth a podcast. Never know how much attention to give them myself.
Best to all of you in 2017.
Thank you all three for a really excellent preview of the coming year. I really look forward to your coming monthly podcasts as the year progresses and we see how things are actually manifesting.
I use the Sabian symbols for the new and full moons and find that they give great information about the emotional tone of the energy at that time. This year they match what you are saying about the transits and aspects hand in glove. For instance the symbol for the July 23 new moon that Austin talks so strongly about uses the 1 degree Leo Sabian symbol. It reads “Conflagration. The eruption of bio-psychic energy into consciousness. Blood rushes to a man’s head as his vital energies are mobilized under the spur of ambition.” The theme for the whole year seems to be a some kind of violent upheaval/rebellion early in the year that is violently put down followed by dictatorial rule and some new status quo to adjust to. Where and how this will actually manifest may be extremely surprising and disruptive given the hotness of the energy this year.
The Feb and Aug Leo eclipse are a repeat of those from 1997 and 1998 when we had the Asian financial crisis. They also hit Trump’s chart at that time. Does anyone know what what happening to him at that time? The last time Saturn was in late Sag was 1987 – 1988. That is when Trump flew too close to the Sun and bought all those casinos and ended up cheating a lot of people when he went bankrupt. We also had the big market crash in Oct. 1987. So we have transit connections to market problems in both 1987 and 1997 this year. Yeah!
Tom Fiedman’s new book talks about the current world situation where the rate of change in the world is accelerating and has already passed the human capacity to adjust to it. The technology people say “well we can’t give up change so we have to get people to adapt faster.” I say “Good Luck with that.” Another way to look at this is that when environmental change exceeds a specie’s ability to adapt to it, there is population collapse and possible extinction. Will this year be the year when the global human system reaches the breaking point and starts to fail big time? I think that our individual task is to think about how to navigate through troubled waters. What can we each do to support our ability to float though tough times? Kelly talked about it being a year to do real work. I agree. Saturn is all about cleaning out and endings. I’m putting my focus on cleaning out and letting go of as much physical stuff as I can. Traveling light seems to be a good policy at this time.
Venus in Aries by Austin: “things have to be taken apart before they get put back together…”
I LOVE THIS – this will be my motto as I enter into a temporary long distance relationship with my fiancĂ© during this upcoming Venus retrograde…
I was just observing the Summer Cancer Ingress with Saturn in the Mundane 10th set for NY, the financial hub,
and thought it could have an effect on the Republican Party, because the Elephant is ruled by Jupiter, which has mutual reception with Saturn.
If Trump doesn’t listen to the democrats (Saturn-rules donkeys), then they could force a situation where he has to step down.
Just wondering….could happen.
Re: Chris’s comment around 36:00 about offering a weekend workshop “look at the year ahead” – yes! That would be great! Especially as we approach the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of late 2018, it seems important to help people not “future trip” as Shannon Stearns aptly names the futility of getting worked into a lather over impending transits—though I think we can all agree that we live in interesting times and naivete about this will not be well-rewarded. And naivete in fact makes us more easily manipulated by the tried and true politics of “divide and conquer.” Discussions about the period 2018-2021 that I have shared with select others has had rather traumatic content, but that’s because I have been studying the implosion of industrialized society for 14+ years and had to move through layers and layers of grief and surrender to Plutonic forces far greater than me. Generates a lot of compassion and empathy, actually, but not everyone can face it, and it takes time. It’s such a delicate balance to strike, between the grim potentials and profound uncertainties, the sensitivity to others’ experiences and capacities, and the need to be kind (real) rather than nice (keep it superficial and Disneyland)… But I do wonder how a skillful discussion of this time period with groups of people, using the incredible archetypal insight and awareness of diachronic patterning given by the astrological lens, could foster a more positive community-based response than might otherwise be the case.