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The Astrology Podcast

Ep. 471 Transcript: 2025 Year Ahead Horoscopes for Each Sign

The Astrology Podcast

Transcript of Episode 471, titled:

2025 Year Ahead Horoscopes for Each Sign

With Chris Brennan

Episode originally released on December 14, 2024


Note: This is a transcript of a spoken word podcast. If possible, we encourage you to listen to the audio or video version, since they include inflections that may not translate well when written out. Our transcripts are created by human transcribers, and the text may contain errors and differences from the spoken audio. If you find any errors then please send them to us by email: theastrologypodcast@gmail.com

Transcribed by Teresa “Peri” Lardo

Transcription released January 15th, 2025

Copyright © 2025 TheAstrologyPodcast.com

Hey. My name is Chris Brennan, and you’re listening to The Astrology Podcast. These are my year ahead horoscopes and astrology forecast for each sign of the zodiac for 2025. I would recommend listening to your rising sign if you know your birth time, although you can also listen to your Sun sign or your Moon sign as well. My focus is gonna be on giving a big picture overview of the major themes of the next year and especially the planets changing signs and moving into different houses relative to your rising sign.

If you’re looking for lucky dates, then I just released my 2025 Electional Astrology Report, and you can use these dates to do important things next year like getting married, starting a business, or going on a major trip. I just released the report, and I’m currently running a 20 percent off sale, but it’s only until the first week of January. So you can find out more information or get the report at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/2025Report.

The horoscopes you’re about to listen to are mainly audio, although there are video versions through my page on YouTube for The Astrology Podcast, and those do contain a couple of extra visuals as well as a slide that lists some dates in some instances. So just look up the podcast YouTube channel for those.

All right, if I’ve done this correctly, then Aries begins at two minutes. Taurus begins at 24 minutes, 13 seconds. Gemini begins at 43 minutes, two seconds. Cancer begins at one hour, one minute, 14 seconds. Leo begins at one hour, 20 minutes, 52 seconds. Virgo begins at one hour, 39 minutes, 27 seconds. Libra begins at one hour, 59 minutes, one second. Scorpio begins at two hours, 19 minutes, 59 seconds. Sagittarius begins at two hours, 46 minutes, three seconds. Capricorn begins at three hours, 11 minutes, 28 seconds. Aquarius begins at three hours, 33 minutes, 48 seconds. And Pisces begins at three hours, 59 minutes, 19 seconds.

All right, that’s it for this introduction, so enjoy the horoscopes!


Hey, my name is Chris Brennan, and this is your year ahead horoscope forecast for the zodiac sign of Aries for the entire year of 2025. So these are primarily for people that have either their Sun or their rising sign in the sign of Aries. And what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna give a big picture kind of overview of some of the major trends and shifts that are coming up next year based on your sign of the zodiac. So let’s jump right into it.

So first things first, here’s the planetary movements calendar that shows where the planets will start at the beginning of the year and where they’ll end up by the end of the year. So in terms of major transits this year, let’s go through a little bit roughly chronologically, because the year opens with Mars retrograde in the sign of Cancer, which is your 4th house of house and family and living situation and private life. So for some of you, Mars transits can be experienced as a little bit challenging because it means that there can be some conflicts or sometimes just tensions when it comes to the home and the living situation, or when it comes to the family, and in some instances, your relationship with your parents or whatever your parental figures are like.

So this is probably bringing up some stuff that started last fall when Mars first transited through Cancer, but now Mars has stationed retrograde in Leo and it’s come back into your 4th house where it’s gonna spend basically the first four months of the year. So sometimes this can just be some things that you need to work through when it comes to your home and living situation, some challenges that come up or challenges in terms of your family. In other instances, especially people with night charts really experience this as a more constructive period where there’s an important turning point that takes place with respect to those topics. So it could be a major shift when it comes to your home and living situation or some sort of significant shift when it comes to your parents.

For some people that are older, this is a repetition of a Mars retrograde period from about 15 years ago. So there may be some connection with events that happened 15 years earlier. This Mars retrograde was also partially in your 5th house, which represents topics like children, sex and sexuality, creativity, and fun and games, and that may have also stirred up some things especially in November and December that can be a little bit challenging with respect to those topics. But for the most part, in the first part of 2025, we’re really focused on your 4th house of home and living situation, and then we’ll get just another tail end of that 5th house transit in the May, June time frame when Mars makes one last pass through Leo.

So the good news is that despite Mars kicking up some dust in the first few months of the year in your 4th house, later in the year, the planet Jupiter actually enters into Cancer and moves into your 4th house of home and living situation, and it’s gonna spend the rest of the entire second half of the year and the first half of 2026 transiting through your 4th house of home and living situation, and that’s a very positive and very auspicious transit for matters pertaining to not just your living situation, but also things happening in your parents’ lives or things with respect to your relationship with them potentially going through a much more positive period after maybe a little bit of difficulty was kicked up towards the beginning of the year.

So I really like that transit; it could be good for moving or relocating or upgrading something about your living situation, doing internal renovations or generally just trying to improve your home and living situation and making it more supportive, since that’s down at the root of the chart. And in the same way it creates kind of a basis or a foundation for our entire lives so that when things are going well at home and you have a solid situation with respect to that, it can have this positive crossover effect in many other areas of our life and many other areas for our chart. So that’s definitely something to look forward to for the entirety of the second half of 2025.

Moving on, there’s tons of activity happening – tons of transits happening – this year in your first house, which represents topics such as your sense of self, but it can also represent your physical body and physical constitution. It can also represent your mind, because the first house is the sort of meeting point between the body and the spirit or the body and the mind. And finally, the first house can also relate to your appearance and how you appear to people in general. So you have like, major – like, three or four major transits all going through your first house activating those topics during the course of this year. And I think that’s gonna be one of the major things to focus on.

So first things first, in the March-April time frame, we see the final eclipse in Aries, which is the last eclipse of a series of eclipses that have been taking place in your first and 7th house for the past year now since around October of 2023. So this series of eclipses has been bouncing back and forth between your first house of self and your 7th house of relationships, so you’ve probably been going through this process of on the one hand major beginnings and endings when it comes to redefining your sense of self and who you are, how you look, or other things related to your body and your mind, and then balancing that out with your direct one-on-one relationships in your life. So sometimes there can be major beginnings and major endings in that area when it comes to relationships, and that’s a process you’ve been going through for the past year, year and a half now. But what’s interesting about this is that eclipse series wraps up in the spring of this year with one last eclipse in Aries, which represents one last major ending but also one last major beginning in terms of setting a new foundation in that first house area of your life. And what’s interesting about this eclipse, you know, it’s at the end of a series, so it shouldn’t necessarily be – you should have seen some of those themes coming since we’ve had several eclipses in Aries over the past year and a half at this point. But what’s interesting is it sets up several other transits in Aries that start this year. One of them is there’s a Venus retrograde that happens, that begins in Aries around the same time as the eclipse in the like, March time frame. So that Venus retrograde – one of the keywords I would think actually for Aries, because it’s going through your first house of appearance, is that sometimes people can do sort of a makeover, or they can rethink and revisit how they appear to other people during that time. And sometimes that means you can change something – either something major, or sometimes just something minor about your appearance and how you look to the world that will actually be successful and has the potential of making you come off in a way that’s not just more potentially like, physically appealing to other people that you meet, but also potentially is a better representation of how you feel inside. So that’s actually a really positive transit and it has a lot of great potential when that Venus station happens in Aries in the springtime.

And then this queues up two other transits that are gonna happen this year that are like, previews of very long-range outer planet transits that are gonna be going on for a while, and we the first experience of that happening starting in the late spring, especially most of the middle half of the year essentially, when the planet Saturn and the planet Neptune both move into the sign of Aries for the first time, and they spend several months there giving you a preview of what for Saturn will be a three-year long transit through that sign, and for Neptune will be something like a seven-year long transit through that sign. Because what’ll happen is Saturn and Neptune will just dip their toe into that sign this year in the middle of the year, but then they’ll retrograde back out into Pisces by the end of the year so that you don’t experience it; it becomes more like a preview rather than the full on beginning of that transit. So let’s talk about that transit a little bit.

So Saturn going into your first house, sometimes that can be a period in which you start focusing on your body and your physical vitality more. And sometimes when Saturn goes through a sign like the first house, there can themes like time that become much more of a focal point in your life where you start thinking about time and age, and realizing to some extent the effect of aging in your life as you’re going through that transit over the course of the next three years. So sometimes that can be a little bit challenging. It can bring up like, bodily issues. Sometimes issues with the mind and feelings of like, slowness or feelings like you’re getting older in some ways. But ultimately, it doesn’t necessarily have to be hugely negative. But it is gonna be like, a process of experiencing the passage of time and getting adjusted to hitting a new point in your life where you’ve hit new milestones in terms of your like, overall life experience. So that will be a good period also sometimes to take care of your health more, to start instituting better health regimes like, you know, different types of diets, like going to the gym, and basically just taking care of yourself because sometimes when Saturn goes through the first house, we just have a experience of understanding that, you know, our body to some extent is like a vehicle or like a car that we have to take care of and get regular checkups and tune-ups and change the oil and things like that. And sometimes if you’re not doing those things regularly, you start to notice the impact of that and realize that you need to get on top of things. So that’s part of that Saturn transit that we’re just gonna get a preview of this year.

We also have Neptune dipping into the first house at the same time. This one’s a little tricky, because Neptune can sometimes make things sort of cloudy or make things not as clear as they use to be in the sense of like, sometimes we see things like, really clearly in our life. Actually, with Saturn transits, we tend to see things as they are, but sometimes in an overly pessimistic manner, whereas when Neptune becomes prominent in our chart, we tend to idealize things, and we tend to think things sometimes are even better than they actually in reality so that sometimes we’re overdoing it and we’re, our imagination or our sort of like hopes and dreams can run away with us.

So with Saturn and Neptune both moving into your first house at the same time, there’s some kind of tension there where these tensions between what’s real and what’s imaginary or what’s not real are much more prominent for you than they’ve been at other times in your life, and you may have to fight to balance out those two tendencies within yourself and not to become either extremely like, realistic and like, pessimistic, but also not to become extremely overly idealistic and not connected with reality. So we’ll get a little bit of a preview of what that’s gonna be about, like I said, in the middle of the year because it’s something like between April and May all the way ‘til like, October, Neptune is in that sign giving you a heads up of what that transit’s gonna be all about. All right, so tons of stuff in your first house just because there’s tons of stuff happening in Aries this year. And since that is your first house, that’s incredibly important to you personally.

Moving on, we’ve also got other eclipses taking place this year where the eclipses are shifting out of your first house-7th house axis of self and relationships, and the eclipses are starting to take place now in Virgo and Pisces, which is your 6th and 12th house axis, which especially focused on themes of work and health. So there can be major beginnings and major endings when it comes to your work or your workplace as well as people that you work with, as well as major beginnings and endings when it comes to your health and health matters. So sometimes this can mean that there’s new health stuff that opens up that we have to deal with; other times, it can just be a continuation of some of those first house transits where it’s like, there’s new diet or exercise regimes that we’re trying to like, put into place and focus on at this point in our life. And at this point, those really get going for some reason.

The 6th house can also pertain to people that you work with or if you find yourself in a leadership role, sometimes it represents people that work for you, and there can be either major beginnings of having a new major person that comes in and helps you in your life in that capacity, or there can be endings where there can be people coming to the end of a chapter and deciding that that relationship with them is something that’s over or that you’ve moved past at that point. So those themes of major beginnings and major endings will really be active in that area starting in the spring, but especially in the fall when there’s gonna be the first full set of eclipses in Pisces and Virgo in your 6th house and 12th house axis.

This can also be a good time to focus on mental health as part of your overall health in general when we’re having eclipses in the 12th house. And sometimes that can be really productive in order to like, dive internally and understand what’s going on and sometimes having like, a therapist or something like that can be part of not just taking care of your bodily health but also taking care of your mental health at the same time as one of the things that you may find is that the two are interconnected during this time when there’s eclipses taking place between the 6th and the 12th.

All right. And then the last transit I wanted to mention for this year is a huge one, which is that the planet Uranus is gonna enter your 3rd house of communication, travel, and relatives. And this is huge because this is another major long-term transit where Uranus is gonna spend seven years going through that sign, so this is the end of one seven-year long transit through the sign of Taurus, which is your 2nd house of finances, where Uranus has probably shaken some things up and caused some major changes and innovations in that area of your life. And now that entergy’s gonna start shifting into your 3rd house of communication where oftentimes the way that we talk or communicate with people can go through a radical transformation. So I actually had this transit like, a decade ago, and as soon as Uranus went into my 3rd house, that was when I started doing this and started The Astrology Podcast. So that completely changed the way I talk and communicate, and my talking and communication has gone through many radical changes if you go back and listen to my first podcast episodes. And also, learning how to use technology and to leverage new technologies, since technology is a major part of Uranus transits. So it can be learning new technologies in order to communicate things that are inside of you and finding more effective ways to communicate with other people in your life. So communication is a major theme of that transit, but the 3rd house also represents other people in our life. One of the major ones is if you have siblings, there can be some major changes and transformations that your siblings go through. Sometimes they can act a little bit more erratically or that relationship can be a little bit more unstable than it was previously, potentially because they’re going through some major changes and they have this greater urge for freedom and individuality. So sometimes you’ll have to just like, give siblings space during that time if that’s what they’re going through. Other times, it can be something you’re going through that’s affecting your relationship with your siblings.

The 3rd house also represents extended family and relatives like cousins, aunts, uncles, and people like that. So if you have people like that in your life that play a major role or that you’re close to, some of that energy could be taking place with respect to them instead of with respect to siblings. And then the last thing is that the 3rd house also represents travel and movement, and having a Uranus transit through your 3rd house means there’s gonna be some major revolutions when it comes to your sense of movement in your life and especially your sense of short-distance travel and how you get around town. So sometimes this can mean that it relates to like, our car if we have a car, or getting a car or having a new mode of transportation that’s different. Other times, it can mean other short-distance modes of transportation, even like, riding a bicycle or something like that. But it’s basically just this idea of travel and mobility will go through some changes in your life over the course of the next seven years. And this year, we’re gonna get the first initial preview of that as Uranus first dips into that sign.

The last thing about that is that the 3rd house can also represent our neighborhood, like, immediately outside of our house, including our neighbors and other people that are in our community. So with Uranus going through the 3rd, there can be some major changes – sometimes unexpected changes – that come up where things start changing very rapidly and at a very quick pace. So sometimes this can be a little jarring at first, but ultimately can sometimes – these changes can eventually be productive or necessary or useful, even if they’re a little unsettling initially. So some major changes in terms of your neighborhood or your relationship with your neighbors and your broader local community is another potential for that transit.

So anyways, let me see if there’s anything else, but those are some of the major transits that are going on this year, and that’s kind of the overview of 2025 in terms of your major transits for Aries and Aries rising for the next year.

So if you’re looking for fortunate dates next year to launch new ventures or to start a business or do other major things, I actually just released my 2025 Electional Astrology Report where I went through and I highlighted the best dates next year to do different things and to take actions in general, which is always helpful in terms of ensuring that you have a better chances of success in whatever you’re doing just by doing things during more astrologically fortunate times of the year or different days that are more fortunate or less fortunate.

So I just released that report, and it’s actually 20 percent off right now, because we’re doing an initial launch sale through the first week of January. So you can get that report for 44.95 right now, and you can find out more information at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/2025Report.

All right, that’s it for this year ahead forecast for Aries for 2025. So thanks a lot for watching. Good luck this year, and I’ll see you again next year to talk about the horoscope for 2026. All right, see ya!

I just released my 2025 astrology calendar posters, which show all of the major astrological transits this year at a glance. And you can get those at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/Merch.

If you wanna learn more about my approach to astrology, then I teach an online course in ancient astrology called The Hellenistic Astrology Course, which has hundreds of hours of video lectures where I teach people how to read birth charts and how to understand and predict the future using transits and other timing techniques. So you can find out more information at TheAstrologySchool.com.

Also shout out to our sponsor for this episode, which is the Northwest Astrology Conference, which is happening in May of 2025 in Seattle, Washington, and it’s being simultaneously streamed online at the same time. So you can find out more information at NORWAC.net.

Finally, thanks to the patrons that help to support the production of this episode of The Astrology Podcast through my page on Patreon. You can get early access to new episodes plus other bonus content by becoming a patron at Patreon.com/AstrologyPodcast.


Hey, my name is Chris Brennan, and this is your year ahead horoscope and astrology forecast for the zodiac sign of Taurus for the entire year of 2025. So my horoscopes are for those that have either their Sun or their rising sign in the zodiac sign of Taurus. And what I’m gonna do here is give a big picture overview of the year ahead and some of the major shifts that are coming up in 2025. All right, so let’s jump right into it.

So first things first, I wanted to show the planetary movements calendar, which shows where the planets will start at the beginning of the year and how far through the signs of the zodiac they’ll get at the end of the year. So this gives you some idea of where some of the major activity is in terms of your birth chart over the course of the next 12 months.

So we’re gonna focus on some big picture themes and go through roughly chronologically, but the first thing I wanted to start with which we open the year with is that Mars is retrograde in the sign of Cancer, and it’s gonna be there for the first four months of the year. And this is actually taking place in your 3rd house of communication, siblings, short-distance travel, and your neighborhood or community. So Mars retrogrades can be kind of tricky, because sometimes there can be challenges or conflict or other general events that come up that can bring an element of tension into this area of your life. So one of the things you wanna be careful about when Mars is retrograde in your 3rd house is getting into a major like, verbal altercation with somebody or getting into a fight with somebody. Sometimes what seems like a little fight that shouldn’t be that big of a deal you can end up saying something that ends up causing a much longer term or a much more significant split between people maybe in the heat of the moment than you intend.

So one of the primary areas that the 3rd house relates to is the topic of siblings. So if you have siblings, then this may be a period in which either you’re not getting along with your siblings as well, or there’s something going on in your sibling’s life where they’re having some issues at this time.

The 3rd house can also relate to other extended relatives as well, such as aunts, uncles, cousins, and things like that. More broadly, the 3rd house can sometimes pertain to local travel, like driving around in your car or your city. So it’s a good idea to be extra careful and not to speed or do anything reckless during this time, because sometimes when we have a Mars transit, the impulsiveness sort of gets the better of us, and sometimes we can be reckless and that can get us into troubles or even potentially accidents. So definitely exercise caution in terms of travel during this period, especially in the first four months of the year.

The last thing is just your neighborhood and neighbors. Sometimes when Mars transits the 3rd house, there can be conflicts with neighbors or issues of disagreement that arise with them. Now, with all of these areas, Mars retrogrades can sometimes just indicate a period of greater focus and activity and having to expend a lot of energy in these areas. But nonetheless, sometimes that overabundance of energy can boil over into conflict. So it’s just a good idea to exercise restraint and exercise caution.

So that’s some of the tricky news. The good news is the planet Jupiter – it’s been transiting your 2nd house of finances for about the past six months since I think May of last year. And it’s gonna continue to transit your 2nd house of finances until June, and that should be a good period of growth and expansion when it comes to money and possessions for you in the first half of the year. And then in the second half of the year, Jupiter transits into your 3rd house once it goes into the sign of Cancer. So this is excellent because some of the areas of difficulty and challenge or potential conflict that Mars was bringing up in that area of your life earlier this year in the first four months will actually be smoothed over very significantly over the course of the entire second half of 2025. So this is gonna indicate some positive things for communication, healing, and supportive things with respect to the topics related to like, siblings, to extended family like aunts, uncles, and cousins. It could indicate positive things with respect to short-distance travel. So maybe if you’re having car troubles earlier in the year, later in the second half of the year you’re either able to resolve some of those things or maybe get a new vehicle or something like that. And then finally, the 3rd house – if there were some issues earlier in the year in terms of not getting along with neighbors or people in your community, Jupiter coming in can smooth things over and can heal some of those conflicts or some of those wounds that arose from earlier in the year. So that’s actually really positive that we have such a overwhelmingly good transit coming in in the second half of the year to smooth over some of the rough edges from earlier.

All right, so a major transit that’s happening this year is the planet Uranus is going to move into your 2nd house of finances starting around July. And it’s gonna spend a good chunk of the second half of 2025 in your 2nd house of finances, which is gonna be a preview of a longer term transit that’s gonna go on for about the next seven years. So Uranus in your 2nd house of finances, Uranus is just getting done with your rising sign where it’s been transiting since 2018. And for a lot of you, you’ve had this impulse for freedom, for breaking free of old restrictions and things that were holding you back. Sometimes this was people, sometimes this was places. I know several of you who have moved and relocated suddenly or moved to your ideal sort of living situation as a result of that Uranian impulse for freedom that really came into the picture around 2018 forward. We’re getting towards the tail end of that transit now, though, and it’s not completely over because Uranus is gonna dip back into Taurus at least one more time before it finally moves into Gemini, but this year we’re gonna get a preview of what the next seven years is like when Uranus goes into your 2nd house of finances, and that should cause some unexpected changes, some innovations, and it’s gonna bring new thinking when it comes to the financial sector of your chart. So sometimes this can be working with technology and using technology in order to – or leveraging technology in order to make more money. Other times, it can be just thinking outside of the box about what you own, what your possessions are, and how you in some instances you may wanna break free from previous financial obligations and go in a different direction entirely. So we’re gonna get an initial preview of that, because it’s gonna be a long-term transit, so it may not necessarily be a singular event so much as a sequence of events that’s gonna play over the second half of this decade and the early part of the next decade. But pay attention to what starts happening in the financial area of your life in the second half of this year, because it could provide an important preview to some things that are coming up in the future.

All right, what else is going on in your chart? So elsewhere, it looks like the planets Saturn and Neptune are both starting to depart from your 11th house of friends and groups where they’ve been transiting Saturn for the past couple of years at least, and moving into your 12th house, which is a house that’s more internal. It’s sometimes focused on people that you don’t get along with. So it’s essentially these two planets are going from the sector of friends and groups and people that you do get along with to the sector of your chart that represents people that you don’t get along with in your life. So the primary thing about this that’s actually good is that Saturn departing from your 11th house, you’ve probably experienced that transit over the past couple of years as some friendships growing cold or distance or in some instances ending entirely. So Saturn transits through your 11th house can be kind of isolating. It can have the effect of making you rethink some friendships or run into challenges and obstacles and difficulties with certain friends where some friendships may have reached the end of their life cycle. So the good news with Saturn departing from your 11th house or at least starting to this year is that you’re going to see things lightening up a little bit in the 11th house sector of your chart. And it may start a new period for developing friendships again after going through sort of a winter so to speak, a winter season for that, over the past couple of years.

So what else? We’ve also got Venus retrograde going on. Well, with Saturn going into your 12th house, I should mention sometimes this can bring up issues with how you deal with and needing to restructure how you deal with people that you don’t get along with in your life very well. And sometimes those tensions can come to a head more, but usually in the long term that can be constructive in terms of, you know, sometimes removing people from your life who are not helping you or are not a good influence on you. In other instances, it can lead to a period of self-reflection where you may realize that there’s some things that you’re doing which undermine yourself or in some instances where you may be your own worst enemy.

So with Saturn and Neptune both going into that sector of your chart into the 12th house in themidle of this year and giving us a preview of what that transit’s gonna be like in the long term, there may be some tensions between you going back and forth between being super realistic almost to the point of pessimism with Saturn transiting there at times. And at other times with Neptune going into your 12th house, having an unclear idea or having some nebulous ideas surrounding people that you don’t get along with so that you may have to be careful and make sure that you stay grounded during this time, because there could be a tendency sometimes to like, imagine that you’re not getting along with people, but maybe that’s not a true impression, or getting a false impression about people that actually aren’t being super helpful towards you or could be undermining you in some way. So that tension between the nebulousness and lack of clarity of Neptune in that area versus Saturn and its tendency towards almost a sort of like, pessimism or over-realism will be something that you’ll have to balance out.

We also have a Venus retrograde happening this year between your 12th and your 11th house that’s happening in the springtime in between Aries and Pisces. So this is gonna connect together those same two houses, which is the house of people you don’t get along with versus friends and groups. And Venus retrogrades can sometimes bring people from the past back into our life. So there may be some relationships in those two sectors from the past, from earlier in your life, where suddenly some people start coming back. And in some instances, since Venus will station direct in your 11th house, it could be the reestablishing of some friendships from the past that you had forgotten, or friendships maybe that weren’t as strong as they were previously, but they come back into your life for some reason. So that seems like a really positive transit that’s happening in the spring time frame.

And then finally, the last thing I wanted to mention is that the eclipses are shifting from your 5th house of children, sex and sexuality, and creativity, and the eclipses are shifting into your 5th house of that and also into your 11th house of friends and groups. So this is significant because eclipses always represent a period of major beginnings and major endings in the part of the chart that they’re falling in. And for you with this eclipse shifting into this area, we’re gonna see some new beginnings but also some major endings.

So I’m particularly interested in this because it’s again emphasizing the 11th house in your chart, the 11th house of friends and groups. So this again implies that we’re talking about like, a new beginning when it comes to friends and groups. This is coming on the tail end of that Saturn transit, so you’ve probably been having some hard times with friends over the past couple of years, and some of those eclipses potentially have been magnifying that. Like, especially the one that happened in September just a few months ago that was conjunct Saturn. And so it may have been a period of ending friendships. But this eclipse series is gonna last for the next couple of years, and so it’s also gonna begin a new chapter of your life for the topic of friends and groups at the same time. So you’re probably gonna be making some new friendships. This would be a good time to join some new social clubs or find people that are like, like minded people who are interested in similar things as you are. And if you do that, you may actually create some very long-lasting friendships and bonds with people that will last for a very long time in your life.

The last point is just with eclipses taking place in your 5th house at the same time, with that shift starting to take place, the 5th house is traditionally the house that’s associated with children. So for those of you that don’t have children, sometimes eclipses in the 5th house can bring children as a major beginning. For those that already have children, it could mark a new chapter or a new phase in your child’s life for some reason. Like, they hit a new major milestone that’s actually a big deal. In other instances, the 5th house can relate to sex and sexuality, so there can be things about our sexuality that like, it can like, open new doors or new chapters. We can start exploring new things or coming to new understandings about who we are and what we want out of not just our sexual relationships but also our romantic relationships at the same time, since the 5th house is also associated with romance. The 5th is also associated with like, fun and games, and it can just be when eclipses start taking place there, sometimes we can get reacquainted with how useful the topic of leisurely activities is in our life, like, taking up a new hobby or starting to play a new game, or just finding something that brings a greater sense of joy and enjoyment into your life and how crucial that can be in balancing out some of the more challenging things that happen in life. So that’s one of the main pieces of advice when the eclipses start taking place in the spring and in the fall in your 5th house and 11th house axis, especially in the fall, is just to explore new friendships and groups and also try to develop some new hobbies. Because if you do that, I think you’ll bring some really positive things into your life this year, and the future is actually looking pretty bright and pretty optimistic for Taurus in 2025.

All right, so those are the main transits that I wanted to cover for this, just to give you like, a broad overview of the astrology of 2025 with respect to Taurus Sun and rising.

If you’re looking for fortunate dates next year in order to do things, if you’re looking for lucky dates in order to like, start major ventures or take actions, I actually just released my 2025 Electional Astrology Report last week where I went through and I pick out the best dates over the course of the next year for doing different things, and it can be really useful not just for knowing when to launch things but also knowing sometimes dates to avoid that can be a little bit more dicey during different parts of the year.

So I’m actually doing a 20 percent off sale right now through the beginning of January where you can get the report for 20 percent off. So you can find out more information at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/2025Report.

All right, I think that’s it for this forecast, so good luck in 2025, and I’ll see you again next year.

I just released my 2025 astrology calendar posters, which show all of the major astrological transits this year at a glance. And you can get those at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/Merch.

If you wanna learn about my approach to astrology, then I teach an online course in ancient astrology called The Hellenistic Astrology Course, which has hundreds of hours of video lectures where I teach people how to read birth charts and how to understand and predict the future using transits and other timing techniques. So you can find out more information at TheAstrologySchool.com.

Also shout out to our sponsor for this episode, which is the Northwest Astrology Conference, which is happening in May of 2025 in Seattle, Washington, and it’s being simultaneously streamed online at the same time. So you can find out more information at NORWAC.net.

Finally, thanks to the patrons that help to support the production of this episode of The Astrology Podcast through my page on Patreon. You can get early access to new episodes plus other bonus content by becoming a patron at Patreon.com/AstrologyPodcast.


Hey, my name is Chris Brennan, and this is your year ahead astrology and horoscope forecast for Gemini for the entire year of 2025. So this is designed for people who have their Sun or their rising sign in the sign of Gemini. And I’m gonna give a big picture overview of some of the major transits and trends and themes that are gonna come up for you over the course of the next year. So let’s go ahead and jump right into it.

So this is the planetary movements calendar, which shows where the planets will start at the beginning of the year and how far through the signs of the zodiac they’ll get by the end of the year in terms of the different sectors of your chart. So the main things I’m gonna focus on – I’m gonna go through roughly chronologically, but I’m also gonna focus on just what the major transits are this year that are taking place throughout it.

So right at the top of the year, we have Mars retrograde in your 2nd house of finances because Mars is gonna be in the sign of Cancer, and it’s gonna station direct in the sign of Cancer in the first quarter of this year. So this can be kind of a tricky time for financial matters, because sometimes Mars can cause us to be a little bit more impulsive. It can cause more spending for different reasons. And sometimes it can even bring up conflict surrounding money and possessions and financial matters. So one of my pieces of advice would just to be extra cautious and careful when it comes to financial matters in the first part of the year because sometimes when we do things too impulsively or we spend money too impulsively, we can get ourselves into trouble, or even put ourselves in a situation that could lead to loss in different ways or like, a loss of possessions is one of the pieces of symbolism of this transit. In other instances, it can just be you putting extra effort and energy and spending a lot more time focused on financial matters or even making cost-cutting a major focus of your life during this time where maybe there’s spending that you can cut that would be beneficial to do so. So that’s something you can think about in the first four months of this year through April.

The good news is that starting in June, Jupiter – the planet of hope and optimism and growth and expansion – then moves into your 2nd house of finances. So the entire second half of the year is very positive for finances and indicating a period of growth and expansion. So it seems like Jupiter comes in and like, kind of like, cleans up after an initially kind of rocky few months or four months at the very beginning of the year when finances might be a little bit more up in the air. So it seems like things stabilize from June onwards and that even you have the potential of growing your finances in significant ways during this time. So that’s a very positive transit that I’m looking forward to.

Other things – the last eclipse is gonna take place in your 11th house of friends and groups. And we’ve been going through a series of eclipses in your 11th house over the course of the past year, year and a half now, and these usually represent major beginnings and major endings when it comes to friendship. So for some people, they start new friendships under these eclipses, and for other people, they sometimes lose friends, or there are certain friendships that may have reached the end of their life cycle so that you start feeling like they’re no longer worth putting as much energy or effort to, and sometimes they can kind of just fade out of your life as a result of that.

So we have this eclipse in Aries in the spring, and I feel like it’s tied in with some other transits that are gonna be going on around that time as well in the March, April time frame and then forward where on the one hand, we have a Venus retrograde transit that starts in Aries in your 11th house of friends and groups, and that can sometimes bring people back into your life from the past can suddenly come into the present and suddenly reconnecting with them can be part of that energy and part of what’s going on there. And then Venus retrogrades back into your 10th house of career and stations direct, which can be rethinking things in terms of your career, but generally just a positive turning point for the most part with respect to your career and reputation.

So the other thing that’s happening is that the planet Saturn has been spending the past couple of years basically transiting your 10th house of career. And this transit is getting towards the later phases of it, and Saturn this year is actually gonna depart from your 10th house of career and move into your 11th house of friends and groups. So this is indicating two things going on this year. On the one hand, we’re gonna see some alleviation of some challenges and obstacles and difficulties that you’ve probably been experiencing over the past couple of years when it comes to your career, your reputation, and trying to figure out what your overall life direction is supposed to be. So Saturn’s gonna depart from your 10th house, which is gonna alleviate some of those issues, at least temporarily for several months in the middle of 2025.

Additionally, Neptune is gonna depart from your 10th house where it’s been transiting for many, many years now – for like, a decade now – which can sometimes be tricky, because Neptune can bring a greater sense of idealism to your career pursuits, but it can also make things kind of murky and kind of nebulous and a little bit hard to see where you’re going. So I’m anticipating that one of the things you’re gonna experience this year with Neptune departing from your 10th house temporarily during the middle months of the year is suddenly having a greater sense of like, clarity about where you’re supposed to be going with your life and what you’re supposed to be doing. So that’s gonna start – I think Neptune departs in like, the April, May time frame, and then it doesn’t come back into your 10th house until October because it’s still got some final transits to do through there in 2026. But this is gonna be a nice preview of some 10th house things that shift away from your 10th house that’s happening this year.

So what will happen, though, is that Saturn and Neptune are both gonna move into your 11th house of friends and groups. Now with Saturn, sometimes this can bring a period of some current friendships kind of cooling off or starting to have more distance or sort of coldness in them where you might start rethinking like, certain friendships in your life, and may have in some instances people just get rid of some friendships or some friendships come to an end. In other instances, it could be something about a friend of yours who’s having difficulties in their life during this time, and that impacting your life in some way, especially if you need to help them or take care of them or something like that.

So we’re gonna get a preview of that with Saturn going in there this year in the middle months of 2025. And then we’re also gonna get Neptune going into your 11th house of friendship for a good chunk of the middle part of the year as well, which with Neptune it can bring a greater sense of idealism to your 11th house. So you may find yourself getting involved in groups and social movements for some sort of specific cause or to achieve some sort of higher purpose. But one of the things you wanna be careful with always with Neptune is that Neptune sometimes can make things look different at first than they actually are, and that may be challenging then to keep your feet on the ground and to keep a sense of reality as you start experiencing some of those things with respect to friends and groups. So Saturn may help, because you’re gonna have these tensions between Saturn on the one hand in your 11th house of friends and groups inclining you to be very realistic, sometimes to the point of pessimism or like, being too focused on the cold, hard facts, versus Neptune that’s gonna wanna drag you in more of a direction of idealism and thinking that everything is great, or even have an overly sort of Pollyanna view of things. So those tensions are going to become – you’re gonna get a preview of those tensions this year in 2025 and it will be important to pay attention to that and see what arises, because it could be an early indication of some longer term themes that are gonna develop over the course of the rest of the decade of the 2020s since Saturn will spend like, three years in that sign and Neptune will spend seven years, I believe, or actually maybe closer to a decade in that sign.

All right. So all of that’s taking place. The last thing that I wanted to mention is – actually, no, there’s two things I need to mention. One, the eclipses are shifting and moving into your 10th house and 4th house axis. So the 4th house pertains to our home and living situation and also our parents, so you may see some major beginnings and major endings when it comes to that area of your life this year that are really gonna ramp up starting in the spring and then especially in the fall when the second set of eclipses takes place.

So some people – a major beginning or major ending can be like, moving away from one place or not living in a certain location and moving into a different one, which can represent on the one hand closing of a chapter and also the opening of a new one. So sometimes the 4th house also pertains to our parents and things that are going on in their life or things with respect to our relationship with them. So you may see some major beginnings and major endings with respect to your parents as well at this time. So those are the 4th house eclipses. But there’s also gonna be eclipses in your 10th house, which is like, your public life, your career, and your reputation. And that’s one of the interesting things when people start having eclipses between the 4th house at the bottom of the chart, which is the most private and hidden part of the chart that represents our private life, and then having eclipses at the same time taking place in the top half of the chart that represents our public life, our career, and our reputation is that sometimes we find that those areas are more interlinked than we think. Like, for example, moving to a new area and getting a new home can sometimes lead to you getting a new job. Or in other instances, like, major beginnings and endings can be like, losing a job in one area or coming to the end of a job for some reason, and then as a result of that needing to move and relocate.

So there’s lots of different combinations of how that can work out, but just the major theme is the keywords I want you to remember and pay attention to are “major beginnings and major endings” when it comes to your 10th house of career and your 4th house of home and family.

So the final thing I have to mention, which is actually the biggest thing of the year, is that starting in the middle of the year in July, the planet Uranus is gonna move into the sign of Gemini for the first time in something like 80 years. And it’s gonna spend – this is gonna be an initial preview of this transit in 2025, but it’s gonna spend seven years transiting through that sign. And because Gemini is your rising sign or your Sun sign, this is actually a huge deal for you.

So the planet Uranus can bring a sudden impulse – especially in the first house – can bring a sudden impulse for like, freedom, for doing things differently. Sometimes you can become more rebellious. And especially one of the things I’ve noticed from the Taurus rising people that have been experiencing this transit over the past seven years is they can really have this sudden internal urge to get rid of all restrictions and other things that have been holding them back up to that point, and instead just finally go off and do what they’ve always wanted to do and go in a specific direction that they’ve always wanted to pursue. So you’re gonna have some of those impulses this year are going to start to arise within you. And it’s good to try to find balance and moderation to a certain extent, though, because one of the things with Uranus is that it wants to make changes very quick and rapidly and it doesn’t want to wait. And so similarly, you may want to start making some major changes in your life and not want to wait, and sometimes that can be okay. But other times, it can be kind of chaotic. It can be kind of rushed and not really well considered.

So the first house also relates to our body and our physical vitality and sometimes some changes there. It can also relate to our mind. One of the areas is it can relate to our appearance, so you may have some sudden and unexpected things that you wanna do in terms of your appearance or how you appear to people that may appear like, shocking or surprising to other people at first because it’s such a radical departure for you relative to whatever your norm is up to this point. So sometimes this can cause or have side effects of like, disruptions in relationships or other things like that because you’re going through so many changes, and some of these changes are so radical that for other people it may seem like you’re being very erratic or you’re doing things too quickly, or other things like that. But sometimes this is necessary, because when that impulse arises within us, it’s sometimes hard to fight that or to say no to it, or to completely turn a blind eye once you’ve been exposed to the experience of truly having freedom in some area of your life where you’ve previously been held back.

So I’m actually very excited about this transit for you, because it’s gonna be so personally important to you and because that can be such a revolutionary and exciting time in a person’s life. I remember I had Uranus transit my first house in Aquarius right over my Ascendant back when I first discovered astrology, and it completely changed my life and I became super focused on it and realized that that’s what I wanted to do with my life. So hopefully for each of you having this transit, there will be something exciting and revolutionary that you’ll discover and you’ll end up stumbling upon your life purpose during the course of this transit over the course of the next six to seven years. So this will just be the first preview of this in the second half of 2025, so keep an eye out for it, and yeah – let me know once some of those themes start emerging how you end up experiencing that.

All right. I think that’s it for the major transits I wanted to cover for 2025. So if you’re looking for fortunate dates next year to do things, I actually just released my 2025 Electional Astrology Report where I go through and I pick out the best dates next year in order to launch new projects or take actions, as well as highlighting which dates to avoid doing things that are gonna be a little bit more difficult or tricky to work with if you attempt at that time. So I’m doing a 20 percent off sale through the first week of January, an initial like, launch sale, on the report, so you can get it for 20 percent off. Just go to the TheAstrologyPodcast.com/2025Report for more information.

All right, that’s it for this report. So good luck in 2025, and I’ll see you again next year.

I just released my 2025 astrology calendar posters, which show all of the major astrological transits this year at a glance. And you can get those at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/Merch.

If you wanna learn more about my approach to astrology, then I teach an online course in ancient astrology called The Hellenistic Astrology Course, which has hundreds of hours of video lectures where I teach people how to read birth charts and how to understand and predict the future using transits and other timing techniques. So you can find out more information at TheAstrologySchool.com.

Also shout out to our sponsor for this episode, which is the Northwest Astrology Conference, which is happening in May of 2025 in Seattle, Washington, and it’s being simultaneously streamed online at the same time. So you can find out more information at NORWAC.net.

Finally, thanks to the patrons that help to support the production of this episode of The Astrology Podcast through my page on Patreon. You can get early access to new episodes plus other bonus content by becoming a patron at Patreon.com/AstrologyPodcast.


Hey, my name is Chris Brennan, and this is your year ahead horoscope forecast for the zodiac sign of Cancer for the entire year of 2025. So my horoscopes are designed for those that have either their Sun sign in Cancer or their rising sign in Cancer. And I’m gonna give sort of a big picture overview of some of the major trends and astrological themes that are coming up over the course of the next 12 months. So let’s go ahead and jump right into it.

So this is the planetary movements calendar that shows where the planets will start at the beginning of the year and how far through the signs of the zodiac they’ll get by the end of the year, which helps to show that we have some clustering of different planets in different sectors of your chart over the next 12 months. So these are some of the things I’m gonna cover roughly chronologically, although I’m gonna also rank them in terms of importance at different points. And I wanna start at the beginning of the year with one of the major transits, which is Mars is actually retrograde in your second house of finances and your first house of self.

So Mars stationed retrograde in December, and it’s in your 2nd house of finances and will move backwards into your first house of self at the very beginning of January. So the initial part of this transit may be a little bit tricky or challenging when it comes to financial matters; that may be something you’re experiencing in December. There can be extra expenditures during that time. It’s good to exercise caution due to a tendency sometimes to spend impulsively or without thinking it out first and then potentially regretting it later. But that transit is fading into the background really quickly at the beginning of January, and Mars backs up and it moves into the sign of Cancer into your first house, which is the house of self, body, mind, and also appearance.

So one of the things about this transit that’s gonna last for roughly the first four months of the year that Mars is gonna be transiting your rising sign, and one of the things you wanna be careful about during this transit is that Mars can sometimes be the planet of strife and conflict. And when it’s transiting your first house, sometimes you can become a little bit more irritable compared to other times in your life. So greater tendency to irritability, being quick to anger, being more impulsive during this period than at other times in your life. So one of the things that you have to do is kind of exercise caution and restraint, not just because you can end up initiating conflicts that end up becoming a bigger deal than you might anticipate or intend at first that could cause strife in relationships and other things like that, but also the energy of Mars – you’re just gonna have so much more energy and so much more drive, but also more impulsiveness during this time. And sometimes that can have the side effect of we can act without thinking, which can sometimes result in getting into accidents or having other types of injuries or ailments to the body, which is represented by the first house. And so that’s why you wanna be extra careful during this time just in order to avoid some of the potential downsides of that transit.

All right, so that’s the Mars retrograde that’s lasting for the first four months of the year, but what’s interesting is that starting in June for the entire second half of the year, the planet Jupiter moves into Cancer and goes into your first house of mind, body, and self. So it basically goes through the same sector of the chart that Mars was in in the first four months of the year, and Jupiter is a positive planet that will clean up and sort of fix some of the problems that Mars may have left behind or will sweep up some of the dust that was left in the aftermath of that Mars transit. So this is actually really positive, because it indicates not just a period of alleviation of some of those Mars issues from earlier in the year, which may pertain to like, strife or conflict, but Jupiter also improves and expands and grows whatever part of the chart that it’s in. So since it’s going through your first house, that’s just a generally positive transit that lasts for the entire second half of 2025 as well as the first half of 2026 because it’s a year long transit. So this is a period where you might start feeling extra optimistic. You might start planning things for the long term. Jupiter is also the planet of luck, so during this time, some of the actions that you take and the things that you do are gonna have a greater chance of success just in general, partially because you’re gonna be approaching things with a better outlook than usual, and almost sort of like, projecting out a positive vision for the future. But also sometimes there’s different times in our life where we just find ourselves in the right place at the right time and doing the right things. And for Cancer, especially in the second half of 2025, I think that’s one of your themes for this year. It can also be a good period to improve your body and physical vitality when Jupiter’s going through your first house, so you may wanna do some things or start some new things in order to improve your body, or even potentially your appearance. Sometimes people like, have a makeover or change something about their appearance at this time in order to better reflect themselves internally, and that could be a very positive thing for you here as well.

All right, so those are those transits for the first part of the year. In the second half of the year, the planet Uranus, it’s gonna depart from your 11th house of friends and groups where the past several years since about 2018 Uranus has been bringing a lot of major changes, a lot of disruptions, and also sometimes some innovations or some fun and excitement to your 11th house of friends and groups and alliances. So that transit is entering its final stages in 2025 and 2026, and we’re gonna get an initial preview of Uranus dipping into your 12th house.

So the 12th house is kind of tricky because the 12th house sometimes has to do with people that we don’t get along with very well in our life. And when Uranus goes into that house, sometimes there can be unexpected disruptions that come up with respect to those people. So Uranus is typically experienced as the planet of freedom and of having this intense drive to break away from things that were holding you back previously. So it may be that there were some situations with people you don’t get along with or even people that you consider enemies in your life that you suddenly have this intense urge to break away from some of those negative or not very supportive relationships in your life. So that’s gonna come into focus in the second half of the year once Uranus moves into that sign.

The 12th house can also sometimes have to do with ways in which we undermine ourselves, so you may be able to start looking at yourself with a little bit greater clarity at this time and maybe finding some ways to break free of past patterns and behaviors that are no longer serving you, and instead having sort of like, a revolution when it comes to how you treat yourself in the future. And this can be both in terms of external things, but also in terms of internal things where sometimes 12th house transits can be really good in terms of going inward and having sort of internal revolutions through things like therapy or other internal journeys which help to bring you to sort of a new chapter of your life with respect to how you treat yourself and how you try to avoid undermining yourself in different ways.

All right, so that’s the beginning of that Uranus transit in the second half of the year. The next transits I wanted to talk about is that it looks like the eclipses are shifting into your 3rd house and 9th house axis where eclipses are gonna start taking place in Virgo and Pisces. They’ve actually already started. As of last September, there was one in your 9th house of education and travel. And this is tied in with another shift that’s happening where Saturn and Neptune are gonna depart from your 9th house, which they’ve been transiting for – Neptune for many years, since like, 2011, and Saturn for the past couple of years now since early 2023. So what this shift is about, especially with the eclipses, is major beginnings and major endings when it comes to the topics of education and learning, communication and how you communicate what you know to the world, and also the topic of travel is a major 3rd house-9th house theme, as well as movement and mobility and how you get around both locally but also potentially like, internationally or globally.

So with 9th house eclipses taking place, the 9th house can represent education and learning, but also our beliefs and our systems of beliefs, and there may be some things that are changing there, where you hit a point where you’ve come to the end of a chapter with respect to some thing that you used to believe or something that you’re in the process of letting go. But every time you end a chapter, you’re also opening up a new one. So there may be some new educational or philosophical or even like, political things that you’re exploring that are starting now that may seem small or inconsequential at first, but eventually will grow into and you’ll realize in retrospect that it was a major turning point for you with respect to your beliefs later on. So part of that also with eclipses in the 3rd house is learning how to communicate what you believe and what you think about the world and what you’ve learned, and you may go through a process over the next couple of years about learning how to communicate better and more effectively after some different highs and low points, basically, with respect to that over the next year or so.

All right, so major beginnings and endings in that sector of your chart. There’s also Saturn has been transiting through your 9th house for the past few years, which could sometimes bring some challenges or obstacles or difficulties to education, beliefs, travel, religion, or other things like that. And also Neptune is departing from your 9th house as well, which can probably for the past decade has made things a little bit more nebulous where you may have been under a false impression for certain things or you may have had an overly idealistic orientation towards believing in something or learning something. But when Saturn came through that house over the past couple of years, it brought some cold, hard reality. And that’s just getting accelerated by some of the eclipses that are starting to take place there at this point as well.

So the main thing I wanted to focus on with this transit of Saturn-Neptune is they’re actually departing from your 9th house of belief, and they’re moving into your 10th house of career. So Saturn moving into your 10th house of career can sometimes bring some obstacles and setbacks with respect to career matters. But usually it’s sort of like, surmountable difficulties where something comes up and then you have to expend effort to overcome it, but as a result of that, you become stronger as a result. At the same time with Neptune going into your 10th house at the same time, there may be some sense of like, nebulousness where things become a little bit less clear with respect to your career and life direction, and I think these are gonna be tensions that are gonna become really apparent in the second half especially in the middle of 2025 where you have Saturn on the one hand that’s drawing you in one direction with respect to your career and asking you to be really realistic and really objective and really almost like, cold about it, almost to the point potentially of pessimism. Whereas Neptune going into your 10th house of career is gonna be drawing you in the other direction of being potentially overly idealistic, having a sort of like, romanticized view of your life direction, or even not having your feet on the ground so to speak so that you’re sort of imagining things as being way better than they actually are. So those tensions are gonna become apparent in the middle part of 2025, and I think it’ll be important to pay attention to what arises after Saturn and Neptune go into that sector of your chart, because it’s gonna be a preview of some longer term transits that are gonna play out over the next several years with Saturn spending about three years in the sign of Aries going through your 10th house and Neptune spending about a decade going through that sector of your chart. So pay attention to those shifts, because they could be intimations of something more significant.

All right, so along with that, you’ve been having eclipses take place over the past year in your 4th house of home and family and your 10th house of career and life direction. And in the spring, in like, the March-April time frame, we’re gonna get the last eclipse in your 10th house of career, indicating a major beginning or major ending – probably both – in that sector of your chart. So since you’ve been having eclipses in your 4th and 10th house, there’s probably been some changes at home or changes in terms of your private life and your family over the past year that have been tied in in some way with your career and your overall life direction. So some of those themes should already be apparent, but they reach a sort of culmination in the March-April time frame, and there’s some sort of major ending with respect to career, but also laying the seeds or the foundations for some sort of major beginning. So that’s interesting how that ties in with everything, and then of course, if that wasn’t enough, there’s one more 10th house transit, which is that Venus goes retrograde in the spring around the same time as that eclipse in the March-April time frame. It stations retrograde in your 10th house of career, and then it retrogrades back to your 9th house of beliefs and education and philosophy. And for some of you, there’s gonna be things that you have to go back and rethink in terms of your career and in terms of your beliefs and education. There could be some people coming back from the past or some situations coming back from the past that become relevant to you again now, especially from about eight years ago Venus went retrograde in the same sector of your chart in the spring of 2017. So in some instances, you may be able to go back and look at that period and see a sort of preview or connection between what was happening at that point in your life and what happens now in the spring of 2025. But for those of you, especially with night charts, I think this is gonna be a very positive transit, especially when Venus stations in your 10th house of career, because sometimes this can be a period in which we – since the 10th represents not just our career but our reputation – where things are going better, where we’re receiving recognition for some things that we have down, where we’re having success in general in the career sphere. That’s usually a very positive transit, especially for the night chart people. So that’s something that I would look forward to. It may cause you, when Venus – it may reflect when Venus retrogrades back into your 9th house of belief and education and travel, you may have to go back and review some things in that area of your life that need to be reviewed and revisited in some way. But ultimately, I think this is gonna be a very positive transit and should really help to kick off some of the other 10th house career things that I’ve talked about from other transits that are gonna be taking place over the course of the rest of 2025. So yeah, it just seems like a big year for career for you especially, and secondarily for education and beliefs and potentially travel. So those are the two topics that I would focus on, and otherwise it looks like a great year for Cancer in 2025.

All right, so that’s it for your transits. This was mainly a forecast and an overview of the major general themes this year, but if you’re looking for another list of dates on when to do things, like – I just recently released my 2025 Electional Astrology Report where I go through each of the next 12 months of next year, and I pick out the best dates that are the most fortunate astrologically for doing different things. And people have used my annual reports to launch businesses or get married or take a major trip or other things like that, just because it gives you the best dates for doing things in the following year. So I’m running a 20 percent off sale until the first week of January as just a launch sale, so you can get it for 20 percent off right now at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/2025Report.

All right, that’s it for this forecast, so good luck in 2025, and I’ll see you again next year!

I just released my 2025 astrology calendar posters, which show all of the major astrological transits this year at a glance. And you can get those at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/Merch.

If you wanna learn about my approach to astrology, then I teach an online course in ancient astrology called The Hellenistic Astrology Course, which has hundreds of hours of video lectures where I teach people how to read birth charts and how to understand and predict the future using transits and other timing techniques. So you can find out more information at TheAstrologySchool.com.

Also shout out to our sponsor for this episode, which is the Northwest Astrology Conference, which is happening in May of 2025 in Seattle, Washington, and it’s being simultaneously streamed online at the same time. So you can find out more information at NORWAC.net.

Finally, thanks to the patrons that help to support the production of this episode of The Astrology Podcast through my page on Patreon. You can get early access to new episodes plus other bonus content by becoming a patron at Patreon.com/AstrologyPodcast.


Hey, my name is Chris Brennan, and this is your year ahead horoscope and astrology forecast for the zodiac sign of Leo for the entire year of 2025. So these horoscopes that I’m making today are designed for those that have either their Sun sign in Leo or their rising sign in Leo. And I’m gonna give kind of a big picture overview of some of the major themes coming up in the next 12 months just looking at astrological transits to your birth chart, especially for those of you with Leo rising. All right, so let’s jump right into it.

So here’s the planetary movements calendar that shows where the planets will start at the beginning of the year and what signs of the zodiac they’ll go through by the end of the year. And it shows you how there’s kind of a cluster of different transits that go through some very specific sectors of your birth chart over the next year. So some of the transits I’m gonna talk about today, I’m gonna go through a little bit chronologically at first, but then I’m gonna jump around to ones that are hitting the same sector of your chart or ones that seem more important than others.

So the first transit I wanted to start with is that when we open the year, Mars is retrograde in your first and your 12th house. It starts retrograde in Leo, because Mars just stationed retrograde in Leo in your first house of mind, body, and self in December, and then in early January, it retrogrades and moves back into your 12th house of people that you don’t get along with and sometimes self-undoing and other themes like that. So what this means for you is that since Mars just went retrograde in your first house, sometimes that can be a more irritable period in which you’re more easily angered or getting into conflicts, or sometimes there can be bodily or physical health issues that come up, and this is happening in December and just the first couple of days of January. But then very quickly, Mars shifts into your 12th house, and with Mars going retrograde in your 12th house, usually this is a period where if there’s people that we don’t get along with in our life, there’s a greater chance of conflict and having, yeah, just disagreements with those people at this point in time. And sometimes that becoming a bigger conflict or having greater tensions in that area compared to other times in our life.

So there’s certain – this is basically gonna be in effect for the first four months of the year because it’s a retrograde, so it’s an extended transit in that part of your chart. It’s not gonna be completely intense for the entirety of that. Like, for example, the exact station or other exact transits that you may have depending on what your birth chart is and where the planets are located are gonna indicate some of the most intense parts of that transit. But broadly speaking, it’s just something that’s kind of there in the background for the first four months of the year.

So one of the things that you might wanna do is just be careful in terms of getting into conflicts with people that you don’t agree with or even with people that you consider to be enemies in your life, because sometimes what seems like a little conflict at first or if you initiate a conflict with somebody in the heat of the moment or not thinking that it’ll be a big deal if you say something, you know, brash or impulsive, you may find out that it could snowball and turn into a bigger conflict than you actually intend or than you were actually anticipating at the time. Sometimes since it’s a retrograde, it can bring people back from the past. So this may have to do with somebody from your past coming back that you have to deal with or who’s irritating or that you may have to have a confrontation with. So that’s the tricky news. The good news, though, is Jupiter is actually going to move into this same sector of your chart in the entire second half of the year when Jupiter moves into the sign of Cancer.

So Jupiter’s gonna come in and basically sweep up some of the dust and whatever tensions arose in the first four months of the year from June onwards. Jupiter’s gonna come in and start bringing you some benefits in that area of your life and start smoothing things over. So if you did run into any issues with like, enemies or people that you don’t get along with at the beginning of the year, then by the second half of the year, things are starting to be on the mend and things are starting to clean up a bit, and you may actually start experiencing some benefits as a result of people that you don’t get along with or as a result of enemies or other people in that general area. So that’s actually very good news and very positive in the second half of the year.

So let’s move on to other stuff. So the next thing I wanted to talk about is the eclipses are shifting into your 2nd and 8th house axis, which is the financial sector of your chart. So eclipses – my keyword for them is that they always represent major beginnings and major endings in the area of the life that they’re falling, the area of the chart that they fall. And for you, this means major beginnings and major endings when it comes to your finances and personal possessions, as well as the role that other people’s money or other people’s finances play in your life at the same time. And what eclipses will do when this is happening on this axis is they will show how those two areas are actually interlinked in your life in some way so that your personal finances may be tied in with somebody else’s finances in some way that’s significant, and one may impact the other.

So sometimes this happens through simple things, like if you’re in a relationship, your partner could be going through some financial changes, either positive ones or challenging ones. But this could end up having an impact on your personal finances or vice versa; if you have some major changes in your financial picture, it could impact those of your spouse or your partner at the same time. So those are some themes that I would pay attention to as potential themes as the eclipses start to shift there. We’re gonna get an initial preview of that in the springtime when there’s the first eclipse in Virgo, but then it’ll be full on later in the fall when we get an eclipse in Virgo and an eclipse in Pisces fully activating that axis of your chart, that financial axis. So that’ll be interesting to pay attention to.

The next thing is that the planets Saturn and Neptune have been transiting through your 8th house for the past while now, for Neptune for like, 10 years, and Saturn for the past two years since early 2023. And Saturn especially was probably bringing some a period of greater challenges when it comes to shared resources in your life or the partner’s finances or the role of other people’s money in your life in general. And with Saturn starting to depart from that house, you’re going to have a feeling of somewhat not entirely temporary, but a period of relief from that as Saturn departs from the 8th house and moves into your 9th house. Similarly, with Neptune departing from your 8th house, there may have been some nebulousness or lack of clarity with respect to the role that other people’s finances plays in your life for the past several years that’s become especially prominent in the past year or two. But that transit also is gonna temporarily end when Saturn goes into Aries in the spring of this year for most of the middle part of 2025.

So Saturn and Neptune, when they depart from your 8th house, they’re gonna remove some of those challenges, and then they’re gonna move into your 9th house, which represents your beliefs, which includes like, religion and philosophy. So the 9th house also represents travel, education, foreign people and foreign countries. But I primarily look at the 9th house as the house that has to do with beliefs. And with Saturn moving into your 9th house at the same time as Neptune, that’s probably gonna bring up some challenges and some restructuring when it comes to your beliefs and your outlook on the world in general where on the one hand, Saturn is going to be pulling you in one direction where it’s gonna ask you to look at things really realistically, almost to the point of pessimism, whereas Neptune is gonna be pulling you in the opposite direction of trying to push you to look at things very idealistically, but almost to the point of, you know, not being realistic at all about what the situation actually is in reality. And this is gonna be a tension for you that’s gonna start this year especially during the middle part of 2025 when Saturn and Neptune are both transiting early Aries before they retrograde back out at the end of the year and go back into Pisces and back into your 8th for a little bit. But I think it’s gonna be really important to start paying attention to any changes in your belief system or your political philosophy or just education and learning in general in your life at this time, because this is gonna give you a preview of some longer term themes that are gonna play out for – in the case of Saturn, for the next three years because it’s a three year long transit through your 9th house, and for the case of Neptune, it’s gonna be closer to a decade long transit through that house in your chart. So you wanna try to do what you can to find balance and equilibrium when it comes to those things as much as possible.

So going along with this transit, we’re gonna see the last eclipse taking place in your 9th house in Aries in the springtime around the March-April time frame. And right around the same time, we have Venus going retrograde in your 9th house and going back into your 8th house. So this is the last eclipse in your 9th house where you’ve been having eclipses bouncing back and forth between your 9th house of belief and education and travel and your 3rd house of communication, siblings, neighbors, community, and local travel over the course of the past year since approximately October of 2023. So that indicates that you’ve been going through a period of major beginnings and major endings already when it comes to your belief system as well as how you communicate what you believe and what you know. And the communication part of that is kind of wrapped up, but there’s one more eclipse that has yet to take place in your 9th house of belief and religion and philosophy, and that’s gonna take place in March and April. And since it’s the last eclipse, I would suspect that it’s going to be the end of a series of major beginnings and major endings for you that have been seriously altering and laying the seeds for a new foundation when it comes to your personal philosophy and your personal beliefs about life and the purpose of what you’re doing here. But there’s one final thing that has to take place in order to push you fully into the new direction that you’re headed, and I think it’s gonna happen around the time of this eclipse in the March-April time frame, especially since right around the same time, Venus goes retrograde in your 9th house as well. And sometimes that can bring a person into your life that can help to change your outlook on things or to help you to revise or re-look at your personal philosophy of life in a significant way. So since it is a retrograde, Venus retrogrades can sometimes bring a person from the past back into your life, and this could have an effect on your 9th house in terms of your personal beliefs. It can also sometimes just be taking a major trip or going on a major journey which then has a profound impact on you in some way. So that’s gonna be really interesting and notable. Venus will retrograde back into your 8th house of shared resources, so that’s just activating some of the things going on in terms of the role of other people’s money and what that plays in your life is somehow tied in with the travel and the changes in your religious or personal philosophy at this time.

All right, so the last transit, though, I wanted to mention – and this is a really major one. It’s probably the biggest transit. Is that Uranus is leaving your 10th house of career where it’s been transiting for the past six years now since 2018 when it went into Taurus. And it’s going to enter into your 11th house of friends and groups and alliances.

So the Uranus transit in your 10th house since 2018 has probably been causing some major changes and major shake-ups with respect to your career and your overall life direction, and there’s probably been some unexpected twists and turns that have coincided with that transit over the past six or seven years. But what’s happening now is that Uranus – starting in July, it’s gonna move into the sign of Gemini for the second half of the year, and Uranus is gonna start shaking up the sector of your chart that has to do with friends and groups. So sometimes this can mean that you start getting involved in some new groups or getting involved with some new friends who are completely different than anything that you’ve – anyone you’ve ever interacted with before, and who really lead you to shake up and sort of revolutionize your life in different ways. So sometimes this can happen through technology, since Uranus is often associated with tech. What else? The 11th house – sometimes it’s very idealistic, and it’ll cause you to make changes in your life really abruptly or really quickly. So there may be a specific Uranian figure or somebody that comes into your life at this time that has Uranus prominent in their chart and who causes or helps to instigate some of these major changes and shake-ups in your life at this time. So sometimes this can be a good thing because it can cause you to break free of old restrictions and things that were holding you back in the past, which sometimes can be old friendships that have kind of outlived their life cycle or that have reached the end of their time. And sometimes you can suddenly wanna break free of those and just go independently in a completely different direction. But it’s gonna be important to start paying attention to what happens in the area of friends and groups starting in the second half of 2025, because this is actually gonna be a preview – just the very first initial preview – of a longer seven-year transit of Uranus through that sign that’s gonna completely shake up that area of your life over the course of the rest of this decade and the early part of the next decade. So pay attention to if there’s any major changes that start happening starting in July when it comes to your friends, because that – if there is, that could be a preview of some significant stuff that’s gonna play a larger role in your life over the course of the next seven years. But most of the time, that’s a perfectly positive transit even though it can be kind of disruptive and there can be unexpected things that come out of left field. Normally, the end result of it is pushing you in a direction that’s new and innovative in your life that you might not have gone otherwise, and ultimately, that’s usually for the best.

All right, so I think that’s the last major transit I wanted to talk about for 2025, and those are your transits for next year.

So if you’re looking for – this was more of a broad overview report of the major transits for you next year. I also recently released my 2025 Electional Astrology Report where I go through and I identify the best dates in 2025 which you can use in order to take major actions or to start new ventures like starting a business or getting married or going on a major trip. So that’s all available in that report, and I’m actually doing a 20 percent off sale right now until the first week of January where you can get a huge discount as part of my launch sale. So you can find out more information about that at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/2025Report.

All right, that’s it for this forecast, so good luck in 2025, and I’ll see you again next year!

I just released my 2025 astrology calendar posters, which show all of the major astrological transits this year at a glance. And you can get those at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/Merch.

If you wanna learn more about my approach to astrology, then I teach an online course in ancient astrology called The Hellenistic Astrology Course, which has hundreds of hours of video lectures where I teach people how to read birth charts and how to understand and predict the future using transits and other timing techniques. So you can find out more information at TheAstrologySchool.com.

Also shout out to our sponsor for this episode, which is the Northwest Astrology Conference, which is happening in May of 2025 in Seattle, Washington, and it’s being simultaneously streamed online at the same time. So you can find out more information at NORWAC.net.

Finally, thanks to the patrons that help to support the production of this episode of The Astrology Podcast through my page on Patreon. You can get early access to new episodes plus other bonus content by becoming a patron at Patreon.com/AstrologyPodcast.


Hey, my name is Chris Brennan, and this is your year ahead horoscope and astrology forecast for the zodiac sign of Virgo for the entire year of 2025. So my horoscopes are primarily designed for those that have either their Sun sign in Virgo or their rising sign in Virgo. And I’m gonna give kind of a big picture overview of the next 12 months and some of the major transits and themes that you can expect from the coming year. All right, so let’s jump right into it.

So here’s the planetary movements calendar that shows where the planets will start at the beginning of the year and how far through the signs of the zodiac they’ll get by the end of the year, which shows some of the areas of activity that are gonna be happening in your chart at different times during the course of the year.

So here are some of the major things I’m gonna focus on, and I’m gonna go through roughly chronologically, but I’m also gonna try to prioritize those transits that are the most important. And here are some specific dates that you can refer back to later for some of the transits that I’m referring to in terms of time frames in which they’ll take place.

All right, so let’s jump into the very first transit. So I wanted to talk first about the Mars retrograde that recently started, which is taking place in your 12th house of enemies and people that you don’t get along with as well as your 11th house of friends and groups and alliances. So Mars in December and the first few days of January is gonna be retrograde in your 12th house of enemies, and sometimes there’s people that we don’t get along with in our life that we come into conflict with, and this may be one of those times where you’re just not getting along with certain people in your life. There could be certain people that are trying to undermine you or who don’t have your best interests in mind, and sometimes when you have a Mars retrograde transit like this, it can really bring those tensions to a head and force you to address or confront those things in some way. Sometimes you have to stand up to certain people if they are, you know, doing things that are not okay. So that’s really just December and the first week of January. And then for most of the first four months of 2025, Mars actually retrogrades back into your 11th house of friends and groups. So this may create a connection between that topic of enemies that we were just talking about and for some reason the topic of friends and alliances at the same time. So sometimes when Mars goes retrograde in our 11th house, it can indicate a period in which we’re not getting along with our friends as well as we used to. Sometimes there can be like, conflicts or verbal altercations with friends. And in some instances, you may find that there’s a friendship that has outlived its sort of shelf life, basically, at this point, and may depart from your life at this time. So sometimes that can be something that happens externally to you, but other times it can be an internal choice that you make yourself where perhaps there’s somebody that’s like, you know, really not taking care of you, not being a good friend, or doesn’t have your best interests in mind. And in some instances, you have to cut certain things out of your life in order to move forward. And in the first four months of this year, that may be something that’s really on your mind and something that’s really necessary.

So that’s the start of the year for the first four months, roughly. And that’s kind of the, let’s say bad news so to speak. The good news is that in June, for the entire second half of the year, the planet Jupiter is gonna move from your 10th house of career, where it’s giving you very positive career transits from the second half of 2024 through the first half of 2025. So Jupiter’s indicating a period of growth and expansion for your career; it should be a period of luck or success when it comes to that area of your life. And Jupiter’s gonna move in June into your 11th house of friends and groups. So whatever conflict was stirred up in the first four months of the year, whatever separations or dissension or like, whatever dust was kicked up at the beginning of the year by Mars, Jupiter’s gonna come through and kind of sweep things up and reconcile and unify things to make things better than they were in the first part of the year. So this is actually a very positive transit. If you went through a period of like, losing a friendship earlier in the year, you’re gonna go through a period of gaining new friends by the second half of 2025 and into the first half of 2026. And generally, it’s just gonna be a very positive and like, optimistic time for not just friendship but also building alliances or working with groups of people for a larger ideal or purpose. So that’s a great transit in the second half of the year.

Moving on, I wanted to talk about the eclipses, which are shifting to your first house and 7th house axis, because we’re starting to have the eclipses move into Virgo and into Pisces, which is your first house of self and your 7th house of relationships. So this means there’s gonna be a major period over the course of the next couple of years that eclipses will be bouncing back and forth between those two sectors of your chart where the main theme is gonna be major beginnings and major endings when it comes to relationships, and when it comes to your personal sense of self and some of the things that go along with that, which includes your body and your physical vitality, and in some instances, your appearance, but also your mind and your attitude towards your sense of self and identity and who you are in this world. So major beginnings and major endings in that area. What usually happens is it opens up a period of going back and forth in six month increments where sometimes a person is like, super focused on relationships, and in some instances, there can be some relationships that have reached the end of their life cycle and may come to an end at this point. Like, especially personal one-on-one relationships, which can be either romantic relationships or also sometimes business partnerships. There’s some relationships that may come to an end at this time, or the end of a chapter. But there’s other relationships that are actually gonna start at this time. And what happens with eclipses is that when eclipses take place in the 7th house, sometimes you’ll meet somebody and it’ll be like, laying the seeds for a new relationship, but usually it’s not very evident at first. Like, you don’t know right away how significant that a relationship’s gonna be in the long run. But usually when relationships start under eclipses, you realize in retrospect that that was actually a big deal meeting that person or starting that interaction with them. So pay attention to that.

Other things going on – Saturn and Neptune are departing from your 7th house of relationships, and they’re moving into your 8th house, which has to do with other people’s money and finances. So this is good, because Saturn starting to depart from your 7th house is gonna remove some restrictions and some obstacles that have been coming up over the past couple of years when it comes to relationships where you may have struggled with that part of your life a little bit more than at other times when Saturn is transiting your 7th house. Additionally, Neptune departing from your 7th house is positive because then it’s gonna remove some nebulousness or some lack of clarity that you may have been experiencing in relationships or when it comes to partnership over the course of the past decade, roughly since 2011, since that was when Neptune first moved into your 7th house. So this is the beginning of the end of a long set of transits of those two planets through your 7th house that’s not entirely over, but in 2025, we’re gonna experience the first taste of what it’s like to not have those two planets transiting through that sector of your chart that you’ve had in a while.

So starting around the middle of the year, starting around April, May, June – Saturn and Neptune are gonna move into your 8th house, and the 8th house usually represents the role that money and possessions owned by other people, what role that plays in your life. So sometimes that can relate to if you have a partner or if you’re married, it can indicate some major shifts when it comes to your partner’s finances. So since it is a Saturn transit, your partner could be running into some issues or obstacles when it comes to financial matters, or there could be something about your shared resources together where there’s a surmountable difficulty that comes up that you have to work through or overcome in some way. There may be some nebulousness to this, because Neptune is moving into the 8th house at the same time. So there may be some tension between really struggling to figure out, like, what’s real versus what’s not real, or you know, what is being overly pessimistic about financial matters versus being overly idealistic, perhaps. That’s part of the basic tension between Saturn and Neptune transits, and that’s gonna be really prominent for you especially in the middle of this year around the summertime, like, around July when those two planets get very close together right at the beginning of your 8th house. So that will be something to pay attention to, because that’ll be kind of like, a preview of some longer term transits that are gonna take place over the course of the next several years as those two planets move through that sector of your chart and move through your 8th house.

All right, so that’s one major thing. There’s also the last eclipse in Aries, which is also your 8th house. So you’ve been having eclipses in the financial sector of your chart over the course of the past year or so that have been bouncing back and forth between your 8th house of your personal finances and your 8th house of other people’s money. So it may be that some of these financial things that are being brought into the picture by the transit of Saturn and Neptune, that there was already a lead into that by these eclipses over the course of the past year where there’s been major beginnings and major endings when it comes to the role of your personal finances and possessions and the role of other people’s money in your life. So sometimes this can bring into your life themes having to do with like, debt, taxes, inheritance. Sometimes mortality in general can come up with 8th house transits and just the role of mortality in your life in general. This shouldn’t be – because this is the last of a series of eclipses that have been happening in this sector of your chart, I would expect this to be the continuation of something rather than something that’s completely brand new, although it is interesting that this is coinciding with a bunch of transits through your 8th house around this time.

So that’s the last eclipse in your 8th house that’s gonna occur around the March-April time frame. And right around the same time, Venus is actually gonna station retrograde in your 8th house of shared resources, and it’s gonna retrograde back into your 7th house of relationships. So this is happening amidst all the other 8th house stuff, so again, it may bring into focus the role of shared resources and especially your partner or business partner’s financial dealings come into focus at this time. And with Venus going retrograde, there may be things from the past that you have to revisit, or they may be things that you have to review in terms of your financial obligations with other people.

Since this is a Venus retrograde in your 7th house, the focus of that Venus retrograde’s really gonna be on relationships especially. So there may be some past relationships from earlier in your life or some person who comes back into your life at this time where there’s some relationship that you have to revisit. So sometimes this can be like, resuming an old relationship and getting back together with somebody from your past. Other times, it can be just going back and reviewing past relationships and reflecting on them, but not necessarily going back to that person if you decide that going back into the past wouldn’t suit you. But you can still go through a process of like, internalizing and reflecting and just reviewing things during this time around the springtime when Venus is gonna go retrograde.

For those of you with night charts, though, that should actually be very positive, and I think the combination of Saturn temporarily departing from your 7th house and Venus retrograding back and stationing direct in your 7th house of relationships probably indicates an important relationship turning point for you in the spring of this year that should be quite positive. So that’s actually something to look forward to.

All right, finally, the last transit I wanted to talk about is the planet Uranus, which has been transiting through your 10th house of career over the past six years now since 2018, the planet Uranus… Actually no, I take that back. This is Virgo rising, so we’re talking about the planet Uranus, which has been going through your 9th house of education and belief and philosophy and foreign travel. So Uranus has been going through that sector of your chart since 2018, and it’s probably been causing some radical shifts in your beliefs, in your outlook on life, and your personal philosophy. It may have exposed you to different like, countries and people from different cultures. People with different educational backgrounds with you. And it’s generally probably been somewhat revolutionary when it comes to your personal beliefs and outlook on life. So that transit we’re getting towards the tail end of it, and this year starting in July, Uranus is gonna dip into Gemini which is your 10th house of career. And that’s going to be the very beginning of a seven year long transit of Uranus through that sign that’s gonna shake up and revolutionize topics surrounding your career and your overall life direction, which is what the 10th house represents.

So sometimes this can bring up some events that are somewhat unexpected or disruptive with respect to whatever your career has been up until this point or your life direction has been up until this point. And sometimes we get kind of rebellious and we feel like shaking up the status quo. So you may feel at this time as if there’s some things that have been holding you back in terms of things that you’ve wanted to do with your career and life direction that you haven’t been able to do up to this point. But during the course of this transit, you’re going to have a more intense feeling like you need to pursue your own destiny and to do things independently even if it’s somewhat disruptive for other people around you, or even if it’s somewhat shocking. So ultimately, though, this could be a really good and really positive or very liberating transit in which you develop greater freedom and autonomy when it comes to your career and life direction.

So in the second half of this year starting in July, we’re gonna get the first initial preview of what that transit is gonna be about for the next seven years because Uranus is gonna dip into Gemini for several months before retrograding and going back into Taurus and back into your 9th house to finish up the transit there. So we’re not fully entering this transit yet, but we’re gonna get an important preview of it starting in July in the second half of 2025. And I would recommend paying attention to any shifts that start happening in your career at this time, because they may have bigger, long term implications than it may seem at first. But ultimately I think it’s gonna be great, and it’s gonna be part of a very exciting seven year period in your life where things are gonna change somewhat dramatically, but probably in a way that’s gonna be more authentic and is going to take you in the direction that you’re supposed to be headed when it comes to your career and your overall life direction, and that’s actually a very exciting thing, I think, to begin. So I’m actually excited for Virgo risings this year that you’re just now starting this journey of Uranus through your 10th house.

So all right, I think that’s it in terms of the major transits that I wanted to touch base on this year. So are your major transits for 2025. I’ve mainly focused on big picture stuff and telling you some of the positive and negative energies during different parts of the year. If you’re looking for more specifics, I just released my 2025 Electional Astrology Report where I go into and I outline a list of the best dates for 2025 for initiating activities and starting new ventures. And people have used my reports in past years to launch major things like getting married, going on a major trip, starting a new business, and other things like that.

So the report right now is 20 percent off because I’m doing an initial launch sale where you can get it for 20 percent less than it’s supposed to cost all the way through until the first week of January when the price is gonna jump up. So you can get that now at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/2025Report.

All right, that’s it for this forecast for 2025. So good luck next year, and I’ll see you again to do the horoscopes one year from now for 2026. All right, take care!

I just released my 2025 astrology calendar posters, which show all of the major astrological transits this year at a glance. And you can get those at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/Merch.

If you wanna learn more about my approach to astrology, then I teach an online course in ancient astrology called The Hellenistic Astrology Course, which has hundreds of hours of video lectures where I teach people how to read birth charts and how to understand and predict the future using transits and other timing techniques. So you can find out more information at TheAstrologySchool.com.

Also shout out to our sponsor for this episode, which is the Northwest Astrology Conference, which is happening in May of 2025 in Seattle, Washington, and it’s being simultaneously streamed online at the same time. So you can find out more information at NORWAC.net.

Finally, thanks to the patrons that help to support the production of this episode of The Astrology Podcast through my page on Patreon. You can get early access to new episodes plus other bonus content by becoming a patron at Patreon.com/AstrologyPodcast.


Hey, my name is Chris Brennan, and this is your year ahead horoscope and astrology forecast for the zodiac sign of Libra for the entire year of 2025. So in this forecast, it’s mainly designed for people that have either their Sun sign in Libra or their rising sign in Libra. And I’m gonna give a big picture overview of some of the major trends and themes that you can expect over the course of the next 12 months. So let’s jump right into it.

So here’s the planetary movements calendar that shows where the planets start at the beginning of the year and how far through the signs of the zodiac they get by the end of the year, which helps to show where some of the major activity is taking place in your birth chart over the course of the next year.

So these are some of the main transits I’m gonna focus on during the course of this workshop, basically, or during the course of this forecast. And then here are some major dates that I’m not gonna mention all of the dates, but you can refer back to this slide in order to get a sense for the time frames of some of the things that I’ve talked about.

All right, so let’s start with the first major transit I wanted to talk about at the beginning of the year, which is the Mars retrograde which is taking place in your 11th house of friends and your 10th house of career.

So this Mars retrograde just began in December when Mars stationed retrograde in the sign of Leo, which is your 11th house of friends and groups and alliances. And this is kind of tricky, because Mars retrograde in the 11th house can indicate that there’s some conflict or strife or difficulties that are arising with friends and groups at this time in your life. So sometimes there can be fights with friends, or there could be certain friendships that come to an end during this time, either externally as a result of their choice, or sometimes internally if you feel like your friends aren’t really helping you out or aren’t really being good friends to you for some reason.

So this is mainly something that’s happening in December and just the first few days of 2025, but I wanted to mention it because it’s part of the energy of the beginning of the year. And what happens is that Mars starts in your 11th house of friends at the beginning of January, and then it retrogrades back into your 10th house of career where it’s gonna spend the first four months of 2025. So having Mars retrograde and transiting your 10th house of career can sometimes bring up some challenges and some issues pertaining to strife or difficulties when it comes to career matters for you at this time. So there may be some obstacles that arise that are frustrating or make you angry, or in some instances, you may decide that you have to separate or cut something out of your life entirely that you’ve been doing up to this point. So sometimes people get frustrated and they quit their job, for example, in order to pursue another line of work. So whatever you do, it’s just a good idea to do it deliberately, because sometimes when you get into a conflict during this time, if you say something without thinking it through, you may find that it ends up having a bigger long term impact than you anticipate at first. So that’s something you wanna be a little bit careful about. There may also be a process of reviewing and revising and sort of internalizing things in order to make some choices about where you wanna go moving forward.

So for some of you with night charts, I think this is gonna be a more constructive transit where it may just be an important turning point in your career where you have to take decisive action or where you’ll have to choose one course of action or another. But when you look back on it in retrospect, you’re gonna realize that this was a huge turning point for you when you opened up a new chapter of life when it comes to your career and your overall life direction. So it should be quite positive and quite constructive. And in fact, so that transit’s happening in the first four months of the year, and there can be some challenges that come along with it. But then in the second half of the year starting in June, the planet Jupiter’s actually gonna move into your 10th house of career where it’s gonna stay for the entirety of the second half of 2025 and all the way into the first half of 2026. And this is actually an extremely positive and optimistic transit when it comes to matters surrounding your career and your overall life direction.

So the way I’m interpreting this is I think that even if Mars kicks up some dust in the first four months of the year and causes you some difficulties or you have to make some difficult decisions, I think that the choice that you make towards the beginning of the year is gonna pay off and be worth it because then in the entire second of the year, you’re having this extremely positive career transit that generally indicates success in whatever you’re attempting to do at this time. So sometimes people can land a new job that goes really well. Other times, they can get a promotion. In other instances, people can achieve career success or recognition for things that they’ve done in the past up to that point. So generally, it just seems like a very positive and optimistic time for career matters in the second half of the year. So that’s something to look forward to.

Moving on, the next thing I wanted to talk about is the last eclipse is taking place in your 7th house of relationships in the spring around the March-April time frame. And in fact, we’ve got a lot of activity happening in your 7th house of relationships during the first and second quarter around the springtime of this year, especially around the March-April time frame. So the most important thing is over the past year, there’s been a series of eclipses that have been bouncing back and forth between your first house of self and your 7th house of relationships. And you’ve probably gone through some major changes during that time when it comes to better balancing what you want and who you are and what your identity and sense of selfhood is, which can include things like your orientation towards your body, your appearance, and other things like that. You’ve probably been trying to balance things out in terms of what you need versus what you need from relationships, which is the 7th house. And this is usually a period of major beginnings and major endings when it comes to relationships, and I think that’s gonna be the main keyword for you here when we have this final eclipse that’s gonna take place in the relationship sector of your chart around the March-April time frame.

So one of the things that goes along with that is that the planets Saturn and Neptune are going to be moving into your 7th house of relationships during the middle part of this year where Saturn’s gonna depart from Pisces, which is positive – that’s a transit you’ve been having for a couple of years that sometimes can lead to greater challenges when it comes to work and health. And you’ve also had Neptune transiting through your 6th house of work and health, which can sometimes bring up kind of like, nebulous health issues or make your work situation a little bit unclear. And both of those planets are gonna move into your 7th house of relationships not too long after or around the time of that Aries eclipse that’s indicating major beginnings and major endings in the relationship sector of your chart.

So with Saturn going into your 7th house, you may go through a period of restructuring of relationships over the course of the next few years. And 2025, especially the middle part of it, is gonna be an early preview of that restructuring process. So sometimes during the process of that restructuring, there can be relationships that cool off or become more distant during t his time. In some instances, your partner could be dealing with some issues themself if you have a partner, and therefore it’s being reflecting in your chart that they’re sort of like, going through some stuff. Other times, since Neptune is also going in there in terms of your 7th house at the same time with Saturn, there may be some issues surrounding a lack of clarity in relationships in your life, or having some tensions when it comes to boundaries in relationships.

So Saturn on the one hand is gonna pull you in one direction when it comes to relationships where it’s gonna try to be pulling you in the direction of being more realistic and being more clear about relationships, sometimes to the point of like, pessimism or being overly negative or even critical when it comes to relationships. Whereas Neptune that’s gonna go in there at the same time is gonna be pulling you in the opposite direction of being overly, very idealistic about relationships, sometimes to the point of going too far and maybe not having a clear picture about where you stand with relationships or with other people. So I think trying to resolve those tensions and those two very different energies that are pulling you in different directions with relationships is gonna be a major theme, especially in the middle part of 2025 when Saturn and Neptune come into their closest alignment in your 7th house. But ultimately, it’ll be good to pay attention to that just because it’s opening up a sequence of events and some longer term transits that are gonna play out over the next few years.

All right, so one last thing that goes along with that – if that wasn’t enough 7th house activity is that Venus in the springtime around the time that all this other stuff is happening, Venus is gonna go retrograde in your 7th house as well, and Venus is gonna start retrograde in your 7th house in Aries, and it’s gonna retrograde back into your 6th house of work and health. So on the one hand, this is giving us a little bit more information about what’s going on in the relationship sector of your chart at this time where there may be a process of reviewing old or current relationships that you go through in the springtime when Venus goes retrograde in your 7th house. So for some people, this can mean that there’s old relationships from the past that come back into the present, and so you have this question sometimes of like, getting together with somebody from your past. In other instances when that happens, it can be about reviewing these past relationships but not necessarily getting together with that person again, but instead just thinking about your past and reflecting on how far you’ve come and trying to make a decision about where you wanna go with relationships in the future. So this process of reflection and reviewing should be very prominent for you in the springtime in the early part of 2025. And for some reason, Venus is gonna retrograde back into your 6th house of work and health, so sometimes this may connect those topics. So there could be something involving relationships that’s actually tied into your work or your job. Obviously, you wanna be careful about that since sometimes blurring the boundaries between like, work versus relationships can be tricky and can be dicey and you could get yourself into a little bit of trouble there. But obviously, everybody’s situation is different and it can go different ways. With Venus retrograde in your 6th house, it may also be a time of reviewing your health and reviewing different things related to your health and what it takes to take care of yourself in terms of your body and your physical vitality. So going in for check-ups or other things like that could be good, just to make sure you’re doing things to take care of yourself and maintain an overall sense of health. And as long as you do that around this time, that can actually be a very positive transit where you make great headway in that area of your life. Especially with Saturn starting to move out of your 6th house this year, I think that’s actually a very positive transit and could indicate an improved period of health or something that you can do to improve your health after a period that’s been a little bit more tricky for health matters over the course of the past couple of years since Saturn went into your 6th house in March of 2023.

All right. So that brings us to the next ting, which is actually related, which is that the eclipses are shifting into your 6th house and your 12th house axis, which is indicating a period of major beginnings and major endings when it comes to health, both physical health as well as mental health, but also with respect to your work and your workplace in general and whatever it is that you do for work. So we’ve been talking about health, and when the 6th and 12th house axis is activated, one of the things that it typically does is it shows you the interrelationship between physical health and mental health, which sometimes seem like they’re opposite things that aren’t related, but I think during this time, seeing the interrelationship between those two and how one can affect the other, especially if something is out of whack, can become more prominent at this time. So it may a good time then to take advantage of that energy of new beginnings in order to start a new diet or exercise regime in order to potentially like, start seeing a therapist or working on your mental health, and just anything you can do proactively to take care of yourself, both in terms of your body and your mind, would be good things to do at this time as eclipses shift into that axis. So I think this is especially gonna be important for you later in the year during the fall, because that’s when we’re gonna see those eclipses take place fully for the first time in your 6th and 12th house axis in the September time frame.

All right, so the last thing that I wanted to mention – well, no, I mentioned health; I didn’t mention work. Sometimes people – major beginnings and endings with respect to work, that can mean like, quitting one job and starting a new job, or some combination of that. Or it may be that within your current work, you start a new chapter in terms of that, of having a major beginning or major ending, like getting a promotion or having a change in terms of your workplace and the people that you work with. Or the 6th house can also be people that work for you, so if you find yourself in some sort of managerial position or where you’re having to hire people to work with, even to do simple things like work on your home or something like that, you could have a significant event that takes place that marks a new beginning or ending when it comes to that topic.

All right, so that’s it for the eclipses. I wanna move into talking about the last transit that’s happening this year, which is that the planet Uranus is moving into your 9th house of education and religion and philosophy and beliefs. And this is gonna represent the beginning of a major long term transit over the course of the next seven years that’s going to shake up and really change what your outlook is about the world and what your belief system is. So Uranus is the planet of sudden changes, of revolutions, of very quick developments that happen somewhat suddenly or unexpectedly. And this is starting in the second half of the year. The entire second half of the year starting in July, Uranus is gonna go into the sector of your chart that has to do with what you believe, what your education is, and what you think about the world – like, what your personal philosophy and politics and other things, your sense of morality, all of that lives in the 9th house and all of that is coming up for some sort of major shake-up in the second half of 2025.

So this can be a very exciting time because we can be exposed to sometimes like, a different culture or a different set of belief systems that’s unique to us in some way that really changes our outlook and our perspective on life. And sometimes we can get really excited about that. Sometimes we can move kind of fast, so you may wanna exercise a little bit of caution here because from an outside standpoint, other people may see you as going through this really rapid change in terms of your belief systems or in terms of your outlook on life, and that could be a little bit jarring for people around you, even if subjectively for you it’s very exciting and very liberating having these feelings of like, liberation over a new set of beliefs is a really common experience with this transit. But I guess just be careful to take it easy when it comes to people around you who may not be experiencing a similar transit and may be wanting to move at a slower pace if they’re able to accompany you on that journey.

All right, so that transit’s happening starting in July. It’s the beginning; it’s like a preview of a longer seven year transit, so it’s not necessarily all gonna happen at once. But I do think that in the second half of 2025, you’re gonna start getting a preview of what that seven year transit’s gonna be like. So pay attention to changes that start happening in your life at that time, especially in that sector, because they could end up having much bigger long term implications than you realize at the start when things first start changing. But it’s a very exciting transit, so congratulations on starting that, and I look forward to seeing and hearing how it goes.

All right. I think that’s it in terms of major transits I wanted to cover for 2025. So this was a big picture overview of some of the major themes coming up during the course of this year, both challenging ones as well as positive ones. I also just released my 2025 Electional Astrology Report a few days ago where I go through the year and I pick out the best dates for taking actions during the course of 2025 using the principles of electional astrology. So this is really helpful and people have used my past years’ reports to do major things like getting married, launching a business, going on a major journey, or other things like that. So it’s super useful and super practical if you’re trying to plan things in the long term over the next 12 months and picking the luckiest or most fortunate dates to do that. So the report is – I launched the report with a 20 percent off sale that goes through the first week of January. And you can get it now for that discounted price at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/2025Report.

All right, that’s it for this forecast, so good luck in 2025, and I’ll see you again next year to talk about the horoscopes for 2026. So good luck!

I just released my 2025 astrology calendar posters, which show all of the major astrological transits this year at a glance. And you can get those at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/Merch.

If you wanna learn more about my approach to astrology, then I teach an online course in ancient astrology called The Hellenistic Astrology Course, which has hundreds of hours of video lectures where I teach people how to read birth charts and how to understand and predict the future using transits and other timing techniques. So you can find out more information at TheAstrologySchool.com.

Also shout out to our sponsor for this episode, which is the Northwest Astrology Conference, which is happening in May of 2025 in Seattle, Washington, and it’s being simultaneously streamed online at the same time. So you can find out more information at NORWAC.net.

Finally, thanks to the patrons that help to support the production of this episode of The Astrology Podcast through my page on Patreon. You can get early access to new episodes plus other bonus content by becoming a patron at Patreon.com/AstrologyPodcast.


Hey, my name is Chris Brennan, and this is your year ahead horoscope and astrology forecast for the zodiac sign of Scorpio for the entire year of 2025. So my horoscopes are designed for people that have either their Sun sign in Scorpio or especially their rising sign in Scorpio. And I’m gonna give a big picture overview of some of the major transits and themes that are gonna come up over the course of the next 12 months. So let’s go ahead and jump right into it.

So this is the planetary movements calendar that shows where the planets start at the beginning of the year and how far through the signs of the zodiac they get by the end of the year, and it shows how there’s a cluster of certain transits through specific sectors of your chart over the course of the next year. So these are some of the transits I’m gonna talk about roughly chronologically, although I’m gonna prioritize some that are more or less important, and here’s some of the dates that you can refer back to later if you want more specifics on the time frames involved in some of the broader transits that I’m talking about today.

All right, so let’s start with the very first transit, which I wanted to discuss that happens right at the start of the year, which is that we open the year with a Mars retrograde transit that starts in your 10th house of career and then retrogrades back into your 9th house of education, philosophy, travel, and beliefs. So Mars stationed retrograde in the sign of Leo in your 10th house of career in December, and sometimes this can stir up some issues involving tensions or conflicts or fights when it comes to your career and your life direction at this time. Sometimes the 10th house represents superiors, so it could be a period where you’re having tension with people who are in a position to have power over you. In other instances, it can just be struggling with some issues with respect to your reputation at this time.

So this is already happening in – this has happened in November of 2024 and especially December, and it only lasts until the first couple of days of January, the first few days of January. And then Mars will retrograde out and move into your 9th house, which will alleviate some of that tension in terms of career a little bit. But I still wanted to mention it because it’s part of the opening context of this year. So Mars retrogrades back into your 9th house, and the 9th house represents education, it represents our beliefs, which can include our political beliefs. It can also represent our religious beliefs or other things about that in terms of our big picture understanding of the world. So when Mars goes retrograde in our 9th house, sometimes there can be tensions in this area and conflicts or difficulties surrounding things that you believe. The 9th house also represents travel, and sometimes travel to foreign countries or interaction with people from different cultures that are from cultures that are different than our own. So sometimes it may represent that the source of conflict is coming from that specific area of your life, so it’s a good time to exercise caution when it comes to travel and to not take any risks or do anything that’s putting yourself in a bad situation where you could get into trouble. Another piece of this transit, which is lasting for the first four months of the year and that’s why I’m mentioning it, where Mars is gonna be in your 9th house from January all the way through April basically, there’s gonna be certain parts that are more intense than others but nonetheless it’s probably part of an unfolding series of events that’s taking place at this time. The 9th house can also sometimes represent the law and legal things, so it’s a good time to be extra careful and not get into unnecessary conflicts or fights that could have negative legal repercussions. And then finally, the last thing is because it has to do with beliefs and like, your political philosophy, to exercise some caution when it comes to getting into conflicts with people over your beliefs and things like that, because sometimes what can seem like just a little fight can blow up into a much bigger and more long term thing than you might anticipate. So it’s just good then to exercise caution in general during the course of this transit in the first four months of the year with respect to those topics in order to avoid turning a small thing into a much bigger thing.

So that’s some of the challenging news, but since Mars is your ruling planet, for some of you, this is actually just gonna be a super important turning point in your life, especially those of you who were born at night will probably experience this as an important turning point with respect to your career and your education where maybe you have to go back and get some additional training. But you end up having an important turning point at this stage, especially in the first half of the year or first four months of the year, that sets a new foundation for you in terms of your career and overall life direction. And while there may be some challenges or surmountable difficulties that come up as a result of that, ultimately, it ends up being a good move because you end up taking decisive action in order to help further your destiny and your career goals. So that should be good.

So that’s some of the initial like, challenging transit at the beginning of this year. However, later in the year starting in June, the planet Jupiter is going to move into Cancer and move into your 9th house of education and belief and travel. So I’m really interested in this transit because to whatever extent Mars earlier in the year in the first four months kicks up some dust in that area of your chart with the 9th house and those topics we were just talking about, Jupiter’s gonna come in in the entire second half of the year and just clean things up and make things really positive and successful and optimistic in that same exact area of your chart. So this could mean that in the second half of the year when Jupiter’s transiting your 9th house, travel would be something that would go actually well and would be successful at this time, and you may have an opportunity to take a trip during this time that ends up being very positive and expands your worldview in some sense. Jupiter transits through the 9th house can also be great times in order to level up your education and get additional training or knowledge and wisdom that can benefit you in terms of your career and your overall life direction at some point. The 9th house, it could also help to smooth things over if you do run into any legal issues. Sometimes 9th house transits can be very lucky in terms of catching a lucky break when it comes to having a good decision made in a legal context or other things like that. So that’s a very positive transit that’s happening for the entire second half of 2025, all the way into the first half of 2026. And that’s gonna be preparing you for an extremely positive career transit that will begin in the second half of 2026 when Jupiter goes into your 10th house of career. So take advantage of Jupiter’s transit this year from June of ‘25 to June of ‘26 to get the extra education and learning and training and travel that you need, and then that’s gonna come in handy when Jupiter goes into your 10th house.

All right. So those are some early transits. I did also wanna mention we’ve been having eclipses go on in your 6th house of work and health over the course of the past year. There’s been a series of eclipses in that sector of your chart approximately every six months. And we’re gonna get the last eclipse in that series in the March-April time frame when there’s an eclipse in the sign of Aries, a solar eclipse. So this is taking place in your 6th house of work and health, which is a sector of your chart that actually sees a lot of activity this year, which makes me think that that’s gonna be part of your major focus for this year is gonna be themes having to do with work and also physical health to some extent.

So since this is the last eclipse in a series, you’ve probably already seen some – my keywords for eclipses are “major beginnings and major endings.” So over the course of the past year, you’ve probably already experienced some of this eclipse series in terms of being some major beginnings when it comes to your workplace and sometimes this can mean starting a new job or ending a job. It can also mean starting to work with different people in your workplace, or in some instances, the 6th house represents people that work for you, especially if you’re in a managerial position, but also even just in general sometimes we have to hire, you know, people to help us around the house or maintenance or other things like that. It can indicate some sort of major beginning or ending when it comes to working with different people like that that can be significant. And that can be either a positive thing or a challenging thing.

Another major area is health, and major beginnings and endings when it comes to health, sometimes this can mean that you’re trying to put more effort and focus on this area of your life, so a major beginning could be like, starting a new diet or exercise regime. It can also mean if you’ve been dealing with health issues or trying to address things that there could be things that have come up during this time that have forced you to put more attention towards them. But this last one in the March-April time frame just seems to be representing the culmination of a series of events that’s been taking place for a year now that’s been trying to open up a new chapter of your life when it comes to health. And I believe that that chapter begins this year.

So one of the things that reemphasizes that is that the planets Saturn and Neptune are going to depart from your 5th house this year, and they’re gonna move into your 6th house temporarily for just an initial visit before retrograding back into the 5th house. But this is – we’re gonna get towards the middle of 2025 when Saturn and Neptune first go into Aries, the preview of a longer term transit that’s gonna play out over several years, over at least three years for Saturn. So when it comes to those energies, Saturn going into the 6th house can sometimes lead to or coincide with a period of restructuring things either in the workplace or in terms of your health and your physical vitality. So sometimes this can mean that like, a challenge comes up that’s a surmountable difficulty that you have to overcome, but then you end up becoming stronger as a result of it once you sort of push through.

The only thing that’s really tricky about this, though, is that with Neptune going into your 6th house at the same time, sometimes things can be kind of nebulous and hard to pin down. There can be this sense of ambiguity surrounding work or health, and I think that’s gonna be a little bit challenging because you’re gonna be pulled in two different directions where on the one hand, Saturn is trying to get you to restructure things in terms of work and health and to be very realistic, almost to the point of potentially even being pessimistic about things – like, being overly just focused on the cold, hard facts – whereas Neptune has this more idealistic orientation that may incline you to not have as clear of a picture, and not necessarily have your feet on the ground when it comes to some of these topics of health or work. So I think that’s gonna be a tension that’s gonna be really prominent, especially towards the middle of this year around the June-July time frame, which is when Saturn and Neptune get the closest to an exact alignment between them in your 6th house of work and health. So that’s gonna be something to pay attention to just because it’s gonna be probably the initial phase in a preview of some 6th house themes that will play out over the next several years, especially for Saturn. The good news, though, is that Saturn’s departing – Saturn and Neptune are departing from your 5th house, which represents the house of like, children, of romance, sex and sexuality, creativity. And Saturn has probably been cooling things off in this area of your life over the past couple of years since it went into Pisces in March of 2023. And sometimes this can lead to a period of restructuring when it comes to restructuring or surmountable difficulties when it comes to the topics of like, children or sex and sexuality or fun and games. And I think one of the good pieces of news is Saturn starting to depart from that sector of your chart this year is going to lighten things up significantly. And if you’ve been experiencing any period of like, I don’t know, like, low energy or low focus on that area of your life where it seemed more restrictive or more cold in the past couple of years, I think you’re gonna see things lightening up in that area significantly, especially around the middle of 2025.

So Saturn will retrograde and Neptune will retrograde back into that sector of your chart in like, late 2025 and early 2026 for one final pass. But I think this is exciting because them departing from that house this year is gonna give you a little preview of what it’s like to have that house free of Saturn where, yeah, which may be just experienced as more subjectively positive once you get that preview over the course of the middle part of 2025.

All right, so those are those transits. The next transit I wanted to talk about is the Venus retrograde that takes place in your 6th and 5th house in the springtime where Venus slows down and it stations retrograde in your 6th house of work and health, and then it retrogrades back into your 5th house of children and sex and romance and creativity and fun and games. So for those of you especially with night charts, I think this is gonna be a really positive time where with Venus stationing in the 6th house, sometimes it can connect the topics of work as well as fun and enjoyment. So there may be some sort of positive connection where maybe you make a new social connection or even potentially a new romantic connection with somebody connected to your workplace and you start having more fun and sort of like, enjoying life a little bit more during this time as a result of that new social connection. So that could be a really positive thing. You of course wanna be careful, because you don’t wanna get into trouble, and sometimes that can be tricky in terms of blurring those lines between like, work versus your personal life, but for those of you especially with night charts, I would consider this to be a pretty positive transit. In some instances, it may bring somebody back from your past. So sometimes Venus retrogrades have a way of bringing back old flames or old exes, and especially a Venus retrograde in your 5th house – it may be a time where an old romantic relationship comes back into your life from the past. So sometimes that can be like, good; it can manifest in an actual rekindling of an old relationship or an old fling, even a casual relationship. So sometimes it coincides with that, but other times, it’s just bringing those people back into your life and reminding you of your past, but you may not necessarily choose to like, restart a relationship with that person, which is fine. Sometimes the purpose of a transit is simply to bring some things back into the present from the past in order to remind us and to show us how far we’ve come in terms of our relationships and other things like that. So that seems like a really positive transit and is one to look forward to, and it’s interesting that it’s activating some of the same sectors of the chart that Saturn and Neptune and the eclipses and everything else are activating, so I’m assuming that’s, you know, it’s all tied in with the same sequence of events that kind of like, sets off a chain reaction somehow this year.

And that brings us to the next set of transits I wanted to talk about, which is that the eclipses are shifting into your 5th and 11th house axis this year, first with an eclipse in the spring, but especially by the fall. There’s this set of eclipses happening in Virgo and Pisces, which is in your 5th house of children and your 11th house of friends. And somehow you’re experiencing major beginnings and major endings when it comes to this area of your life, especially starting at this time.

So I think this is significant because on the one hand, it just reemphasizes the 5th house themes where after a period of some challenges or surmountable difficulties when it comes to children or sex or sexuality or other things for the past couple of years when Saturn was going through Pisces, now all of a sudden we have these eclipses taking place there, and there may be some things that have to come to an end at this time, or where you run into like, the end of a relationship that’s sort of met, it’s sort of gone through its entire lifecycle at this point and has to come to an end. But the good news is that when things end under eclipses, it also tends to lay the seeds and the foundations for something else to grow. So there may be some sort of other relationship or other creative pursuit that you start going after at this time that will eventually become much more significant in your life.

So for those of you who have children, sometimes it can be like, a shift towards having children or your children being much more of a focus in your life. It can also mean that there’s an important chapter that’s opening up in your child’s life where one major era is ending and a new era is beginning, essentially. Like, some people that had eclipses last year reported like, a child graduating from high school essentially and going off and becoming an adult when eclipses were taking place in their 5th house.

So it’s not just happening in your 5th house, though, but it’s also starting to open up a period of eclipses in your 11th house of friends and groups and alliances. And what this means is that there’s gonna be some friendships in your life that may reach a wall at this point where you’ve reached the end of the sort of like, shelf life of that friendship, where either you’re feeling like that friendship isn’t as supportive and maybe you decide that you want to back out of that friendship or end it, or you may have friends where for whatever reason they are no longer in your life as a result of or around the time of some of these eclipses. So that’s one scenario, because eclipses can represent major endings, but they can also represent major beginnings. So this may also be a period in which you find yourself becoming more social, starting to make new friends, building new social connections, especially if you connect with other like-minded people that have similar interests. And it can actually be a very good time to explore that and see if you can expand your friend or your social group. So that’s especially the eclipses in Virgo and Pisces happening in the fall of 2025.

all right, so the very last transit that I wanted to mention is the planet Uranus is starting to wind down a long transit through your 7th house of relationships that started in 2018 and has probably shaken up the topic and the area of relationships for you over the course of the past six years. And there’s been some curveballs; there’s been some excitement and innovation and some things that were probably kind of like, revolutionary in that area, but now we’re gonna get the first taste of Uranus going into your 8th house of shared resources and other people’s money. And this is gonna start in July of 2025, and we’re gonna get this experience for most of the second half of 2025 of a preview of what this seven year long transit of Uranus through your 8th house, what that’s gonna look like and what that’s gonna be about.

So the 8th house especially represents the role that other people’s money plays in our life, which sometimes in the most concrete and literal sense, if you have a partner or a partnership, it can represent their finances and things going on with it. So there could be some sort of unexpected disruption or some sort of shakeup when it comes to your partner’s finances. So sometimes this can be challenging and problematic or unsettling, but other times, it can actually be really good because there can be a rapid shift upwards where your partner perhaps starts making a lot more money than they were before, and that really starts changing things in your life in the way that it either directly or indirectly impacts you.

So the 8th house can also represent like, other 8th house topics of other people’s money which can include investing. It can also relate to like, debt, taxes, inheritance. Sometimes with Uranus transits in the 8th, we can have an unexpected inheritance or an unexpected windfall from like, a benefactor. So it’s kind of an exciting transit to begin at this time. For some of you, it may be a continuation of that 7th house transit that changed some things in terms of your relationship situation over the past six years. But I’m actually – you can probably use it to good effect, because one of the things that Uranus represents is technology. So to whatever extent you can leverage technology in order to improve your shared resources and the role that other people’s money plays in your life, that could actually be a very, very beneficial transit for you as it makes its way through that sector of your chart over the course of the next seven years. And the second half of 2025 is just the initial preview.

All right, so I think that’s it. Those are the major transits that I wanted to talk about today. It looks like a pretty good year for you where you have a ton of stuff going on, so it should be interesting to see how it all plays out over the course of the next 12 months.

So that’s kind of like, a big picture overview of the year ahead in terms of the major transits and what houses it’s going through in your chart and what time periods are gonna be more challenging or more positive for different things. If you’re looking for like, a more specific forecast, I just released my 2025 Electional Astrology Report where I go through the next 12 months of the year and I pick out the most lucky or fortunate dates for starting new actions and taking action and starting new ventures over the course of the next year. So people have used my electional astrology reports in previous years in order to start major things like starting a business or getting married or taking a major trip or other things like that where they want a good date in order to launch things. So that’s what this report provides.

So I just launched the report, and I’m doing a 20 percent off sale through the first week of January. So you can get that with the discounted price right now at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/2025Report.

All right, that’s it for this forecast, so good luck in 2025, and I’ll see you again next year!

I just released my 2025 astrology calendar posters, which show all of the major astrological transits this year at a glance. And you can get those at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/Merch.

If you wanna learn more about my approach to astrology, then I teach an online course in ancient astrology called The Hellenistic Astrology Course, which has hundreds of hours of video lectures where I teach people how to read birth charts and how to understand and predict the future using transits and other timing techniques. So you can find out more information at TheAstrologySchool.com.

Also shout out to our sponsor for this episode, which is the Northwest Astrology Conference, which is happening in May of 2025 in Seattle, Washington, and it’s being simultaneously streamed online at the same time. So you can find out more information at NORWAC.net.

Finally, thanks to the patrons that help to support the production of this episode of The Astrology Podcast through my page on Patreon. You can get early access to new episodes plus other bonus content by becoming a patron at Patreon.com/AstrologyPodcast.


Hey, my name is Chris Brennan, and this is your year ahead horoscope and astrology forecast for the zodiac sign of Sagittarius for the entire year of 2025. So my horoscopes are designed for people with either their Sun sign in Sagittarius or their rising sign especially in Sagittarius. And what I’m gonna do is give a big picture overview of some of the major trends and themes in the coming year astrologically. So let’s go ahead and jump right into it.

So here’s the planetary movements calendar that shows where the planets start at the beginning of the year and how far through the signs of the zodiac they get at the end of the year, which gives you an idea of some of the main areas of activity this year that have the most focus of different planets. Here are some of the major transits I’m gonna be talking about during the course of this report, really focusing on the major ones during the course of the year. And here’s a list of some of the dates associated with those transits that you can refer back to later for more specifics in terms of the time frames involved.

All right, so let’s start with the first major transit that’s happening for the first four months of the year, which is that Mars is retrograding back into your 8th house of shared resources. And this is happening for the first four months of the year when Mars retrogrades back into Cancer at the very beginning of January and then stations there. So the 8th house has to do with one of the main topics is the role that other people’s money plays in your life. And with Mars going retrograde there, there may be some conflict surrounding this area that arises or some surmountable difficulty. There may be a severing or a cutting out in some way in this area of your life because the basic notion of severing and separation is one of the basic properties or significations of Mars. So one of the things you wanna do is just be careful especially when it comes to business partnerships or relationships during this time. If there’s issues where you’re like, merging your finances, there could be some trickiness surrounding this during the first four months of the year, either for business partnerships or even for romantic relationships as well. In some instances if you’re already in a relationship, there may be some issue with your partner’s finances. Like in some instances, they may have some sort of financial loss or setback that either directly or indirectly impacts you in some way. So it’s just generally a good idea to exercise caution when it comes to this area during the course of this Mars transit just because sometimes impulsiveness or themes of like, anger or conflict can come up. And if you’re not cautious and you don’t exercise restraint, sometimes that can make things worse than it would have been otherwise.

All right, so that’s happening in the first four months of the year. The 8th house can also sometimes bring up issues with like, debt, taxes, mortality, and just themes surrounding mortality in general. But that’s the first four months of the year, and then the good news is that the planet Jupiter actually moves into the same house in your chart starting in June into the 8th house, and it’s basically going to clean up most of the issues or most of the dust that was kicked up by Mars earlier in the year because Mars will have departed from that sector of your chart by the end of April, and then Jupiter comes in a couple months later and just cleans everything up.

So Jupiter transiting through your 8th house is generally a positive period when it comes to shared resources. There could be a financial windfall as a result of other people in your life or as a result of your partner. There may be issues with like – or positive things involving like, gifts or having a benefactor or donations or other things like that. Sometimes people get like, a positive tax return. In other instances, the topic of mortality comes up and there can be like, a sudden windfall as a result of an inheritance or, yeah, inheriting money from somebody else. So those are all pretty positive themes that are there for the entire second half of 2025 and into the first half of 2026. So that’s a really good transit to look forward to.

Moving on. The next one I wanted to talk about is the last eclipse is taking place in your 5th house, which is the house that represents children, creativity, sex and sexuality, but also the role of like, fun and games and hobbies that they play in our life. So this has been a series of eclipses that’s been happening since the fall of 2023 that represented a series of major beginnings and major endings in this area of your life. So sometimes a major beginning can be like, having a child or pregnancy or something like that. So for some of you, it may have been the opening of a chapter in terms of having children. But you know, eclipses tend to be part of a sequence of events or a series of things that play out and unfold over the process of about a year and a half or so time frame, and this is the final eclipse that’s happening at the very end of that series. So presumably for a lot of you, some of these themes have already come up and already become more significant in your life in some way. So the topic of children can become relevant. The topic of sex and sexuality can become more prominent in your life in some ways, sometimes through like, a romantic relationship with somebody. Other times it can have to do with beginning a new chapter of like, understanding one’s like, sexual orientation or other things like that can become more prominent at this time. It’s also just a good time to take up new hobbies and to start doing new things in your life for fun, because sometimes those experiences can really balance out the more challenging things in our life when things are not going well in some area. Having some sort of outlet, either a creative outlet or even just an outlet to have fun and enjoyment in your life can be really important.

So this last eclipse in Aries is taking place in the spring in the March-April time frame. And what’s interesting is that you actually have a lot of 5th house activity going on this year from several different transits. So I think this is gonna be a really key area of your life this year, but it’s also a really complex one because there’s a bunch of different things going on.

So first we have that last eclipse in your 5th house, but then what else is happening? We also have Saturn and Neptune this year for a good part of especially the middle part of 2025 are departing from your 4th house of home and family where it may have been bringing up some difficulties or some surmountable issues when it comes to either your living situation or your relationship with your parents and your family. And Saturn and Neptune are gonna move into your 5th house of children, creativity, and sexuality.

So with Saturn going into your 5th house, this can be a little bit tricky because sometimes it can bring up surmountable difficulties when it comes to this area. So sometimes this can mean that we have to restructure this area of our life in some way because there’s issues that are sort of forcing us to retool things or rethink things for some reason. So sometimes this can mean that there’s like, issues that come up with children if you have children in your life that you have to account for and you have to adjust to for different reasons in terms of sometimes there’s something that comes up in your child’s life that just you have to deal with and address, but then you work through it and you overcome it and it makes you stronger as a result.

The 5th house Saturn transit can sometimes lead to a period where there can also be surmountable difficulties when it comes to sex and sexuality. So sometimes if you’re in like, a romantic relationship, this can be a period where things cool off a little bit or there’s a little bit more distance or coldness or maybe things are taking more effort than you previously had up to that point. That doesn’t necessarily have to be a complete dealbreaker, but sometimes things just take extra effort or extra time to work through.

So that’s Saturn going into your 5th house, but also Neptune is going into your 5th house at the same time, and Saturn and Neptune are gonna form a conjunction this summer that’s gonna get really close in the June and July time frame. So this is interesting because Saturn and Neptune are very opposite energies, and Saturn on the one hand is gonna try to sort of force you to be more realistic and more pragmatic about this area of your life, almost to the point of potentially of like, pessimism when it comes to 5th house topics. But Neptune on the other hand tends to be very idealistic and it tends to be, yeah, it tends to want to, it doesn’t usually have its feet on the ground but instead tends to see things as being better or have a more romantic sort of idea of things than they actually are. And this is gonna be an interesting tension for you that’s gonna become the most prominent around the middle of 2025 where you’re pulled in these two opposite directions.

So I think part of that is gonna be trying to maintain balance so that you’re not going too far in either direction and becoming either overly pessimistic or overly optimistic about this area of your life, but instead are trying to maintain some sort of moderation, essentially. The good news about this transit is that Neptune in the 5th house can be very, very good for creativity. So if you have any like, creative or artistic outlets, Neptune going through your 5th house can be very, very good for that where you have a lot of inspiration and there’s like, this inflowing of this energy into your life that you may be able to channel in a very productive manner through creativity. It can also create like, romantic relationships where things look very good and you have this very like, romanticized view of the other person. You’re just gonna wanna be careful that you don’t get too swept away because you wanna keep at least one foot on the ground, because sometimes when Neptune goes through that sector of our chart, we can get like, overly swept off our feet so that we’re not being realistic and we’re not necessarily seeing the other person for who they are, which can be problematic in different ways. So try to pay attention to that and try to find balance when it comes to that transit.

So that is starting, and then weirdly there’s one more transit that’s activating the same sector of your chart, and this is also happening in the springtime, which is roughly when the last couple of transits are also beginning. So Venus is gonna go retrograde in your 5th house of children in Aries, your 5th house of children and sex and sexuality and creativity, and it’s gonna retrograde back into your 4th house of home and living situation and family. So I think this is really interesting because Venus retrograde in your 5th house implies that there may be some specific relationship or romantic fling or encounter or partnership that comes up at this time when Venus is stationing in your 5th house where this is happening especially in like, March and April. So sometimes this can bring a relationship from the past back into our present life, and sometimes that means that we have like, a fling with an old flame, essentially, who comes back for some reason. So sometimes this can be a very significant reconnecting with somebody can be really good. Other times, it can just remind you of people from your past and like, past romances, but it may not necessarily materialize in like, a significant new relationship at that time. It’s really gonna be up to you to decide what feels best going forward and what’s the most appropriate. But there is this energy that’s happening this spring of thinking back to the past and being reminded of some past especially like, romantic and sexual encounters and things like that that’s somehow very prominent at this time and coincides with a bunch of other things.

So with so much 5th house activity, one of the things I should say is like, you know, if you’re not planning on having children, just to be extra careful during this time because the potential for having children could be heightened as a result of so much 5th house activity taking place in your life at this time.

So Venus is gonna start its retrograde period in your 5th house, and then it’s gonna retrograde back into your 4th house of home and living situation and family, and this may reconfigure your living situation or your family life in some way at this time. So the people represented by the 4th house primarily are our parents, and so sometimes there can be this theme of going back to the past, revisiting like, where you grew up or your family home or other things like that. For those of you with night charts, I think this is actually gonna be a very positive transit where you’re having like, positive things and reconnecting with people from your past in a very positive way that feels good to go back and revisit those things.

One of the last areas I should mention that it could relate to, aside from let’s say like, parents for example, where it could indicate if you’ve been in a period of difficulty when it comes to parents over the past couple of years, or with respect to your home and living situation, this could indicate a period of reconciliation where things get better or you’re able to heal some old wounds would be a positive manifestation of that transit in the springtime.

Since it also represents your home and living situation, if there have been issues with your home and living situation recently, especially in the past couple of years, Venus going retrograde in your 4th house could cause you to rethink some things with respect to your home and living situation, but it could be a positive development and a positive turning point with respect to that. So that actually seems like a very good transit, especially for those of you with night charts.

All right, so that’s that transit. The next thing I wanted to talk about which actually emphasizes or reemphasizes some of the 4th house themes is that the eclipses are shifting into your 4th house of home and family and private life and your 10th house of your career and your life direction and your reputation and your public life. So this is really interesting because obviously this is tying it into some of the topics that we were just talking about where we have the Venus retrograde that’s going through your 4th house, which could be an important development with your home and living situation and family. And then Saturn has been transiting through your 4th house over the past two years, which has probably been creating some issues for you or some tensions or some coldness or surmountable difficulties when it comes to your home and living situation or your relationship with your parents. But now with eclipses shifting into that area, it’s gonna start this period of major beginnings and major endings when it comes to this area of your life.

So how this usually manifests is in a couple of ways. One, when eclipses are happening in the 4th and 10th houses, there’s these two seemingly opposite areas of our life, which is like, our private life and our public life, that usually seem disconnected and separate. But when eclipses start happening in both of those houses simultaneously like they’re gonna do for you this year, there starts being an interconnection between those two opposite areas of our life where somehow our private life and our public life become more intertwined. So sometimes this can mean that like, things that are happening with your home and living situation or with your family are somehow impacting your career and your overall life direction. Or other times it can mean your career and life direction and things you have to do for work are impacting your home and living situation and family.

So obvious scenarios for that are like, if a person gets a new job and has to move to a new location as a result of that, that would be something that impacts both, or vice versa. Like, if there’s a shift in your home and living situation that suddenly causes you to have to change some things at work at the same time, that could be an example of that.

So moving is a major thing that can sometimes start happening with eclipses in the 4th house, but I should say that this is a set of eclipses that’s really getting going this year in 2025, especially in the fall. There’s gonna be a set of these eclipses that’s gonna take place in September, and that’s gonna be when this axis of 4th and 10th house is fully activated in your chart. But these eclipses are gonna be happening for like, the next couple of years until early 2027. So I think this is opening up like, a series of events that’s gonna indicate major changes in your 4th house and your 10th house, but that’s gonna play out over many months in not just 2025, but through 2026 as well.

So the last thing with that with eclipses taking place in your 10th house, it could represent major beginnings and major endings with respect to your career. So for some of you, you may quit a job or leave a job for some reason. But that will open it up so that you can get another career or another job that ends up being very important to you and taking you in a direction that could be much different than what you’d been on up to that point.

10th house eclipses can also be like, discovering a new career path and reaching a new high point when it comes to your career so that you achieve recognition or success for something that you’ve done up to that point. So that can be a very positive thing in terms of eclipses in your 10th house. Obviously, sometimes there can be problems that come with that, because it can also represent endings. But there’s this sort of duality with eclipses where any time there’s an ending, it’s also the beginning, and it’s also laying the seeds or the foundation for something new as well. So I think ultimately that ends up being constructive or positive.

All right, so the very last transit that I wanted to mention is potentially the most exciting transit and the one that’s the biggest transit for 2025, and this is that the planet Uranus is gonna go into Gemini for the first time in July. And this is gonna move into your 7th house of relationships and partnership. So this is a super huge transit because Uranus moving into the 7th house of relationships usually brings it’s the start of a seven year long transit through that sector of your chart, and Uranus is the planet of excitement, of rapid changes, sometimes of disruptions, but also of liberation and freedom and innovation. And all of these are gonna be very much focused for you in the area of relationships where you’re gonna be experiencing a lot of changes in this area over the course of the next seven years. And in the second half of 2025, we’re gonna get a preview of what that transit is all about. So it’ll be very important to start paying attention to if there’s any changes that start happening in terms of your relationships at this time.

So Uranus things are interesting, though, because they’re unpredictable. It’s the thing that sometimes comes out of left field that you don’t expect. So sometimes this can be a new person who’s coming into your life that shakes things up and who brings a sense of like, excitement and innovation into your life. It may be a relationship that’s different than anything you’ve ever had up to that point so that it’s not something that you can really anticipate, because you don’t know until you meet that person or you have that experience that that’s actually possible to get into that. So that’s actually very exciting; I think that’s gonna be a good transit, and I’m excited for you. One of the things you wanna be careful about is careful not to move too quickly, even though Uranus likes to move quickly, and it likes to change things radically and suddenly and sometimes even to go to extremes. And you’re gonna have a tendency to want to make quick, radical changes when it comes to your relationships during the course of this transit. Or alternatively, if you’re already in a partnership, your partner might be going through some changes and going through some things that are different that sort of like, come out of left field. So for you, that could be adjusting to some of those things if they start taking things in a different direction or having some of these rapid changes happening to them.

But ultimately, I think the primary thing about this transit is it’s gonna bring a greater sense of freedom and liberation and excitement into your life through other people and through relationships. And ultimately, I think that’s a very good thing and should be positive and constructive in the long term. So pay attention to that. Start looking to see if there’s any major relationship changes that fit that symbolism of Uranus starting in the second half of the year starting in July. And yeah, I look forward to hearing how it goes and we’ll check in again next year to see – check in on your progress in that transit and just see how it’s working out so far.

All right. I think that’s it in terms of the major transits that I wanted to talk about in this horoscope forecast. So this was kind of a big picture overview, and if you’re looking for more specifics, I just released my 2025 Electional Astrology Report where I go through each of the next 12 months of next year and I pick out the luckiest or most fortunate dates for doing things in the entire year of 2025. So people have used my previous years’ reports in order to launch major things in their life like getting married, finding a good date to start a business, going on a major journey, or other things like that. Anything where they wanna make sure that there’s a good astrological date for starting something.

So the report goes through all of that, and I just launched it, so I’m doing a 20% off sale where you can get it 20% off the normal price all the way through until the first week of January. So you can get that now at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/2025Report.

All right. I think that’s it for this forecast, so good luck in 2025, and I’ll see you again next year!

I just released my 2025 astrology calendar posters, which show all of the major astrological transits this year at a glance. And you can get those at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/Merch.

If you wanna learn more about my approach to astrology, then I teach an online course in ancient astrology called The Hellenistic Astrology Course, which has hundreds of hours of video lectures where I teach people how to read birth charts and how to understand and predict the future using transits and other timing techniques. So you can find out more information at TheAstrologySchool.com.

Also shout out to our sponsor for this episode, which is the Northwest Astrology Conference, which is happening in May of 2025 in Seattle, Washington, and it’s being simultaneously streamed online at the same time. So you can find out more information at NORWAC.net.

Finally, thanks to the patrons that help to support the production of this episode of The Astrology Podcast through my page on Patreon. You can get early access to new episodes plus other bonus content by becoming a patron at Patreon.com/AstrologyPodcast.


Hey, my name is Chris Brennan, and this is your year ahead horoscope and astrology forecast for the zodiac sign of Capricorn for the entire year of 2025. So my horoscopes are designed to be read from the perspective of either your Sun sign if your Sun is in Capricorn or especially your rising sign if your rising sign is in Capricorn. And I’m gonna give kind of a big picture overview of the year ahead and some of the major transits to give you an idea of what areas of your life are gonna be more active in the coming year. So let’s go ahead and jump right into it.

So this is the planetary movements calendar that shows where the planets will start at the beginning of the year and how far through the signs of the zodiac they’ll get by the end of the year, which gives you an idea of some areas of greater or lesser activity in your chart over the next 12 months. So here are some of the major transits I’m gonna be talking about during the course of this report roughly in the order that I’m gonna talk about them, and here are some of the dates in this slide if you wanna refer back to that later for more specifics about the time frames involved.

All right, so let’s jump into the very first transit I wanted to cover today, which is the Mars retrograde that’s happening right now and will continue for the first four months of the year. So Mars recently stationed retrograde in your 8th house of shared resources, and it’s gonna retrograde and move back into your 7th house or relationships right at the very beginning of January of 2025. So this can be kind of a tricky transit, especially for those of you who were born with day charts, where Mars starting in December when it went retrograde – December of 2024 – that can bring up some issues of like, strife or conflict or challenges when it comes to the role that other people’s money plays in your life or the role of shared resources and how that’s integrated into your life in some way. So this can refer to the financial matters belonging to like, a partner if you’re in a relationship and maybe they’re going through some financial issues at this time. It can also pertain to issues surrounding debt, taxes, inheritance, and other things like that. But what’s gonna happen is it’s gonna start in that financial sector of shared resources in December and then by early January retrograde back into your 7th house of relationships where it’s gonna stay for the first four months of the year. So this is a little tricky, because it generally probably indicates a period in which there’s a little bit more conflict and some challenges arising in relationships compared to other times. So sometimes we can, you know, get in conflicts in relationships or start an argument, and it’ll seem like not a big deal or something that’ll go away relatively quickly. But during these Mars retrograde periods, things that are small conflicts sometimes have a way of blowing up into much larger ones. So one of the things that I really recommend during this time is exercising caution when it comes to the potential for conflict in relationships, just because you could end up getting into a conflict that ends up spiraling out of control or becoming much more damaging potentially to a relationship or even to a business partnership than you might intend at first. So since Mars is connecting the 8th house of shared resources and the 7th house of relationships, it could be something that actually ties into your personal finances as well. There could be like, a financial component to this conflict potentially. So exercise some caution there in the first four months in order to avoid major conflicts.

If you do that, the good news is that Jupiter’s actually gonna move into your 7th house of relationships into the same house in the entire second half of the year starting in June. So Jupiter is the planet of like, growth and optimism. And to whatever extent Mars has kicked up a lot of dust in the 7th house of relationships in the first four months of the year, Jupiter’s gonna come through there and kind of clean things up and sweep up some of the dust over the course of the entire second half of the year. So this is actually an incredibly positive transit for relationships that’s gonna counterbalance some of the challenges from the beginning of the year, so it’s something to really look forward to. So when Jupiter goes into people’s 7th houses, they can sometimes if they’re single get into a new relationship that’s really good. If they’re already in a relationship, sometimes you can take that relationship to the next level or go through just a very positive period for that relationship at that time. Some people occasionally get married when Jupiter’s transiting through their 7th house. So you’ll have to like, play it by ear and see what your personal situation is, but the general indication is just for a very positive period for relationships starting in the entire second half of 2025 and going into the first half of 2026.

All right, so moving on – the next set of transits that I wanted to talk about is a cluster of transits that’s taking place this year in your 4th house of home and living situation and family and especially your parents. So the first one is we’re gonna see in the March-April time frame the last eclipse in Aries, which is in your 4th house of home and family. So eclipses in Aries, I always say that eclipses are major beginnings and major endings – in this instance, in the area of home and family. So this is also the last of a series of eclipses that have been taking place in this sign since late 2023. So it’s something where you’ve already seen some major beginnings and endings, and we’re gonna hit some sort of culmination or some sort of important turning point with respect to that at this time in the spring of 2025 with this eclipse in Aries.

So sometimes a major beginning and ending can be that you decide to stop living in one place and you end up moving to another place for some reason. So a significant relocation could occur. The 4th house also pertains to your family and your relationship with your parents, so sometimes there can be an important turning point with respect to your relationship with them or with respect sometimes to things that are happening in the lives of your parents or whatever your parental figures are.

So that’s the eclipse, but what’s kind of weird is that there’s two or three other transits also happening in your 4th house this year not long after that or simultaneous to it. So one of them is that Saturn and Neptune, which have been transiting through your 3rd house of communication and siblings and neighbors, Saturn and Neptune are both gonna move into your 4th house this year in the spring between like, April and June, basically, and especially in the middle part of the year, Saturn and Neptune are gonna come into a very close almost exact conjunction this summer in the early degrees of the sign of Aries, which is again your 4th house of home and living situation. So this is important for Saturn because it’s the beginning of a three year transit of Saturn through your 4th house of home and family, and it’s important for Neptune because it’s part of a transit that we’ll get a preview of this transit that will last for over a decade. But this summer, we just get our first initial like, sneak peek into what that’s gonna be about.

So some of the themes I would expect from that is that Saturn, when it moves into the 4th house, it can sometimes indicate a period of surmountable difficulties with the area that it’s transiting. So there may be some issues with your home and living situation or some challenges that arise that you have to deal with. Sometimes there can be like, maintenance issues at home that you have to deal with, or other things that are causing you to have to restructure and rethink your living situation and to decide, you know, if you’re gonna put a bunch of work into it to fix it or if it’s something where you have to walk away from that situation for some reason.

So that’s one scenario. There can also be some challenges or some distance or coldness for some reason in the relationship with your parents. So sometimes there can be things that you need to work on with respect to them that arise during this time with the Saturn transit going into that house. I feel like some of this, because you’ve been having eclipses take place in this house over the past year, that the eclipses and the major beginnings and endings that have been happening in the 4th house have probably been a precursor and have built up to this, so it should be like, something that doesn’t come completely out of left field because there’s been a sort of like, ramping up to it. But it will be interesting to see how the vibe really changes with your 4th house starting especially in the late spring and early summer of this year.

The other part of this transit, of course, is Neptune going into your 4th house. And Neptune’s tricky because it brings this sense of like, nebulousness and a lack of clarity to your home and living situation as well as you topics related to family. So this is tricky because sometimes it means that you may not have a clear picture of what’s going on with respect to those topics at this time, or that there’s some sort of greater sense of lack of clarity that you start having about this area of your life. So sometimes that can be good, because it can bring a sense of creativity or optimism to your home and living situation, and you know, sometimes this can be incredibly good if you’re reconfiguring your home for doing things creatively or for redesigning your home in a way that’s aesthetically appealing. But with Saturn and Neptune both there in your 4th house, there’s gonna be some sort of tension between on the one hand being overly realistic to the point of pessimism, which is the direction Saturn’s gonna pull you towards, versus Neptune, which is gonna be overly idealistic to the point of being just not connected with reality or completely checked out from it. And these two tensions are something that you’re going to first become aware of during the course of this summer in the middle of 2025 and that you’ll have to start trying to resolve during the course of this transit so that you don’t swing too much in either direction when it comes to this and how it relates to your 4th house of home and family.

All right, so that’s that transit. Then there’s one more transit that actually is partially connected to your 4th house as well, which is that in the spring around the time of the eclipses, Venus goes retrograde in Aries in your 4th house of home and family, and then it backs up and retrogrades back into your 3rd house of communication, siblings, neighbors, and short distance travel. So with Venus going retrograde in your 4th house, sometimes this can indicate like, a major redesign project. So you may rethink the decoration or the layout of your home in some way and just have a sudden drive to really rethink and redraw everything. And especially for those of you that have night charts, I think this is actually gonna be a very positive transit for your home and living situation and that process of redoing things or reconfiguring your home and living situation may be experienced as very positive and beneficial ultimately, even if it’s kind of chaotic because it’s also happening in the context of eclipse season and everything else.

So this is gonna start in your 4th house. Sometimes it can also bring up issues from the past, and this is doubly so because retrogrades pertain to the past in general and sometimes can bring people from the past back into our life. But the 4th house itself also relates to our past and to our early home life and our early experience of life. So there may be some themes of things coming back from the past, especially with respect to family. Like, if you’ve been disconnected from family in the past, you may have a family member from the past that comes back into your life for some reason at this time. So this is true of the 4th house that primarily related to parents, but then Venus is gonna retrograde back into your 3rd house, which is the house that pertains to siblings – if you have any – extended family like aunts and uncles and cousins and other relatives like that. The 3rd house can also relate to neighbors, like people in your neighborhood, your immediate neighborhood and people around you in your community. And finally the 3rd house is also communications and short distance travel, like driving around town and things like that. So there’s some sort of positive reconfiguring of things in that sector of your life that starts at this time as well with this Venus retrograde, and similarly to the 4th house, like, if there were people from your past that maybe you’ve disconnected with – like siblings or extended relatives or even neighbors in some instances – you may see some of those people or some of those relationships coming back into your life at this time, or you may see yourself revisiting some of those things at this time in a way that could be significant or notable if you’re paying attention during the course of the retrograde.

All right, so that’s the Venus retrograde transit, and then that takes us into the next transit, which is that the eclipses are shifting into your 3rd house and 9th house axis this year. And this is interesting to me because Saturn had been transiting through your 3rd house over the course of the past couple of years since early 2023, which is probably causing some issues or some surmountable difficulties in the area of siblings, extended family, neighbors, communication and short distance travel. And there was an eclipse in like, September of 2024 that probably emphasized or exacerbated some of these themes when we saw our first eclipse in Pisces. And what’s interesting is that in 2025, we’re gonna see the expansion of this eclipse series and we’re gonna see the first full set of eclipses – first one, I believe, in Virgo that’s gonna take place in the springtime in your 9th house of education and foreign travel. And then later, especially in the fall of 2025, there’s gonna be the first full set of eclipses in Pisces and Virgo that’s gonna be fully in your 3rd house and 9th house axis.

So what this set of eclipses usually means is that there’s a series of major beginnings and major endings in this area of your life, and it’s falling on the axis that has to do with what you know and what you believe about the world and how you communicate that to other people. So when you start having eclipses in the 9th house, it can indicate some major changes start taking place with respect to your education, your knowledge of the world, your outlook on life. Sometimes this can have to do with your like, personal philosophy or even political beliefs going through some sort of changes or reconfiguration at this time. Sometimes it has to do with taking a major trip and being exposed to people from a culture that’s different than your own or going to a place that’s very different from what you grew up in, so much so that it has some sort of impact on your outlook in life.

The 9th house can also relate to religious experience, so there may be some sort of shift in terms of your personal philosophy or religion or other things like that – your approach to like, spirituality can start going through some changes at this time, like, significant ones. And then as a result of that, with the eclipses in your 3rd house, it’s gonna change how you communicate that to other people. And at first, you might not be very good at like, communicating some of those changes that are happening within you to other people, and there may be some difficulties in that area at first. But ultimately, your communication style will go through a period of growth as you learn how to adapt it and to attempt to convey things to people more effectively. The 3rd house eclipses can also indicate some major shifts with our relationships with siblings or extended relatives or neighbors, so that’s something to keep in mind as well. But it’s interesting how those eclipses are tied in with the Saturn transit from previously the past two years through Pisces, as well as the Venus retrograde that really kicks things off in the spring. So that’ll be an area to pay attention to.

All right. So the very last transit I wanted to talk about is that the planet Uranus is departing from your 5th house where it’s been transiting since 2018, which is the house of children, fun and games – like, leisure activities, sex and sexuality, where it’s been causing some major changes or signifying some major changes over the course of the past six years, and some things that have been unexpected or disruptive or possibly like, even liberating. And Uranus is gonna move into your 6th house of work and health, where it’s gonna bring some of that energy of excitement, of rapid and quick change, as well as liberation to the 6th house of work as well as health matters. So for some of you, this may mean that your workplace and whatever you do for work goes through some unexpected changes. This is gonna be a long term transit, like, a seven year long transit. But nonetheless, sometimes with Uranus, the pace of change can start happening much more rapidly in this new area of your life than we’re used to before. So major changes at work, major sometimes disruptions or like, shake ups. You may find yourself wanting to be more independent or seeking more freedom within the workplace.

The 6th house can also pertain to health, so sometimes there can be some major changes or shakeups when it comes to health. Sometimes this can be a good thing, though, because you can find a greater sense of liberation in focusing more on your health and focusing more on taking care of you. So sometimes people can get really into like, you know, working out and going into the gym, and that sense of sort of like, excitement and revolution can be surrounding like, taking care of the body. It could be focusing more on your diet and like, what you eat and different foods and things like that can sometimes be something that’s very exciting, and especially since Uranus is the planet associated with technology, really getting into the technology underlying these things and sometimes using technology or leveraging it in order to reach new heights and to accomplish new things. So it’s actually kind of an exciting area for you, I think, that’s gonna start in July of 2025 and for most of the second half of 2025, and that’s gonna be a preview of a longer term transit that will last through the early 2030s. So it’d be good to start paying attention to any changes or any shifts that start happening in that area starting in the summer of 2025, because they could be a preview of some longer term themes that are gonna play out over the course of the rest of this decade.

All right, I think that’s it. Those are the major transits that I wanted to talk about today just to give you a big picture overview of some of the stuff that’s coming up for you next year. So if you’re looking for more specifics or if you’re looking for good dates to do things next year, I’ve actually just released my 2025 Electional Astrology Report where I went through each of the next 12 months of next year and I picked out the best dates astrologically to do things based on the principles of electional astrology. So people have used my past years’ reports – since I do this annually – to do major things like to get married, to start a business, to go on a major journey or a major trip. So you can use this electional report to do any major thing that you just want to launch on a lucky or a fortunate date.

So right now I just launched the report, and it’s 20 percent off because I’m doing a launch sale, but only until the first week of January. So you can get the report at that discounted price right now at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/2025Report.

All right, that’s it for this report – or that’s it for this horoscope! So good luck in 2025, and I’ll see you again next year.

I just released my 2025 astrology calendar posters, which show all of the major astrological transits this year at a glance. And you can get those at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/Merch.

If you wanna learn more about my approach to astrology, then I teach an online course in ancient astrology called The Hellenistic Astrology Course, which has hundreds of hours of video lectures where I teach people how to read birth charts and how to understand and predict the future using transits and other timing techniques. So you can find out more information at TheAstrologySchool.com.

Also shout out to our sponsor for this episode, which is the Northwest Astrology Conference, which is happening in May of 2025 in Seattle, Washington, and it’s being simultaneously streamed online at the same time. So you can find out more information at NORWAC.net.

Finally, thanks to the patrons that help to support the production of this episode of The Astrology Podcast through my page on Patreon. You can get early access to new episodes plus other bonus content by becoming a patron at Patreon.com/AstrologyPodcast.


Hey, my name is Chris Brennan, and this is your year ahead horoscope and astrology forecast for the zodiac sign of Aquarius for the entire year of 2025. All right, so my horoscopes are designed primarily for those that have either their Sun sign in Aquarius or especially your rising sign in Aquarius. And I’m gonna give a big picture overview of some of the major transits that are gonna happen and major themes for you over the course of the next 12 months. So let’s jump right into it.

So here’s the planetary movements calendar that shows where the planets will start at the beginning of the year and how far through the signs of the zodiac they’ll get by the end of the year, and it shows how there’s some clusters of planets in different sectors of your chart over the next 12 months. So these are some of the major transits I’m gonna be talking about over the course of the next – of this video, and I’m gonna go through them roughly in this sequence. And here is a slide that lists some dates if you wanna go back and refer to that later for more specifics on some of the time frames involved on each of these transits.

All right, so let’s jump into the first transit I wanted to talk about which we open the year with, which is the Mars retrograde that’s happening in your 7th house of relationships and your 6th house of work and health. So Mars just went retrograde in December of 2024 at the very end of the year here. It slowed down, and it did a u-turn in your 7th house of relationships, and then in early 2025, Mars is gonna move back into your 6th house of work and health. So especially for those of you with day charts, this can be kind of a challenging transit where it can kick up some dust and there can be some challenges or some strife or conflict that arise in the sphere of relationships with other people, whether it’s either romantic relationships or close one-on-one business partnerships. You could find yourself at this time having some significant fights that arise or some significant tensions, and in some instances, this can lead to a severing or a cutting off of certain relationships in your life at this time. So sometimes that doesn’t have to be like, the worst case scenario; sometimes it can be necessary. But other times, it can just indicate a period of significant conflict. So one of the things that I always recommend is to exercise caution during this time when it comes to getting in fights, especially with close one-on-one relationships in your life, because sometimes what you think is just a minor little argument can sometimes snowball and turn into a much larger conflict during this time if you’re not careful. So that’s some of the energy that we move into the year with, and then Mars retrogrades back into your 6th house of work and health, and that can sometimes bring up some issues of conflict in the workplace. There can be some challenges that arise for you at work or you could get into some fights with people at work, especially if you find yourself in any sort of managerial position where you have somebody working for you. There could be more conflict with somebody in that position at this time. It’s also a good period – it’s a good time to take care of your health and to be extra cautious when it comes to health matters, especially in the first four months of this year while Mars is moving through Cancer, because sometimes there can be health issues that arise that we have to deal with at this time. So it’s good not to take additional like, chances or risks with our health during this period, because sometimes Mars can lead us to like, impulsiveness or lead to having a lot of energy in this area of our life. But sometimes that can lead us to not think ahead or to do something risky that could have some sort of negative health implication if we’re not careful. So dealing with health matters, trying to manage things in terms of work and health, and finally because Mars is retrograding from your 7th house of relationships into your 6th house of work and health, it’s possible that this transit could connect together those two seemingly separate areas of your life at this time and show some sort of crossover between like, relationships affecting your health or relationships and partnership affecting your work or something like that. So pay attention to those potential crossovers. That’s gonna be especially the case during the first four months of the year, but really, Mars is not finished with this sector until like, June or something like that. So it’s really the first half of the year that this transit is in effect with greater or lesser intensity at different points.

So the good news, though, is that starting in the entire second half of the year starting in June, Jupiter’s gonna move into Cancer and into your 6th house of work and health. So whatever dust Mars kicks up in this area of our life in the first especially four months of the year, Jupiter’s gonna come in and just sweep things up. It’s gonna improve things with respect to our health, with respect to our work, and other 6th house topics. So this looks like actually a very excellent time for work and health where whatever strife or difficulties or obstacles or conflicts come up earlier in the year will probably be resolved in the second half of the year. And things in some instances may be better than they ever were before once Jupiter goes into that sector of our chart, and that’s gonna last for the entire second half of the year all the way into the first half of 2026. So it’s a very positive transit for improving your health, getting more healthy. If you’ve had health issues in the past, like, potentially finding some resolution or something that actually helps bring some relief or fixes certain things. There’s a lot of really good potential there. And similarly, at work, if you were having some issues at work, the 6th house when Jupiter goes through it is often a period where things are going well at work, where you find like, a good job, especially if there was a break earlier in the year, and just generally a period of hope and optimism and success in that area of your life. So that’s super good.

All right, so moving on. The next set of transits – there’s a cluster of like, three different transits that are all taking place this year around your 3rd house of communication, siblings, extended relatives, neighbors, community, and short distance travel. So the 3rd house covers a lot of things; I did like, a whole seven hour episode on the 3rd house not too long ago showing all the different things that it covers. And for you for some reason this area of your chart is very activated this year in 2025.

So the first thing that’s happening is that the last eclipse is gonna take place in Aries in your 3rd house in the springtime around March and April. And this is the last eclipse of a series of eclipses that have been taking place there over the course of the past year since about late 2023, basically, we started having our first eclipses in Aries and Libra. So the keywords that I use for this, for eclipses, is major beginnings and major endings. So some of this, because this is the last eclipse, this may be the culmination of a series of major changes and a series of major beginnings and endings that have been happening in your 3rd house of communication over the course of the past 12 months. So you may be learning how to communicate differently at this time. There may be something about your communication style that’s been going through some significant changes. And this is finally gonna see the end result of that at this point once we get this last eclipse in Aries.

Sometimes there can also be some issues with like, siblings where either they’re going through some major changes or there’s something about your relationship with them that’s going through significant changes. That’s also true for relationships, interactions with your neighbors or your neighborhood in general, and other things like that. So what’s weird about this is that’s like, one of the transits that’s happening in your 3rd house starting in the spring. But there’s a bunch of other transits too.

So one of them is that Saturn and Neptune not too long after this are going to enter into Aries and move into your 3rd house where they’re gonna form an almost exact conjunction this summer. So during the entire middle part of 2025, a lot of the energy is this Saturn-Neptune conjunction that forms in your 3rd house of communication. So that’s gonna be one of the major signatures of this year. And Saturn when it goes into the 3rd house can sometimes indicate that there’s some restructuring or some surmountable difficulties that arise with respect to the topics of communication, of mobility, of siblings and neighbors. That there’s some sort of issues that arise in this area of your life that force you to deal with them and to try to fix things to whatever extent that you can. So sometimes when Saturn goes into that area, there can be a feeling of like, coldness or distance that starts to develop in your relationship with some of the 3rd house people in your life. So if you have siblings, there could be some sort of like, distance with your siblings that starts to arise at this time for some reason. This could also be the case with extended relatives or especially with neighbors. And while it sounds weird to bring up the topic of neighbors sometimes because that’s usually not like, a major facet of most people’s lives, sometimes when issues come up with neighbors or when there’s relationships that become strained, it can become very notable in your life because then it’s like, something that’s usually in the background and is not relevant or significant suddenly becomes more relevant because it’s something that you’re having to deal with. So being careful to manage those relationships so that they don’t fray and don’t cause you additional issues if you exercise restraint and caution would be good advice at this time.

All right, so Saturn’s going into your 3rd house. This is gonna be an initial preview of a three year long transit of Saturn through your 3rd house starting in 2025, so it’s something that’s gonna play out over a long term. But it’s going into your 3rd house at roughly the same time that Neptune goes into your 3rd house right around the time that that eclipse takes place in the spring. So Neptune entering your 3rd house is a much more long term like, decade long transit. And what’s tricky about Neptune going into the 3rd house is that normally the 3rd house represents communication and how we communicate what we think and believe to the world and how effectively we do it. And Neptune, though, is this nebulous planet that tends to bring a sense of like, cloudiness or a lack of clarity to whatever area it moves into. So with Neptune moving into your 3rd house of communication, there’s something coming up here about a lack of clarity in communication that starts to arise in your life at this time for some reason. And since that’s also coinciding with like, Saturn moving into the 3rd house and some challenges or restrictions to communication, there’s something very interesting here that’s going on that will be important to pay attention to, especially this summer when those two planets get very close to a conjunction in this sector of your chart.

So on the one hand, Saturn tends to make us want to be overly focused on reality and on like, the cold hard facts, the cold hard truth. Whereas Neptune will pull us in an opposite direction of making us want to focus on things that are more idealistic, things that are sometimes like, more metaphysical or sort of like spiritual or religious or philosophical. And sometimes Neptune can cause us to be not very grounded in reality, or sometimes disconnected from it entirely. And there’s something about this basic tension between Saturn and Neptune that’s really gonna play out in your 3rd house of communication, and you’re probably gonna go back and forth between one or the other and being overly realistic to the point of pessimistic in your communication style to on the other hand being overly idealistic and maybe not fully grounded in reality in your communication style during this time. So I think you’ll probably swing back and forth, but one of the goals for you should be to achieve some sort of balance or moderation between those two extremes in your life to whatever extent you can. And this summer is really gonna be the first test of that where some of those things will arise within you as well as in your external circumstances that’ll force you to have to like, contend with those two opposing energies. So it’ll be interesting to see how that plays out and what that presents itself as.

All right, so if that wasn’t enough, there’s also a Venus retrograde transit that starts in the spring that happens in the spring that starts in your 3rd house of communication and then retrogrades back into your 2nd house of finances. So with Venus retrograde in the 3rd house, sometimes that can bring people from your past back into your life, and sometimes it can lead to reconciliations with people from your past where relationships may have separated or may have faded for some reason. So because it’s a retrograde in your 3rd house, I would think that that could have to do with like, reconciling with siblings, with extended relatives like aunts or uncles or cousins, with neighbors or people from your neighborhood, which can sometimes include friends – like, friends you grew up with in your local community or your local neighborhood can suddenly come back into your life for some reason. So that’s gonna start in your 3rd house of communication and neighbors and everything else, and then it’s gonna retrograde back into your 2nd house of finances. So this may cause you to rethink or have to retool some things financially, but especially for those of you with night charts I think this should actually be a very positive transit for financial matters with Venus going through your 2nd house and then stationing direct there in Pisces.

And that actually brings us into the next transit that I wanted to talk about, the next major shift in 2025, which is that the eclipses are shifting into your 2nd house and 8th house axis, which is the financial sector of your chart. So at its core, this means that there’s gonna be some major beginnings and major endings when it comes to financial matters in your life at this time. So this probably already started and started to accelerate last year in 2024 when we had our first eclipse in the sign of Pisces in September. There was an eclipse there, and also Saturn has been transiting through your 2nd house, which in the best case scenario is forcing you to put more structure and more work into financial matters in your life. But in the worst case scenario it can also sometimes bring up some challenges and some surmountable difficulties when it comes to finances in your life. In September time frame, I would have expected that to have been more prominent – September through November of 2024. And that’s one of the good things about Saturn moving into Aries is it’s gonna start to depart from your financial sector, which will probably lead to an alleviation or resolving of some of the issues and some of the slowness that Saturn probably brought to your 2nd house of finances since early 2023, since March of 2023 when it entered that sign.

So eclipses happening here, though, indicates a period of major focus and major activity and major beginnings and major endingings. So there may be something about financial matters where you’re starting to take your finances more seriously where you are trying new things, and you may have a new development in your life where you start playing with the topic of money and finance and possessions and doing something new with it that sets a new foundation in your life.

So this 2nd house set of eclipses is tied in with an 8th house set of eclipses which the 8th house represents other people’s money in your life in general. So that can pertain to topics like taxes, debt, inheritance, also investing can be a major topic – like, this can be a period where you get into investing or the role of like, investing or having your money managed or you managing the money of other people can become more relevant. The 8th house is also the house of shared resources with your partner, either a romantic partner or a business partner. So there may be some major changes and major beginnings and endings happening with respect to their finances which then impact your finances in some way, either directly or indirectly. And part of the theme of this set of eclipses is showing how your finances are not independent from those of other people, but how somehow those two areas of your life are interconnected in some way. So that’s something that will start in the springtime of 2025 when we get the first eclipse in Virgo, but it really gets going in September of 2025 when we have our first full set of eclipses in Virgo and Pisces, which is your 2nd and 8th house. So really pay attention to what’s happening in the financial sector around that time in September, because you’ll probably see some major changes start to take place.

All right, so the very last transit that I wanted to talk about today is that Uranus is departing from your 4th house of home and family and living situation where it’s been transiting since 2018, which has probably been coinciding with some major pretty radical shifts in terms of your home and living situation and in terms of your relationship with your parents to some extent. And now Uranus is moving into your 5th house of children. The 5th house also represents sex and sexuality. It also represents fun and games and leisurely activities and the role that hobbies and other things like that play in your life. And with Uranus moving into this house, usually Uranus is the planet that brings sudden and rapid change that sometimes happens unexpectedly, and sometimes brings things or moves things in a new direction very quickly, because Uranus also always does things super fast. So there’s gonna be some major shake ups in this area of your life somehow starting in 2025 where in July of 2025, Uranus goes into Gemini and into your 5th house for the first time. But this is part of a seven year long transit that’s gonna shake up this part of your life over the course of the next, like, most of the next decade through the early 2030s. So this is not something that will necessarily happen overnight, but I think it’s gonna be really important to pay attention to any changes that start taking place in your 5th house starting in July of 2025 because they could be a preview of a longer term shift that’s gonna radically transform your life in this area in some ways.

So sometimes there can be issues of like, freedom and like, liberation and wanting to get rid of some restrictions that you feel like have been put on you in this area of your life up to this point. For those of you that don’t have children, sometimes this can bring children unexpectedly. For those of you with children, sometimes there’s something going on in your children’s life where maybe they’re being a little bit, they have more of an urge for like, freedom or for, you know, being a little bit less restrained than they were up to this point, and sometimes that can feel like they’re going through changes really quickly or being somewhat erratic. But ultimately, that’ll be like, a phase in their life that will be for the best. It can also be a period in which things about your orientation towards sex and sexuality can change, and there could be some additional excitement in this area of your life. There could be some innovation where you start doing things differently for some reason, or start looking at that area of your life differently for some reason in a way that’s radically different than what you had done up to this point. And especially if you feel like there’s been any restrictions or anything’s holding you back in that area up to this point, you may find yourself wanting to get rid of those just in order to be free and in order to find and be your most authentic self.

The last area is just games and hobbies where sometimes that sounds like a minor area of the person’s life that shouldn’t be important, but sometimes having a hobby or having something that you do for fun and enjoyment and pleasure can actually be the things that make life enjoyable and make life worth living sometimes for some people when other things in a person’s life are not going as well. So there may be some sort of new hobby or new activity or new pastime that you get into that you find really exciting and that you start focusing on a lot more at this time. And it could have some sort of broader transformative effect on your life that ultimately is liberating and is ultimately good. So that’s something to pay attention to as well when Uranus goes into your 5th house in the second half of 2025, and then Uranus will come back and dip back into Taurus next year I think in 2026 for a last transit through your 4th house of home and family, but then eventually in like, a year or two, Uranus will just be like, fully into your 5th house. So the second half of 2025 is just the initial preview of that, but it should be an initial preview where you’ll start seeing some changes happening already right at the beginning of that transit. So pay attention to it and keep an eye out for it, because that’s a big transit that lasts for seven years, and there could be some really good things that come with it.

All right. I think that’s it for this forecast. So those are the major things I wanted to focus on and tell you about for 2025. If you’re looking for dates to launch new ventures or lucky dates, basically, to start things next year, I just released my 2025 Electional Astrology Report where I go through each of the next 12 months of next year and I highlight the single most fortunate or lucky dates I can find in each of the next 12 months using the principles of electional astrology. So in past years, people have used my reports in order to schedule major things like getting married, scheduling the date of launching a business or going on a major journey. Anything that you really want to have a fortunate set of astrological alignments to do under, that’s what my report is for.

So I just launched the report, so I’m doing a 20 percent off sale, but only until the first week of January. So you can get the report at the discounted price right now at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/2025Report.

All right, that’s it for this video, so good luck in 2025, and I’ll see you again next year!

I just released my 2025 astrology calendar posters, which show all of the major astrological transits this year at a glance. And you can get those at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/Merch.

If you wanna learn more about my approach to astrology, then I teach an online course in ancient astrology called The Hellenistic Astrology Course, which has hundreds of hours of video lectures where I teach people how to read birth charts and how to understand and predict the future using transits and other timing techniques. So you can find out more information at TheAstrologySchool.com.

Also shout out to our sponsor for this episode, which is the Northwest Astrology Conference, which is happening in May of 2025 in Seattle, Washington, and it’s being simultaneously streamed online at the same time. So you can find out more information at NORWAC.net.

Finally, thanks to the patrons that help to support the production of this episode of The Astrology Podcast through my page on Patreon. You can get early access to new episodes plus other bonus content by becoming a patron at Patreon.com/AstrologyPodcast.


Hey, my name is Chris Brennan, and this is your year ahead horoscope and astrology forecast for the zodiac sign of Pisces for the entire year of 2025. So my horoscopes are meant to be looked at from the perspective of either your Sun sign if your Sun is in Pisces or especially your rising sign if your rising sign is in Pisces. And I’m gonna give kind of a big picture overview of some of the major trends and themes in the coming year. So let’s go ahead and jump right into it.

So here’s the planetary movements calendar, which shows where the planets will start at the beginning of the year and how far through the signs of the zodiac they’ll get by the end of the year, which shows that there’s kind of a clustering of planets in certain sectors of your chart that’s gonna be relevant and that we’re gonna talk about during the course of this year. Here are some of the main points that I’m gonna touch on during the course of this forecast, just to give you an idea of some of the things I’m gonna talk about. And here are some dates that you can refer back to later if you want more specifics about the time frames of any of the transits that I’m talking about later on.

All right, so let’s jump into the first transit I wanted to talk about, which is the Mars retrograde that we open the year with, especially for the first four months of the year, which is in your 6th house of work and health, and your 5th house of children and hobbies and sex and sexuality. So Mars retrogrades can be kind of tricky because they can bring up some tensions in these areas of our life that can be a little bit challenging to deal with, and this really started especially in December of 2024 – so just in the past few weeks, Mars turned around and did a u-turn and stationed retrograde in the sign of Leo in your 6th house of work and health. So sometimes this can indicate a period where we’re encountering tensions or conflict or difficulties in our workplace with respect to our work, and sometimes with people that we work with. So sometimes this can be kind of a tense period where you’re dealing with some of these things, and sometimes you have to deal with people that are being more combative than usual in the workplace. Sometimes this can actually lead to or precipitate a separation or a severing or even quitting your job as a result of some of these tensions arising around this time. So it’s a good idea to be careful and exercise caution when it comes to getting into conflicts, because they could become bigger than you might expect at first.

The 6th house also pertains to our health, so it’s a good period to be extra cautious because there can be some health issues that arise at this time or sometimes accidents or injuries. Mars is related to inflammations and things that are like, hot and burning and things like that. So if this has already sort of come into play for you over the course of December, if there have been some health issues that have come up, it’s something where by early January, Mars is gonna retrograde out of that sign and go into your 5th house, so there will be some alleviation of that at that point, which is good news.

So at the beginning of January and for the first four months of the year, Mars is gonna retrograde back into your 5th house. And the 5th house, the primary ancient topic that it’s always signified in astrology is the topic of children. So sometimes this means that there can be some issues or some challenges that arise within the context of the general theme of children in your life at this time. So if you have children already, sometimes this can be a period in which you’re having some conflicts or some difficulties with them for some reason that are extended or drawn out as a sequence of events over especially the first four months of this year. It can also be a period in which other topics related to the 5th house are sex and sexuality, so sometimes there can be some tensions in this area, especially if we have like, a spouse or if we’re in a romantic partnership, sometimes this can indicate a period where this is not going as smoothly as other times in our life. And sometimes we may have fights or discord or even experience like, a separation romantically as a result of some of these 5th house topics.

So that’ll be good to pay attention to and just to exercise caution. For some of you, it can be more constructive, especially those of you with night charts – this may just be a period in which you’re putting extra emphasis on themes having to do with work, health, and children, and possibly sex and sexuality. So that can be a perfectly good thing. Sometimes because it’s a retrograde, it can have to do with revising or revisiting the past or even a person coming back into your life from the past that plays a significant role in this area of either the 6th house or the 5th house. So that’s gonna be especially prominent for the first four months of the year. The good news is that later in the year starting in June, the planet Jupiter is gonna move into Cancer, and it’s gonna move into your 5th house not long after Mars has departed from that sector of your chart and completed that transit.

So I think this is really good news, because it means for the entire second half of the year, whatever dust Mars kicked up in your 5th house in the first four months, Jupiter’s gonna come in and smooth things over and clean things up in that area of your life for the entire second half of 2025 all the way into the first half of 2026. So this can be a great period for topics like children. Either – some people when they have Jupiter transits in the 5th house, if they don’t hae children, sometimes they can get pregnant or have children at that time. For those that have children, it can be a period where your relationship with them is going particularly well or they’re experiencing some moment of success in their life for some reason over the course of that year-long period. It can also be a good period for sex and sexuality where you might be exploring new things and enjoying that area of your life more than usual. The 5th house can also pertain to fun and games and leisurely activities, which includes things like hobbies. So this would be a good transit to take up and to explore a new hobby under, starting in June of 2025 all the way through the second half of the year, because sometimes when we explore the 5th house and we find new things that bring joy and pleasure into our life, it can really make life much more worth living and much more enjoyable, especially if there’s other areas of our life that are a little bit more tricky during that time. So definitely lean into that as one of the most positive areas that you can experience especially in the second half of 2025.

All right, so moving on. The next thing I wanted to talk about is there’s a ton of activity this year for some reason in the financial sector of your chart where it seems like money and possessions and finances is a major theme and a major topic for you this year.

So the first transit that pushes me in that direction is that we’re gonna see the last eclipse take place in the sign of Aries, which is gonna complete a sequence of eclipses that have been happening in that sector of your chart over the past year now since the fall of 2023. So this series of eclipses has probably, it’s been bouncing back and forth between your 2nd house of finances and your 8th house of shared resources, so it’s probably seen a series of events that represented a bunch of major beginnings and major endings when it comes to money and finances and the role of shared resources and other people’s money in your life. So this sequence is going to come to a sort of culmination and a completion around the springtime in March and April when there’s one final eclipse in the sign of Aries. Sothis should represent a major beginning and a major ending somehow when it comes to finances for you at this time.

What’s interesting is that not long after that, the planets Saturn and Neptune are also going to move into your 2nd house this year, and this is gonna be the beginning of a major long term transit, a set of long term transits, for finances that are gonna last in the case of Saturn for the next three years, and in the case of Neptune for the next decade.

So Saturn going into your 2nd house can sometimes be a little bit tricky because sometimes that can represent a period of challenges where financial matters might not be running as smoothly as normal and there may be a period where things dry up or where you have to go through a period of restructuring when it comes to your finances. So sometimes this is just like, a surmountable difficulty where an issue comes up in terms of finances, but it’s something that through great striving and effort and just trying to work the problem, you’re able to overcome it and then eventually become stronger as a result. So that’s one of the themes when it comes to Saturn moving into your 2nd house, especially in the middle part of 2025.

And then with Neptune moving into your 2nd house at the same time not too long after that Aries eclipse takes place in the March-April time frame, Neptune also moves in around that time. And this one’s a little bit more tricky because Neptune usually brings a sense of nebulousness or a lack of clarity to whatever area of the chart that it’s transiting. And so for you, it’s bringing this nebulousness to your 2nd house of finances, which may indicate a period in which things become less clear or in which you start developing some very idealistic ideals surrounding money and finances at this time.

So there’s kind of a tension here between Saturn, which is gonna be pulling you in one direction of wanting you to be very pragmatic and very focused on reality, sometimes to the point of sort of pessimism, of perhaps even looking at things as being too negative – versus Neptune, which is the opposite, which is gonna be pulling you in the direction of wanting to see things as being really good and being very idealistic about things but almost to the point of being kind of disconnected from reality in some way.

So this transit, which is gonna become very prominent around the middle part of the year especially around June and July when Saturn and Neptune move into a close conjunction where they’re just under a degree away from each other, a degree from exact, I think that one of the challenges for you this year is gonna be that you’re gonna probably swing between both of those extremes. And part of the challenge will be to try to achieve balance between where Saturn is pulling you versus where Neptune is pulling you during this time. Sometimes Saturn and Neptune is about the breaking down of boundaries, and so there may be some issues there surrounding boundaries that become prominent, especially around the summer of 2025 with respect to finances and possessions.

All right, so if that wasn’t enough, we also have a Venus retrograde transit this spring around the time of the eclipse that stations retrograde in your 2nd house of finances and then Venus backs up and moves into your first house of body, mind, self, and appearance. So this is a significant transit. With Venus going retrograde in your 2nd house, there may be something that you have to look at and revise; there may be a person who comes back into your life at this time from the past that ends up having some sort of significant impact on your finances or your financial outlook at this time. For those of you with night charts, a Venus retrograde in your 2nd house is probably gonna be experienced as an extremely positive transit and potentially like, some sort of financial windfall that happens to you around this time. This is especially around the time frame of March and April is the Aries-Pisces retrograde.

So Venus is gonna back up into your first house of body and mind and self, and one of the most simple things that sometimes happens under Venus retrogrades in the first house is that we can, there’s something about our appearance or the way that we appear to the world that changes at this time. One notable way that this can work is sometimes people do some sort of like, makeover or go through some sort of shift in appearance that’s notable and important to them subjectively and somehow changes the way that they appear to other people in the world. So that’s a potential with Venus going retrograde through your first house is you might rethink the way that you present yourself to the world. This can be a positive period for making yourself look better. It can also be a positive period in terms of your body and physical vitality, so there may be something that you decide to change in order to help improve your health and just general well being. This can also extend sometimes to your mental state when Venus is retrograding through your first house and feeling better about your sense of self and what you need to do and what you focus on in the world. I think this is kind of positive, because it’s coming towards the tail end of Saturn, which has been transiting through your first house over the course of the past two years since basically March of 2023, which can sometimes be a period in which health is a little bit more challenging for us. Sometimes there can be issues with our appearance during that time and things changing. So Saturn’s getting ready to depart from your first house in the first and second quarter of the year while Venus is going retrograde in your first house, which is somehow improving things. So I think this is like, paving the way for Saturn to depart from your first house, which is ultimately gonna be experienced as taking a load off of your shoulders or like, an alleviation of some heaviness that’s been there for the past couple of years.

So that brings us to our next transit, which is that the eclipses are shifting from your financial axis, from your 2nd and 8th house, and the eclipses are not shifting and moving into your first and 7th house axis, which is the axis that has to do with your sense of selfhood and who you are and your personal identity and what you want in the world versus your 7th house of relationships and marriage and partnership and just one-on-one direct interactions with other people in your life. So this seems to be emphasizing some of the first house themes that we were just talking about and implying that you’re about to go through and you’re starting to go through – because actually, this eclipse series first began in September of 2024 just a few months ago with the first eclipse in Pisces, and was probably actually experienced as a little bit challenging because it was with Saturn at the same time. But you’re about to go through a series of major beginnings and major endings when it comes to self versus relationships in your life. And this eclipse series is gonna last for the next two years, because it’s not gonna finish up until early 2027.

So I think usually what I see happen when people start having eclipses in the first and 7th house is they will tend to swing back and forth between two extremes of on the one hand sometimes focusing a lot more energy on themself and what you need and what you want to be doing in your life versus sometimes you’ll swing to the opposite extreme where you’ll be more focused on your partner or you’ll be more focused on relationships or what other people in your life need. Sometimes the reason why we start focusing more on this dynamic is because with eclipses in the 7th, it can sometimes be a period where sometimes relationships can end or other times major relationships can begin at this time, or sometimes both. So you may have a new relationship that comes into your life at this time, and sometimes we can start putting more emphasis on that relationship. But sometimes things can become unbalanced so that it comes at the detriment of our own needs. So one of the challenges for you that I’d really emphasize, especially this eclipse series will start in the spring, but it’ll really get going in September. September is the first time that we get the first full set of eclipse in Pisces and Virgo at the same time in September of 2025. So I think that’s when this axis and this tension between these two opposites is gonna become the most prominent in your life is around the September time frame. But ultimately, once you go through this series of major beginnings and major endings, you’ll probably emerge with a greater sense of balance between your first house and your sense of self and what you need in life, including things like your body and your mental wellbeing, and your 7th house and what kind of energy you need to put into other relationships in your life and what role you want those to play in your life overall. So you should emerge from this series of eclipses ultimately with a better sense of balance between those two things. So that seems actually really great, and that’s one of my final transits that I meant to mention this year in terms of the outlook and the transits for Pisces rising for 2025.

Actually, there’s one more major transit that I almost forgot to mention, which is that the slow-moving outer planet Uranus is moving into your 4th house of home and family and living situation starting in July, and it’s gonna be there for the entire second half of the year. And this is really significant transit because it’s gonna last for something like the next seven years through the early part of the next decade, and we’re gonna get a preview of it in the second half of 2025. So Uranus is the planet of sudden change and rebellion and innovation and also and freedom, and it’s moving into your 4th house, which represents your home and living situation and private life as well as your relationship with your family and especially your parents. So both of these are some areas that may be subject to change during the course of this transit. So with the home and living situation thing, at home you could see some unexpected changes and disruptions, potentially, in the sphere of the home and living situation where things move or start changing somewhat quickly or somewhat unexpectedly. So sometimes this can mean something like you end up changing your home and living situation in a way that’s radically different than what you had prior to this time. So that doesn’t necessarily have to be bad or good necessarily, but just something that is very different in terms of your home and living situation compared to what you’ve had up to this point in your life. So sometimes you may have the urge for freedom and to get rid of previous restraints that have been holding you back when it comes to your living situation for a while. So in some instances, there’s people where if there’s some place that they’ve always wanted to live, they’ll just suddenly get rid of everything and drop everything in order to go and move to a new location suddenly. And this can sometimes feel or you can feel this sense of like, liberation or freedom or other themes like that that can actually feel good, even if it also feels a little bit unsettling or a little bit erratic. So that quality of erraticness is something that may come into play. But ultimately, it should be good in that it should free you up in order to end up in a living situation that’s more authentic to yourself.

With Uranus going through the 4th house, there can also be some unexpected changes at home when it comes to the family and especially the parents. So sometimes this can mean your parents start behaving erratically or they have a sudden urge for freedom or for pursuing new goals or other things like that, which can sometimes from your perspective seem a little bit unsettling. Some of these disruptions can sometimes, you know, impact your relationship with them or your relationship with family members at this time. But sometimes it’s good to just give them space if they have to pursue some of those feelings of like, freedom and liberation and doing what’s authentic to them because that’s kind of necessary in order to live out their own transits at this time.

Other times, there can be – let’s see – unexpected changes when it comes to what your interaction with your parents and your relationship with them. Sometimes this can come from within you where suddenly you might be feeling more rebellious in terms of your interactions in your relationship with them, and some of those relationships then sometimes can be distant at different points during the course of a transit like this. But usually, people go through that process of like, seeking liberation and freedom, and then eventually things will settle down and sort of achieve a new sense of normalcy once the new boundaries have been pushed when it comes to not just your relationship with your parents but also with your living situation as well. So it can be a very exciting and very liberating transit. This is just the first initial preview of it in the second half of 2025 when Uranus dips into Gemini and moves into your 4th house in the second half of the year, and then eventually in 2026 it’s gonna come back into Taurus and your 3rd house of communication for a little bit before going fully back into Gemini after that. But what’s nice about the second half of 2025 is it should give us a very nice preview of some of these energies and what some of the changes and what some of the revolutions are when it comes to your home and living situation, as well as your relationship with your parents.

All right, so that’s it for this forecast. If you’re looking for more specifics or you’re looking for good dates to do things next year, I just released my 2025 Electional Astrology Report where I go through the next 12 months and I identify the single best dates each month in order to initiate actions or to take actions and launch new ventures and undertakings using the principles of electional astrology. So people have used my past years’ reports to do important things or schedule important things in their life like getting married, starting a new business, taking a major trip or journey, and other significant things like that. So if you’re looking for a report to schedule and plan things for next year, then this would be the one for you.

I actually am running a 20 percent off sale just after launch which goes through the first week of January. So if you’d like to get access to the report for 20 percent less than what it’s gonna cost next year, then you can get it right now at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/2025Report.

All right, that’s it for this forecast, so good luck in 2025, and I’ll see you again next year!

I just released my 2025 astrology calendar posters, which show all of the major astrological transits this year at a glance. And you can get those at TheAstrologyPodcast.com/Merch.

If you wanna learn more about my approach to astrology, then I teach an online course in ancient astrology called The Hellenistic Astrology Course, which has hundreds of hours of video lectures where I teach people how to read birth charts and how to understand and predict the future using transits and other timing techniques. So you can find out more information at TheAstrologySchool.com.

Also shout out to our sponsor for this episode, which is the Northwest Astrology Conference, which is happening in May of 2025 in Seattle, Washington, and it’s being simultaneously streamed online at the same time. So you can find out more information at NORWAC.net.

Finally, thanks to the patrons that help to support the production of this episode of The Astrology Podcast through my page on Patreon. You can get early access to new episodes plus other bonus content by becoming a patron at Patreon.com/AstrologyPodcast.