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Tips for Becoming a Better Astrologer

Tips for Becoming a Better AstrologerEpisode 56 is a lecture by Chris Brennan titled Tips for Becoming a Better Astrologer.

This is a recording of a live talk that I presented at a meeting of the local astrology group that I organize called the Denver Astrology Group. It was recorded on November 14, 2015 at the Mercury Cafe.

In the talk I present some general tips for how to study astrology effectively, what to study, and how to become a better or more well-rounded astrologer in several different areas.

The lecture was originally titled Tips for Learning Astrology and Becoming a Better Astrologer, because I was trying to present something that would be appealing to both beginner and advanced astrologers, but in reality only the first bit of the talk is really geared towards completely new students of astrology, while the majority of the rest of it is more applicable to those who are already a bit more advanced in their studies. That is why at this point I’m just giving the talk the title Tips for Becoming a Better Astrologer.

This episode was actually recorded prior to the last four episodes that I released in late November, which may be worth noting given some of my statements about house division towards the end.

Below you will find an announcement, followed by links to stream or download the recording of this episode of the podcast.


A transcript of this episode is available here: Episode 56 transcript

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  • Again, Chris didn’t disappoint!

    As always, his arguments, reasons & rationales & plain common sense are just so stimulating. This podcast is a timely reminder of how we astrologers can improve the quality of what we do, what we know, how we think about what we do, & how we can to improve our capacity to articulate these with the wider society, most of whom do not share our belief to the same extent that astrology is a valid & valuable & useful enterprise.

    I would have added just one more key point: Learn about the interpersonal dynamics associated with reading a chart for somebody & study your own inner workings while doing the reading.

    Again, thanks a million Chris.

  • Some great challenges in this lecture, and not just the sound quality. Wouldn’t it be worthwhile to transcribe this speech and then re-record it simply as a lecture.? The quality of the material deserves it. Most amusing to hear you, Chris, the master of ancient names like Origen (not pronounced like Oregon) and Dorotheus (not even a woman) stumped by the name of Errol Flynn. Look him up at IMDB, a handsome, swashbuckling actor. You’d like him. Seriously, this presentation upgraded my whole approach to astrology and I really appreciate your posting it.