The Astrology Podcast
Transcript of Episode 309, titled:
July 2021 Astrology Forecast
With Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, and guest Jo Gleason
Episode originally released on June 22, 2021
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Transcription released February 16th, 2025
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CHRIS BRENNAN: Hi. My name is Chris Brennan, and you’re listening to The Astrology Podcast. In this episode, we’re going to be looking at the astrology of July of 2021. Joining me today are astrologers Jo Gleason and Austin Coppock. Hey, welcome, guys.
JO GLEASON: Hey. Thanks for having me.
CB: Thank you for joining us this month. Let me first start by showing our graphic for this month. And I’ve got a little animation that was prepared by Hugh Tran for us this month. And I’m going to give, first, an overview of the astrology of the month, and then after that, we’ll break it down into more detail and go through things a little bit more slowly.
Alright, so first off, here is the animation for July, where we have a nice little opening animation for our logo, The Astrology Podcast. So, here is the astrology of July. We open up the month right away, at the top of the month, with the most tense aspect, which is the Mars-Saturn opposition, which goes exact on July first. And that is followed shortly after by an exact Mars-Uranus square, which occurs on July third. After that, the following week, on the ninth, we have a new Moon taking place in the sign of Cancer, followed by Mercury ingressing into Cancer on the 11th. Eventually, the following week Venus ingresses into Virgo on the 21st. And we get the Sun ingressing into Leo on the 22nd.
Our second lunation of the month is a full Moon in Aquarius on the 23rd of July. And then after that, we get a quick succession of Mercury ingressing into Leo on the 27th, Jupiter making its retrograde ingress back into Aquarius on the 28th, and then finally, Mars ingressing into Virgo on the 29th of July.
So, that’s kind of the broad overview of the astrology of this month. So, we’ve been doing this forecast for five years, and as we announced in the May forecast, Kelly Surtees is relocating to a new country, and so she’s taking a few months off, and we’re having a series of guest hosts who are filling in for her while she’s gone. So, this month, joining us is Jo Gleason, who’s an astrologer from Oklahoma and is the former Vice President of the Association for Young Astrologers. And Jo just joined me on the last episode of the podcast to talk about the astrology of Mercury, but this is her first time doing a forecast episode with the two of us. So, welcome, and thanks for joining us.
JG: Thank you so much for having me. I’ve been listening to this episode since 2015, so it’s just- it’s a huge honor, and I really appreciate you guys for letting me fill in for Kelly.
CB: You mean you’ve had a vision of this episode that we’re recording today since 2015 that you’ve been waiting for in your dreams?
JG: [laughs]
AC: Haunted by it.
CB: Right.
JG: Haunted by it. I never really imagined it, no, actually. So, yeah, it’s- but it’s awesome. I’m just so excited to be here.
CB: Yeah. We’re really glad to have you. And Austin is joining us from a new, temporary location before he gets his new, forever home upstairs next time. But you have a good internet connection this month, and you’re joined by some lovely figures back there.
AC: Yeah, well, fingers crossed. Fingers crossed. Should be better. We’re not so subject to the whims of Elon’s satellites here.
CB: Yes. Elon Musk and his fickle satellite network of doom that is sometimes good and sometimes bad.
AC: [laughs]
CB: Alright-
AC: Doom and convenience.
CB: Doom and convenience. That’s a good tagline for this month, actually, for the astrology of July. So, why don’t we- should we start- should we just break it down and jump into the details since we start off with some of the most tense aspects of the month at the top, or should we talk about big picture/overview things first?
AC: They’re almost one and the same.
JG: That’s true.
AC: Because, you know, we really have the Saturn-Uranus square, which was exact for the second time in June, being activated over and over and over again throughout July. We have- it begins with Mars activating it, but then we also get Venus activating the same signature, and the Sun activating the same signature, and Mercury activating the same signature. So, we’re really getting, you know- and what’s interesting is all of those planets I just mentioned activate the Saturn-Uranus square from the same place, from Leo. And so we’re kind of getting four versions of the same thing. Plus, the Moon.
CB: Plus, the Moon will swoop in there. Yeah, so we see that exact Saturn-Uranus square, which went exact in mid-June, but it’s getting re-activated, and it’s getting triggered even though it’s now sort of gently, slowly moving away, it gets re-activated by, at the least, that Mars opposition to Saturn and the Mars square to Uranus, but then a series of other planets that come through fixed signs and hit that as well.
JG: Yeah, and what’s interesting about this month, too, is it’s the first time we’ve had this square activated from Leo, aside from the Moon transiting Leo every month. So, that seems important and pretty unique because last year, Leo season and Scorpio season actually, Saturn was back in Capricorn. So, we’ve had this Saturn-Uranus square activated from Aquarius with planets conjoining Saturn, squaring Uranus. We’ve had this activated from Taurus, with planets conjoining Uranus and squaring Saturn. But we have this opposition activating it from Leo. So, yeah. Do you guys have any thoughts on that?
CB: Yeah. It seems like it’s just filling out the missing piece in a sort of t-square that is going to be tricky for those with fixed sign placements. So, last year, of course, in 2020, it was the cardinal signs that were getting hit the hardest, but this year that has really shifted to the fixed signs. And, you know, now one of the final fixed signs that wasn’t really getting activated as much, Leo, is while we have these transits through Leo over the course of the next four weeks.
AC: Yeah, I was thinking about this. So, we talked when we had our chat the other day. Jo, you made a really good point about the fact that these planets are activating from Leo, bringing literally a new angle to this, and that being more of a personal angle, a sort of, “What about me?” So, I was thinking about that as a result and, you know, with Saturn, you know, it’s sort of like the world and time, what’s going on, where are things going. Uranus in Taurus is very much like the status of work and food and land, all of which are in currency, all of which are changing and being disrupted, right? And then the Leo, as you said, it brings in like, “Ok, all that’s happening, but what am I doing? I’m not the land. I am not the cruel spirit of history.” Right? “What about me?”
JG: Yeah, yeah. It’s this very much, “What about what I want in all of this?” Because the Saturn-Uranus square, it’s felt, at least for me personally, a lot like trying to make some things more sustainable. We have Saturn in its domicile. That’s a good thing. That’s helpful and constructive. And with this Uranus stuff bringing in so many changes, plenty of upheaval and disturbance in our personal lives, broadly speaking, as well. It’s like, ok, how do we at least gain a little bit of control or containment, or at least make what we’re doing and how we’re adapting sustainable? And that’s a big job in and of itself. So, I feel like these Leo transits are like, “What do I actually desire? What kind of purpose am I feeling around what I want and what I actually want to do?” And it’s tough because those desires and those, perhaps even revelations- I think about Leo and illumination, you know, being ruled by the Sun, and a sense of not just like, “I have these ego needs and wants,” but a true sense of purpose.
It’s hard to have those revelations when they’re getting opposed by Saturn. And Saturn’s like, “No.” Or, you know, maybe the “no” from Saturn to some of these Leo revelations is, “Ok, that’s cool that you’re having this revelation, but that, too, needs to be sustainable, and you need to have a structure to support it, etc., etc.” So, that’s something I’ve been thinking about, too.
AC: That makes sense. I thought what you said about the sustainability being a facet of the Saturn-Uranus thing, it definitely feels like it’s pressure testing the stability of various things. And, you know, showing us on a cultural level which institutions are not sustainable in their current form, which, unfortunately, I think is far too high a number.
JG: Yeah, absolutely.
CB: Something I was thinking about the other day when I was driving on the highway for the first time in a while to take a long drive somewhere, and there was this guy that was tailgating me, and he was trying to get me to go faster, and he was driving right up against me until he was a foot against my bumper in order to just try to push me ahead, versus, later on down the road there was somebody that was driving way under the speed limit, and it was holding up this entire line of cars. And I just thought that was a great metaphor for Mars and Saturn, where Mars energy is that thing that’s forcing you and pushing you to go faster than you want to go otherwise and almost acts as an irritant, like a hot pepper or something is an analogy we’ve used in the past, whereas Saturn is that thing that’s forcing you to slow down and almost grind to a halt and have to push forward, but much more slowly and much more deliberately than you would like otherwise.
But both of those, because they’re extremes, tend to cause uncomfort because it’s the most comfortable thing being somewhere in the middle. And I think that opposition between Mars and Saturn is going to be pulling us in those two extremes of hot and cold, or fast and slow in whatever two houses that opposition falls in, in that part of our chart between the Leo and the Aquarius axis. And that was one of the main images I really thought of for that first week of July.
JG: Yeah, that’s a great image.
AC: Yeah, and you also, I would say, you also have the relationship between control and release, right? Saturn is control and contain, and Mars is- almost all of the Martial signatures are about a release of energy, whether that’s a burst of speed or an outburst of speech, right? And so, this is interesting to talk about because in my year three class right now, we’re focused on hyper-analyzing just two planets in aspect, going back around to the beginning.
So, one of the things, you know, that Abu Ma’shar, as well as common sense, tells you is like, to what degree are they interfering with each other’s significations, and if they’re in a place to interfere, rather than cooperate then which one is better in enacting its significations, right? And so, as Jo mentioned earlier, Saturn’s in its own domicile, so Saturn’s ability to control or to slow down, right, is very strong. And Mars isn’t in a place of particular weakness in Leo, but nor is it in a place of blatant strength. And so, if it was just that, we could look at it that way, but then we have Uranus. And so, how do both of you see the Uranus interfering and contesting both Mars and Saturn, who are already in a place of argumentation?
JG: The main thing I think of is Uranus adding even more urgency, more of a sense of urgency. Mars being in a fire sign, being like, “Oh my god, wait, I have all these desires. I know what I want now. Let’s do it immediately.” And Uranus being like, “Yes, right now. Instantly. Let’s just go for it.” And that’s the literal opposite of what Saturn wants at any point in time. Saturn’s like, “No. Build it to last.” And Mars and Uranus are like, you know, “Do it immediately; whatever it takes. Just see what happens,” kind of energy. That’s what I think of with Mars-Uranus. What about you, Chris?
CB: Yeah, it’s like that. You’re already trying to balance the tensions between Mars and Saturn, which is hard enough on its own, but Uranus is bringing this wildcard factor that’s disrupting things and bringing something out of right field or left field, whatever the phrase is but also speeding it up. That’s a really good thing because, with Uranus things, it’s like you have to just think on your feet, and you don’t have time to sit and plan things out, which is more of a Saturnian type thing if Saturn was on its own, but when you throw Mars and Uranus together in a tight aspect, that definitely amps up the urgency and the speed with which events happen, so that you have to think on your feet. And it kind of rewards those who can do that and who can kind of move quickly with the undercurrents.
AC: Yeah, yeah. I would agree. Yeah, I think that with whatever sort of excellence at containment that Saturn might have if it was just Saturn-Mars in these positions is decided strongly in favor of Mars, you know. I think Uranus and Mars are friends, maybe dangerous friends, but there’s a lot that they agree on, right? Both of them favor movement, often swift and not careful movement, over caution, planning, etc., etc.
CB: Yeah. I like that. “Dangerous friends” is a good analogy because it’s those friends that reinforce some of their bad tendencies, like breaking away from things suddenly or cutting all ties and running off and moving to a different country on a whim or something like that, but it’s always with a quickness and a suddenness that can be disruptive to the existing patterns and stability of your life, which is often what Saturn represents.
AC: Yeah, definitely.
JG: Yeah.
AC: And so-
CB: Alright-
AC: I would expect- there’s sort of- how do I put this? So, there’s the energy of explosion, of outburst, of, you know, you have the heaviness. I see sort of, you know, with Saturn, we have containing structures. We call that “walls.” And then Mars-Uranus is like a charge set in those walls that blows it apart or, you know, breaks some of it. There’s definitely- we’ll have some events of that nature, maybe cultural, maybe literal, you know, etc., etc. You never know. But there’s definitely some ignition, and it’s not, when I say, “explosion,” it’s not just things- it’s not just something exploding randomly. It’s that Mars-Uranus energy pressing against a structure, right? It has a particular character. So internally, to loop it back to what you were saying about stability, Jo, you know, so Saturn might be our plan and the structure of our life. Sometimes things aren’t working, and they haven’t been working for a long time, and so that Mars-Uranus is very much, instead of reform, it’s the, “Let’s just level it and then start again,” right? Hopefully, that’s not someone’s whole life, but sometimes there’s an area of your life where you just have to demo it. You’re like, “My approach isn’t working here. I need to scratch this and just rethink this from the ground up.” And usually, there’s a moment where that all comes together, where you’re like, “Oh, fuck, this just isn’t working,” whether that’s your career, or your religion and metaphysic, or the way you handle your finances, or any of the house topics.
JG: Yeah, yeah, very true. And just Leo in general and thinking about Leo and illumination and the Sun, it reminds me of being like, “Oh, I can’t un-see this. Now I know exactly how much this is not working.” And just knowing with this Saturn-Uranus stuff, especially with Jupiter no longer co-present with Saturn, some things don’t need to bend or shift, they need to just break. And being like, “Oh, now I know this.” Because even, you know, the ruler of Uranus, Venus, is going to be following close behind and also running that gauntlet. So, yeah, it feels like things you can’t un-see. Yeah, yeah, I like that.
AC: Thank you for bringing up Venus because I was thinking this because I was like, “Oh, it’s the same thing hit from the same angle, but many times.” So this Saturn-Uranus check-in adjustment starts with Mars. So, it starts in the sort of rudest way possible, but then we have Venus. And, yes, it’s the same configuration of positions, but it’s a different energy. Do either of you have a read on what does Venus, coming to the same Saturn-Uranus square, look/feel like?
CB: I mean-
AC: Shortly after the Mars.
CB: For some people, that’s going to be clean-up because Mars sort of wrecks the place, and then Venus is the one that sometimes has to come in and sweep up after Mars in the week or so following that by hitting some of the same degrees in a person’s natal chart, but then at the same time for some people it’s not going to be that clean-up process at all but instead, it’s going to be felt as, you know, first you’re going to get a Venus-Saturn opposition, which is a distance in relationships or sometimes a cooling down and coldness of relationships followed immediately by Venus square Uranus, which is sometimes a disruption and sort of instability in the relating. So, that almost, for some people, is not going to be clean-up so much as an intensification of some of those things that were already thrown up in the air by Mars.
AC: Yeah, I think so, too. It really brings a- Mars is passionate in its own way, but so is Venus, and very famously so. There’s definitely a sense of really feeling the Saturn-Uranus because, again, this is all year and most of next year is this Saturn-Uranus in the background and this tension between a desire for order and safety in the midst with Uranus, a need for change as well as sort of ongoing crises that keep asking for change, but not necessarily delivering exactly the shape of it. And so we’re thinking about this as we’re checking in with this. This is a multi-year process. And so with Venus, I think part of it is feeling it and also bringing the relational component into it.
CB: One of the things that makes me nervous about it is, I think about some of the keywords you’ve been using for Mar-Uranus, especially, is just the fact that, that Mars-Uranus square goes exact just within 24 hours of the fourth of July. And the Moon actually swoops into Taurus and conjoins Uranus in the middle of the fourth of July, and it sort of completes that t-square with Venus and Mars on the one hand, conjoining around mid-Leo and opposing Saturn at 12 Aquarius while squaring Uranus at 13 Taurus. So, that’s like, to whatever extent solar returns of country charts are a thing, that’s baking that into the solar return chart for at least the U.S. for this year.
AC: Chris, could you put the D.C., the White House, D.C. location in? Do you know what the Ascendant is? We probably shouldn’t tangent too hard on this, but I’m interested.
CB: Yeah, I mean, should I run it for the Sibly chart and do an actual solar return chart?
AC: No, I mean, just the solar return, yeah, would be great for D.C. Or I guess- yeah, D.C. or Philadelphia.
CB: Alright, let me pull up the Sibly chart.
AC: I would probably go with D.C. now, just because that’s where the center of power is.
CB: Oh, right, because it was Philadelphia otherwise, for the Sibly chart. Let me do the solar return.
AC: They probably have the same rising.
CB: Yeah. Alright, so I just did it very quickly in Solar Fire, the return chart for the Sibly chart, to see approximately when it would be for that. It’s relocating it to Denver, which is annoying, but it’s still pretty close in terms of when the exact solar return will occur.
AC: Right, so do you think maybe that’s a Sag rising for D.C. if we-
CB: Yeah, like two hours earlier.
AC: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
CB: Here, let me calculate it. I’ll just do a noon chart for Washington, D.C., And this is part of our ongoing- you talking me around to and actually more 2020 talking me around to the Sibly chart being more impressive than I thought it was at first.
AC: Yeah, my sort of opening case for the Sibly chart is Sag rising – what’s one of the most famous American images? Cowboy. It’s a horse-man with a mistle weapon.
CB: Yeah.
AC: Also, the eagle, Jupiter-ruled animal. See, when I look at July 4th, I tend to just think of how many fireworks accidents will there be this year? [laughs]
JG: Yeah, same. [laughs]
AC: How many fingers will we lose?
CB: Yeah, well, just reminds me-
AC: Grenade fingers.
CB: It reminds me also of when we were looking at the inauguration chart and the configurations that day that were weirdly tense. And that question sometimes of, when does a configuration manifest, immediately that day, versus when it is the start of something, how much is it just creating just a root chart that’s going to manifest later at some point when that configuration gets activated?
AC: Yeah.
CB: Yeah. Alright, so, that’s our initial thing is the opening tension with the Mars-Saturn, the Mars-Uranus, and then Venus swooping in and moving through Leo. Austin, you mentioned the currency stuff, and over the past month, Bitcoin has taken a huge dive. I don’t know if that happened- I think it happened after, which is really interesting because some of the financial astrologers were thinking that Jupiter in Pisces was going to be good for that, but instead, it seems to have done almost the opposite, and it started to tank partially due to your friend Elon Musk and-
[All laugh]
Your close friend and his antics on Twitter, where he’s saying different things about it, is causing the price to go up or down or what have you. But that volatility of currency and of the value of things has been a really interesting manifestation of Uranus in Taurus. It’s very literal. As well as, I was watching this news thing about just the disruptions in the supply lines in general. All over the world for different, both basic commodities like wood in the U.S. because of unexpectedly things selling out but also things like microprocessors, which is a very Uranus-type thing as well.
AC: Yeah, absolutely, and, in terms of stores of value, in addition, maybe second only to currency, there’s property and land, right? And the property market in the United States has gone totally wild. You know, the basically big investment firms think that land and houses are probably a great place to store value, and so have begun– you know, people who are trying to buy a house are competing with all cash offers from hedge funds, and it’s driven, in a lot of areas of the United States, it’s driven the house prices just nuts. And that is in and of itself a volatility, right? People weren’t expecting that. You know, it’s a spike that wasn’t expected, but it also– it suggests future volatility. It’s not just like, “That’s the way it is and the prices are going to stay at that level,” and there’s no way these investment firms will change their mind, right? That’s also, it’s a little Bitcoiny, right? Right? It’s a price spike, and you know it’s going to dip again, but you don’t know how deep or exactly when, but as, you know houses are the primary, for most people, houses are the greatest stores of value, right?
And so, it’s not only the store value on currency but where do you put your currency, right? And for a lot of people, it’s either, “I hope to be able to put it into a house,” or, “I put it in a house.” And so, having home prices be wild like that, you know, it’s changing your net worth, as you would read on paper, it changes, you know, how you would plan things, it changes how much money a bank would loan you, etc., etc. It’s a very fundamental Taurus-stored value instability.
CB: Yeah, for sure. Another thing that happened, the exact day – speaking of the Saturn-Uranus square – the exact day of the second Saturn-Uranus square in June, remember back in the first one, in January, around the time of the exact square, there was that huge power outage all across Texas, which was a really great and really literal manifestation of Saturn square Uranus and old power structures suddenly going on the fritz and breaking down.
And to the day of the second Uranus Square, the Texas power company or grid announced possible shortages again because it was the opposite issue, where it had gotten so hot out that suddenly the system was being overloaded because everyone was turning on their air conditioners, so they were asking people to conserve energy in order to avoid more rolling shutdowns or power outages like January, which is an interesting continuation and just reminded me that, that’s one instance of something on a macro level that’s happening in individual lives this year when that Saturn-Uranus square is hitting a sensitive point in the chart, is just recurringly checking in on existing power structures sometimes unexpectedly breaking down, especially when there hasn’t been good upkeep of them up to this point.
AC: Yeah, so that just sparked a, what is hopefully insight for me. So, back to the sustainability and sustainability test quality of this, so I think a big question is how much energy does it take to simply continue doing things the way you/me/we are? How much energy does it take to just keep doing it this way? Right? Whether it’s trying to, you know, experience a cool 68 degrees when it’s 108 outside, whether it’s trying to do things this way in your life or whatever, but how much energy do you have to constantly feed something in order to just keep it steady?
And then, on the Uranus level, one of the things I think Uranus likes to do, and one of the positive and negative significations, is that Uranus unbinds or releases energy. Right? You know when you get to drop something that’s hard? And you have all this energy that you’d invested in that, you get it back.
CB: Yeah, that’s a good point. And it’s also hitting- I mean, the Saturn in Aquarius- it’s been interesting seeing the people going through their Saturn returns in their late 20s right now and having that addition of the Uranus square at the same time. Have you been seeing anybody- that’s sort of your rough age group, right, Jo? How have you been seeing Saturn returns manifest for either friends or for clients, as it’s been going through Aquarius lately?
JG: I’ve had a lot of Saturn in Aquarius clients and, yeah, it’s a lot of what you were just mentioning, Austin, and actually, this idea of just like, “Oh, I’m realizing how energetically expensive just keeping going this way is.” And it’s been interesting seeing Uranus in Taurus show up as desires you didn’t expect to have, like very Venusian in some ways. And what are my actual values? Those kinds of things. In some ways, those are Saturn return questions, but it’s kind of electrified by the Uranus square in a really interesting way. And being like, “Oh, I had sort of a loose idea of what I wanted for myself as I grew up, or for me in the future, in five years, 10 years. And suddenly, I have these new priorities or these new desires that aren’t going away or that I can’t unsee. Now I have to see how I can build sustainability around them, or what really needs to go. What I no longer have the energy to keep doing if I’m going to do this other thing, or this additional thing, or change direction,” etc., etc.
AC: Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And I think, you know, one thing that’s just really interesting is, you know, we can do all this talking about Saturn returns, and yes, there’s the return and doubling down on the natal position, but for so many, it’s not uncommon at all that when Saturn happens to get back to where it was when you were born, there’s also something going on, right? Saturn happens to be square Uranus this time. For me and my fellow Saturn in Virgo brethren, when we had our Saturn return, it was during the Saturn-Uranus oppositions. And for the Saturn in Capricorns, they got lucky enough to have a Saturn-Pluto. Pluto was just there. Did either of you see Bo Burnham’s recently released special, Inside?
CB: No, I haven’t seen it yet. Is he Saturn returning right now?
AC: Well, it was in Capricorn. And so, literally, it’s a- he usually does big, colorful musical stage shows, but he made this in 2020, so it’s him in a room.
CB: Right.
AC: That’s why it’s “inside.” And, you know, it’s the most Saturn return- Saturn conjunct Pluto return special ever.
CB: I love that. Yeah, he’s literally stuck inside, but being creative and being himself.
AC: Yeah, and being super depressed and full of anxiety about the world and his place in it.
[Chris and Jo laugh]
CB: Wow.
AC: Oh, it’s awesome.
JG: That tracks.
AC: Yeah, it was actually a little too on the nose, as far as the emotional tone of 2020, where I appreciated it the first time, but it was- it put me in exactly that mood watching it again and listening to the songs afterward. There’s a lot there where you don’t feel quite as crushed under the avalanche of history, but yeah, it’s fucking awesome. It’s also just the most Saturn conjunct Pluto Saturn return ever.
CB: Yeah.
JG: Yeah, I’ll have to check that out.
CB: Yeah. One of the things that we had talked about in preparing for this episode was since all this is taking place in fixed signs, the notion of this may be referring to ongoing things rather than sudden ones in many instances. And, of course, Uranus shakes that up a little bit, but for the most part, Mars, Saturn, all of this is, you know, stuff that stays- fixed signs have more staying power and tend to represent situations that stick around for a while, so that might be something we want to talk about or mention, at least in passing as well.
AC: Yeah, definitely. 2020’s big configurations were cardinal, right? So, cardinal things are new; they happen. They’re meaningful, they may have consequences moving into the future, but it’s really about the thing that happens. Whereas fixed is, you know, as you said, “ongoing,” right? Like this housing thing, it’s an ongoing concern, and it intersects with ongoing concerns about class mobility in the United States. Sustainability is literally about ongoing, right? Those two intersect perfectly. If we’re looking at crypto, an ongoing challenge to the historical strategy for storing value and currency, etc., etc.
CB: Yeah. And of course, one of the things that’s been happening recently that’s been a bit of a change and transition is, we’ve been experiencing- we’ve had a month now- actually, I think we’re recording this episode to the day, the day that Jupiter is stationing retrograde in Pisces. It’s the 20- today is the 19th, so Jupiter is fully stationing today and tomorrow. So, we’ve reached, actually, peak Jupiter in Pisces right now, and one of the signatures for this month is that Jupiter is going to start walking backward and then eventually retrograde or regress back into Aquarius, where it has unfinished business. So, we’ll save some of that for obviously later when we talk about that more, but it’s been interesting seeing the change of even just here locally in Denver, everything opening up again and people not having to wear masks and stuff in stores. And it was really almost bizarre walking into a Whole Foods, and it’s almost like going back in time to two years ago, to 2019 or early 2020, before everything went dark. And that’s been a really interesting experience that’s coincided with Jupiter in Pisces, which has almost been a little bit too on the nose in terms of what we expected in the year ahead forecast. But how have your experiences been in terms of that? Or have you seen that as well, Jo?
JG: Yeah, yeah. It’s definitely been different, and this is something I’ve been thinking about a lot. How Jupiter in Pisces, you know, it looks really great on paper, and it is great. It’s Jupiter in its domicile, which we haven’t had since 2019, right? Yeah, 2019, since Jupiter was in Sagittarius. Otherwise, we’ve had Jupiter in Saturn-ruled signs, Jupiter and Saturn copresence, and how, you know, along with- and I’ve been feeling this personally. I know this isn’t everyone’s experience, but Jupiter in Pisces does bring some relief and some hope. It’s Jupiter, the planet that gives us things like optimism or hope or belief being resourced to actually do that, versus just not very well resourced to do that. And there’s almost a little bit of a hesitancy, for me at least, or kind of trepidation holding on so tightly, having such a Saturnian grip present for so long with Jupiter and being able to release that a little bit has been like, “Oh, no but what if it’s not actually safe to believe this or to be optimistic.” And it reminds me of experiencing some kind of pain or grief and holding it in for a really long time and then having a grandparent you haven’t seen in a really long time, a Jupiter in Pisces figure, who gives you a big hug and you finally cry, which is a cathartic and really healing experience, but it can be kind of intense, too, so this is- I mean I’m kind of digressing from the Covid stuff, the mask stuff, but-
AC: Well, but those- you’re-
JG: It’s felt a little like that to me.
AC: Well, I would just say, Jo, that what you’re- the letting go of a grip, you’re talking about opening up, which is exactly what Chris is talking about.
JG: Yeah, yeah.
AC: Yeah.
JG: So, yeah, it’s like there’s a little bit of reluctance and, “Eh, is this really ok?” You know, how can we be sure? Because we have been kind of holding it together for so long. So, it’s an interesting mixture of experiences, I guess, is what I’m trying to say.
CB: You were saying yesterday that once you release holding something in a grip in your hand for a long time, sometimes your hand still hurts for a little while because you’ve been holding- clenching it so tightly for so long that there’s still a residual physical feeling from that.
JG: Yeah, it’s-
AC: You get claw hand.
JG: [laughs] Yeah, it’s like, “Can I still remember how to do this? Do I even remember how to be optimistic?” And stuff like that. And that reminds me, Austin, yesterday you were speaking a little bit about expectation management, and I think that’s really relevant for Jupiter in Pisces and Saturn remaining in Aquarius. And I think it can kind of go both ways. If you expect the world from this brief little ingress from Jupiter into Pisces, you might be disappointed, but I feel like it can go the other way, too. Don’t set your expectations so low that you kind of squander a beneficent time The hug Jupiter is offering, if you will, which is very cheesy, but-
AC: Yeah, well, you know, I think we talk a lot about, how should I say this? Sort of putting fear or difficulty of an upcoming configuration in its proper place. Like, “Oh, Saturn is going to be here in your life. Saturn isn’t everywhere.” Right? But there’s a little bit less of that around the slow benefic, around Jupiter, where it’s, yeah, it is good fortune, it’s good spirit, it’s all this stuff, but in that area for that time, right? And I think managing expectations using houses is very helpful, right?
I know somebody whose IC is in Pisces, so this was good for physical space, property stuff. For me, it’s my ninth. My general outlook and energy is a lot better. My sect light is also in Pisces. You know, if someone, you know- I wouldn’t expect, I don’t know- I wouldn’t expect a fourth house thing from my transit, right? Because it’s in the ninth. And if it’s in someone’s second, yeah, there’s probably going to be some opportunities to make some money, right, or get some stuff. But locating, in terms of topic area as well as length of time, right, and not assuming that the world shifts permanently because of one planet. There’s still the rest of the planets.
JG: Yeah, and I feel like that contrast is highlighted. And this is similar to it’s actually kind of the same thing you were talking about for the June forecast, Austin, about Jupiter being off-axis from the Aquarius stuff and now it’s Leo-Aquarius stuff. And so, for the majority of the month, we have even the Sun in Cancer off-axis from the Leo-Aquarius activation and Jupiter in Pisces off-axis from that as well. And it’s interesting how that just kind of increases what is already a very contrasty month, with the opposition from Leo activating that Saturn-Uranus square, so that’s something I was thinking about, too.
AC: Yeah, didn’t we have- there was some kind of awkward but kind of funny metaphor for this?
JG: Was it the poison thing?
CB: You’re going to have to be-
AC: It was ice cream as poison.
JG: There’s no poison in the ice cream, but there’s also no ice cream in the poison.
AC: Yeah.
JG: It’s either just poison or just ice cream.
AC: Yeah, Jupiter is not helping with any of the Saturn-Mars-Uranus problems. But the Mars-Uranus-Saturn problems also aren’t getting in the way of any of the stuff that Jupiter is trying to enact.
CB: Yeah, for now, during the first part of, you know, June and July, but one of the things I’m thinking about, especially this month, is Jupiter, you know, backtracking now. Starting today, it’s going to start backtracking and heading back toward Aquarius. And the question is, what does backtracking look like with Jupiter retrograding back into Aquarius? You know, on the macro level, we’re talking about things like, of course, like Covid, and things have been opening back up with Jupiter in Pisces. And people are not wearing masks and stuff, but, you know, what unfinished business is there and, you know, in some countries like in India and the UK, of course, they’ve had this new delta variant of Covid, and that’s spreading to the U.S., or has already spread to the U.S., and just what that looks like, in terms of, if there’s an uptick of things and if Jupiter going back into Aquarius means there isn’t some unfinished business that has to be sort of cleaned up before we can actually move forward into this little preview of Jupiter in Pisces that we’ve had so far.
AC: Yeah, well, one way of looking at Jupiter going back into Aquarius is to help Saturn with the things. Right? And if we’re talking about a lot of systems in the midst of a fixed crisis and needing serious reform or whatever it is, reform or revolution, you know, whatever it is. But, you know, in a sense, Saturn is the systems being challenged. And we’ve certainly, on a personal and collective level, need help upgrading the systems or redesigning the systems. And so that’s not as fun for Jupiter, right, because that’s helping with a problem rather than doing a good outside of the problem, doing a separate good, but there’s definitely unfinished business there.
I would also add that, you know, on a personal level, Jupiter’s retrogradation doesn’t turn- it’s not like a Venus retrograde where Venus’ significations really change. It’s more about consolidating gains whether that’s a gain of, I don’t know, being more, you know, having a mental health boost from Jupiter in Pisces, or getting an opportunity for some work or whatever. But Jupiter- I see the retrograde often being the like, “Ok, so, can you keep or consolidate that? Or does it just flow through your fingers, and now it’s not there?”
JG: Yeah, I love that, consolidating gains. I’ve been thinking about that so much. What are we learning right now about having a little bit of benefic Jupiter- a lot of benefic Jupiter to support and help out off-axis from the Saturn stuff, the Saturn-Uranus stuff? And how can we keep that or integrate that into our structures that have, at least at some points for all of us, been mostly about survival or holding it together during an absolutely wild past couple of years? But, yeah, I think that’s going to be important with Jupiter moving back into Aquarius. What did you learn? Can you keep that little spark of hope? Can you protect the little flame, so it doesn’t go out once Jupiter moves back into Aquarius?
CB: Yeah, to keep the hope and hope for future return to that because we’ll return back to Jupiter in Pisces, especially next year, but also go back and firm up whatever the- your mentioning and Dina in the chat mentions innovation and I like that because that ties into what you were saying, Austin, because one of the things that happened at the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December, of course, that was really interesting is we saw a medical innovation with the public release of the vaccines that coincided really closely with Jupiter and Saturn. But maybe that’s part of Jupiter going back into Aquarius; is either something related to that or related to other sorts of innovations, maybe technological innovations that are needed in order to get past some of this and sort of move on societally.
AC: Yeah, I’m not super hopeful about society’s ability to adapt meaningfully, in even this decade. I think, on a personal level, that idea of bringing new tech to things, approaching things in a new way, also literally new tech, upgrading your microphone or whatever. I’m thinking about this because this is a different microphone than usual. But I think that structure is very doable on a personal level.
CB: Right, yeah. Just little incremental changes and upgrading and the ways that sometimes technology can alter one’s life for the better obviously can be downsides as well, but there might be something about Jupiter in Aquarius that we need to go back to and revisit that was an initial push or inkling of growth and change, but that isn’t quite done yet and maybe needs a second push.
AC: Yeah, I mean, I think a systems upgrade, right? Again, with Uranus, you have that energy of rethinking the whole approach. And I think Jupiter in Aquarius is very friendly with that, even though they’re in a square. And that could be, I don’t know, a whole new perspective on your diet, right, if that’s an area of concern. Or how you exercise, or how you arrange your time professionally, whatever; it’s like that system upgrade. But there is one of the sort of Uranus square parts of that is, and part of Uranus is that there’s always an element of experiment, of you don’t know exactly how it’s going to work, and so you have sort of the danger of what you could characterize as the Frankenstein, where you create something that’s not exactly what, you know, that has some problems, or even worse, the Windows10 upgrade, where you’re like, “No, no, we’re doing a system upgrade.” And it breaks your camera and your mic and your steam controller, which it did last week.
JG: Ugh. I hate when that happens.
CB: So, we’ve been talking about some of the big macro stuff. I want to back up because one of the notes that we have from very early in the month is actually the final square between Mercury and Uranus. Because Mercury, of course, we’re getting out of the retrograde period, and Mercury is finishing its trip through its home sign of Gemini. And so that makes it one of our last signatures for very early in July, is just the very tail end of Mercury in Gemini, and with that on July 6th, we get the exact- third exact in the past month or two, Mercury-Neptune square, which can be a little bit tricky, a little bit deceptive. Jo and I, in the Mercury episode that came out, I think, right before or two episodes before this one, talked about Mercury’s desire to transmit information and to signify communication, whereas Neptune’s tendency to cloud things and that sometimes being a bit antithetical to Mercury’s tendencies and desires and indicating a cloudy communication or sometimes miscommunication in some ways. So, that’s a little, not ongoing, but a minor signature that’s worth mentioning on July 6th.
And after that, that actually brings us to the electional chart for this month, so this might be a good time to mention that since it happens relatively early in the month, on July eighth. Is this a good segue for the electional chart, do you think?
JG: Yeah.
AC: Yeah, I would just add one thing. Part of what we’ve seen, part of that series of Mercury-Neptune squares has sort of tied to is the UFO disclosure talk. We talked about that last month, and it’d be interesting to see if there’s another point of emphasis or temporary conclusion to that on that last Mercury-Neptune square. Also, I would just add that Mercury is in pretty good shape other than that. For the first part of the month, it’s freshly morning risen, it’s direct, it’s in Gemini. Mercury has a lot of goodness.
CB: Yeah, well, it’s interesting that you mention that because this is a June thing, but Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces towards the end of June on the 25th. And right around- I think that’s the day, or within a day, congress is supposed to release whatever its final report is on the UFO situation, where they’ve released some redacted reports, but they’re supposed to release some other report that’s supposed to be less redacted or whatever the final report is. So, it’s weird that that’s happening so close to the Neptune station. I think, what was the keyword we used last month was like “the confirmation of mysteries” or “something mysterious.” I think that was the keyword we used.
AC: Yeah, that object is definitely unidentified.
CB: [laughs] Right, yeah. Well, yeah, we should see more of that when the unclassified report is expected to be released by Congress on June 25th, which is literally the day that Neptune stations in Pisces, so we’ll see what happens.
AC: Yeah, that’s interesting. Yeah, that’s nice. That sort of confirms what we were thinking about, this being timed with the Mercury-Neptune thing.
CB: Right. So, in terms of the electional chart this month, the highlighted election this month that we picked out for an auspicious date to begin a new venture, or undertaking using the principles of electional astrology, is July eighth. We decided to highlight this because we wanted to catch, now that Mercury is no longer retrograde, and it’s direct, you know, it’s also tricky because it’s still coming off of, and is within the square of Neptune, but at least it’s separating from that and is two degrees away.
So, our electional chart for this month is set for July eighth, 2021, around 10:30 or 11 o’clock in the morning so that you get Virgo rising. So, basically, just set a chart for that day and then adjust it until you get Virgo rising and if you want, you can adjust it, maybe push it an hour forward to 11:30 AM so that Mercury is on the degree of the Midheaven or whatever it takes to put Mercury close to the Midheaven in your location because this is a Mercury in Gemini election with Virgo rising. Mercury ruling the Ascendant, placed in the 10th Whole Sign house and in its own domicile of Gemini while being direct in a day chart as a morning star. It’s a good 10th house election and a good Mercury election for communication and all things Mercurial for the most part.
Jupiter is angular in the seventh Whole Sign house in a day chart, and it’s overcoming Mercury through a superior sign-based square. The Moon is in Cancer, and it’s applying to, especially an hour earlier at 10:30, you can catch it in most time zones, the Moon is in the 11th house, and it’s applying to a nice trine with Jupiter from the sign of Cancer. It is in the extreme waning end of the cycle, where the Moon is getting ready to make its new Moon conjunction with the Sun, so it’s at the last end of the phase. So, sometimes it’s better for closing things down or wrapping something up, but there’s different, you know, communication-type things that you can do in terms of that, that can still be useful.
And, yeah, I’m trying to think if there’s anything else I meant to mention about that. What’s a good archetype for a strong Mercury election where you’re sort of wrapping something up or maybe ending a cycle rather than necessarily beginning a new one?
AC: I don’t know. Maybe finally finishing the edits on your out-of-print book?
CB: [laughs] Right.
AC: That you want to get a second edition out of.
CB: That everybody’s been demanding and hitting up, even your friends, to see if they have copies of, but they don’t, and, yeah. So, you think you might do that? Well, that would be a great election. Yeah, finish your God damned book, Austin.
[Austin and Jo laugh]
CB: Alright, so that is the electional chart for the month of July. There’s, I think, three of four other electional charts for this month that we’re going to release in the Auspicious Elections podcast that I do each month. And one other thing that I meant to mention – this is a good time since I’m showing the animate-chart feature because everybody always asks me what software we use when we look at charts on the podcast. And the answer is that we use a program called Solar Fire for Windows, which is an astrology software program for the PC. You can get it at and if you use the promo code AP15, you’ll get a 15% discount on the program. If you have a Mac, then there’s another program that’s made by the same people. It’s called Astro Gold for Mac OS, and it includes a bunch of modern, as well as a bunch of traditional astrology techniques, so you can get that at and you can use the promo code ASTROPODCAST15 for a 15% discount. And I just released a bunch of tutorials. Here’s my- do you like me trying to smile for thumbnail image here for the YouTube? I just released-
JG: Very nice.
CB: Thank you.
AC: I was actually just really admiring your sexy marketing photo. I thought maybe it was a stock photo or the company did it, but I recognized your bookshelf. It’s nice work.
CB: This is all me, yeah. I had a whole photoshoot with my Macbook, trying to get some good images. Although, if you look really closely, and I don’t think anyone would notice unless I pointed this out, I actually messed up on the Aquarius glyph, and I made it black, down there at the very bottom of the thing. The rest of them are yellow, but I was-
AC: That’s because Saturn is in Aquarius. Saturn totally did it.
JG: Yeah, yeah.
CB: Saturn has darkened Aquarius in the two or three-year period as it’s moving through.
AC: Yeah. Saturn makes the sign that it’s in goth.
CB: Yeah. So, I did a couple tutorials, so check out my YouTube channel for a lovely tutorial on using this program, where I use Justin Beiber’s chart and showed how you can use it to calculate lots or annual profections or zodiacal releasing or what have you, which is one of the reasons I actually really like using this program. So, that’s my little pitch for the elections and for the software for this month. That kind of brings us, or wraps up the first week of the month, and brings us, I think, to our first lunation, is what we need to talk about now.
AC: Yeah, we should kind of get sequential now that we’ve done a lot of overview, I think.
JG: Yup, yup.
CB: Good idea. So, let me share the planetary alignments calendar again to show on July ninth, we get our first lunation of the month, which is a new Moon in the sign of Cancer, and luckily, especially for all the mutable sign rising people, we’re now firmly out of eclipse season, and we’ve moved out of some of the instability and the great beginnings and great endings of eclipse season, which was honestly really entertaining to watch because I was seeing, pretty much everyone with mutable signs rising – Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, or Pisces – having just major beginnings and major endings of things in career, or relationships, or self-development, or their home and living situation. It was working out pretty much to a T in some of those cases in a way that was almost sort of comical. Neither of you are mutable signs risings, so you didn’t experience any of that yourself, but did you see any-
AC: I mean, the eclipse was on my Moon, which rules my Ascendant.
CB: Oh, right. You’ve got that Gemini Moon.
AC: And I have a mutable Sun, Moon, Nodes, Mars, Saturn, Neptune.
CB: Gotcha. So you saw a little bit of changes?
AC: Oh, yeah. I had some very profound experiences, and I would say- how should I say this? You know, when you have a level of insight into your life where it’s not just about right now, but it’s like, you know, you’re looking at your life as a structure. You’re in that, I don’t know, sub-basement expanded time awareness place, and you’re like, “Oh, this is me,” or, “This is how this works in my life,” in a way that tracks back decades and will probably track forward decades. It was in the 12th, so it was more profound awareness, like slipping through a crack in the normal fabric of daily awareness and getting to that deep place, which, you know, and some of the insights there having an impact on the future, but because it’s the 12th, it was that rather than a big thing happening at my front door, or physically.
CB: Yeah, that sounds very 12th housey.
AC: Yeah, it was great.
CB: Nice. What about you, Jo? How was eclipse season for you, now that we’re getting out of it?
JG: Well, it was more intense than I thought it would be. I thought, for some reason, I thought that I was kind of off the hook from eclipses now that my angles, you know, are free from eclipses and my Moon is free from eclipses, but apparently having a Virgo stellium means the eclipse axis squares your Virgo stellium.
CB: Right.
JG: Nothing bad happening, just so much, very Mercurial. Just so many ideas, so many different directions, so much incoming information in my brain, just capping out, overwhelmed, so we’ll just put it this way; I’ve watched a lot of anime in the past month. I’ve been like, “This is just what I’m going to do right now.”
AC: Have you watched a lot of Zeus?
JG: I haven’t. Is it good?
AC: It’s awesome.
JG: Okay, it’s on my list.
AC: It’s actually way better than I thought. We just started it a day or two ago. It taps into, I would say, the spirit of a lot of Greek mythology. I’ll just put it this way. It starts out by saying, “These stories? This was an oral tradition. Some of it got written down, but not every story got written down. This is one of those stories.” And I was like, “Yes.”
JG: Hell yeah. Yeah, I want that.
AC: It’s classic but also creative.
JG: Yeah, that sounds fantastic.
AC: And also- alright, I’m just going to talk about it just a little bit. As Jupiter, right, it’s actually a really interesting meditation on Jupiter because it’s literally Zeus is one of the characters. And has a pretty Jupiterian character, and it’s one way I’ve been kind of reading it is it’s almost like a meditation on the virtues and failings of the raw Jupiterian approach. Right? Because he’s not good or bad, he’s like most proper Gods, very thoroughly both in a dramatic way.
JG: Yeah, yeah. I will definitely have to watch that. I’m interested.
CB: Yeah, and just going back to eclipse season, there were three different Sagittarius rising friends that were all having relationship drama because the eclipse was in their seventh house, and then the Mercury retrograde in Gemini went through their seventh house, and I thought that was pretty entertaining to watch in a very literal way.
Anyway, I’m glad we’re out of eclipse season, and I’m looking forward to our first lunation of the month, which is this little Cancer Moon that’s taking place around, it looks like, 17-18 degrees of Cancer. So, how are we feeling about this? This is coming a little bit after, you know, that first sort of tense week of the Mars-Saturn-Uranus action. Even Venus is starting to get out of that T-square now. It’s going to be at 15 Leo by that point, where it’s separating four degrees from Saturn at 11 degrees of Aquarius. And it’s about a degree and a half off of the square with Uranus at 14 degrees of Taurus.
AC: Yeah, there’s going to be an aftershock when the Moon hits those two days after this new Moon, though.
JG: Yeah.
CB: Oh, right.
AC: Venus is starting to leave, but the Moon’s going to be like, “No, no, no. Not so quick. Let me translate the light.”
CB: Yeah, and that’s also right when Venus and Mars meet up at 18-19 degrees of Leo.
JG: Yeah.
AC: But I think you’re right in that we will be feeling the, “Oh, no, we’re kind of moving away from this now.” We probably will during that new Moon. There’s- again I think, “aftershock,” is a good way to put it.
CB: Right.
AC: Because it’s not the primary shaking.
JG: Yeah, that’s true. I like this new Moon just because it is kind of a little reprieve after, you know. I think the sequence of the Leo transits during July is really interesting, I mean into August, too, but Mars coming in, opposing Saturn, bringing in this more personal element; This, “What do I want?” element. And Mars being like, “This is what I absolutely don’t want.” Because Mars is really good at, you know, Mars and Venus are both kind of desirous planets, but I think about Mars and separation or severing and being like, “This is what I do not want. Screw that.”
AC: Yeah.
JG: And then Venus coming in behind and being like, “This is what I actually do want.” All of this with this awareness of the obstacles or of whatever Saturn is giving, the circumstances you have to work with to make it sustainable or just hold it together, whatever. And this watery Cancer new Moon that is thankfully not an eclipse is kind of a little- I’ve been thinking about this a lot as this little rest point, almost, where it’s like, “Ok, are you remembering to care for yourself?” and the emotional component of what’s going on as you awaken to or fully get clarity maybe on some of these desires or just deal with the frustration. A malefic opposition in fixed signs just screams frustration. There’s- I’d be very surprised if any of us got out of July without experiencing some frustration to whatever degree. But this is kind of like, “Ok, check in with yourself.” Your emotional needs matter, too. Your care matters, too. And I know the trine from Jupiter is just a Whole Sign trine; it’s not close by any means, but it’s there in that it’s again kind of it’s- we have a little bit of space to be optimistic or believe and have some hope, and so it’s like, “Ok, what about this water element emotional component can you do to support yourself while you’re extremely frustrated?” on this other axis. Even though there is that separation, there’s no ice cream in the poison type of thing, but make sure you at least also eat your ice cream while you’re getting the poison from the other axis.
CB: Yeah, I like that trine from Jupiter, that Whole Sign overcoming trine. And also just the fact that this is the first lunation, new Moon in Cancer that we’ve had in a while that is not an eclipse and does not have Saturn transiting through that sign. And even Mars, you know, going through Leo, has now left this two-month transit of Mars going through Cancer where it’s kind of, you know, kicked up some dust, but this lunation is just a reminder that sometimes not every new beginning has to be a major beginning of a major journey. You know, to use an analogy, you would like Jo, Sam, and Frodo setting out to destroy the one ring. But instead, sometimes a new beginning can just be, you know, starting to do a different workout routine or visiting a new restaurant or starting a new, little, lowkey friendship, or a new hobby or something like that. Because it’s a new Moon, so there’s something about a new beginning or even an ending or wrapping something up, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a huge, monumental new chapter of your life like the past several eclipses and lunations have been there, for the past few years, or year or two. But instead, just a little beginning and a little ending.
AC: Yeah.
JG: Yeah.
AC: I will say, I wish Pluto wasn’t opposite. It’s not super tight, but it’s applying in seven degrees.
JG: No, it’s there, yeah.
AC: You know, it’s a little haunted, right? It’s a nice moment, it’s a nice- it’s a little beginning/ending. I think it is nice; it’s just sort of- but you know that in the distance, the Nazgûl still hunt the skies. Just not here. Not here and not now.
JG: Yeah, it’s-
AC: But they’re out there.
JG: It’s, you know what it is? It’s when Sam and Froto are in Nefilian, and they’re eating lembas bread, and they’re remembering merrier times, even though they can see Minas Morgul in the distance, and they’re literally about to go there. So, it’s not the starting of a massive quest; it’s munching a wafer of lembas with your best friend on the way to Mount Doom. Maybe that’s a little much.
AC: No.
CB: I like that. That’s good.
AC: On the way to Mount Doom is totally Pluto.
JG: So true. Yeah.
CB: Alright, well, I like it. And also it’s got that Neptune trine, which again, is a little bit even if it’s not very realistic, adds some idealistic tendency, or some idealism or even a glint of, a sheen of sort of nicer times. Even if it is maybe not fully grounded in something, I feel like it’s also emphasizing that Jupiter trine there, in that sense of hopefulness that is kind of nice for a lunation, even if there’s still some troubling times ahead, off in the distance.
JG: Yeah, I agree. It’s kind of like, give yourself a little break. I’m thinking about how Kelly always writes these wonderful things for soft aspects from Neptune or the Moon transiting Neptune, kind of like, give yourself the space to really let yourself space out and just dream a little bit or relax a little bit or just dissociate into a show. Maybe start Blood of Zeus, I don’t know. But yeah, that Neptune aspect is wide, but it’s there. But it’s soft. And even Pluto looming in the distance is there, but it’s not the same energy as the Aquarius-Leo axis being kind of lit up. And I think leaning into that might be helpful. Yeah, yeah. I agree about Neptune is what I’m saying.
CB: Yeah, definitely. So, that is our first lunation of the month that is taking place there, on the ninth of July. Not long after that, in order to actually kind of emphasize some of those Cancer themes, we get Mercury, two days later, ingressing into Cancer and finally leaving its domicile of Gemini and getting fully out of that Mercury retrograde and post-retrograde shadow period, when it moves into Gemini on the 11th of July. So, we’re getting just emphasis of some of the Cancer placements; there’s the Moon going into Leo and Mercury going into Cancer. And that kind of brings us up to this interesting… it’s small, but it’s kind of a pivotal configuration when Venus and Mars conjoin around the 11th and the 12th, and the Moon catches up and forms a triple conjunction with those two planets, almost simultaneously, which is one of the reasons that it’s so interesting. So, this is taking place around 18-19 degrees of Leo, around July 11th-July 12th we get this conjunction in Leo between the Moon, Mars, and Venus.
AC: Yeah, I really like what you said earlier, Jo, or the way you sort of laid out Mars and Venus. Mars as negative desires, like what I don’t want. And then Venus as positive desires, like what I do want. You know, what I heard in my mind immediately with Mars was what I want is for you to leave me the fuck alone, right? That’s a very standard Mars desire. And the conjunction and confluence between those two, that dynamism, having opposite poles of sort of the same question, which defines the question better. Because it’s never- happiness is never just about having what you want because if you have what you want, but you also have what you don’t want, you are not- you’re half happy, and vice versa.
JG: Yeah, what you said about defining; that makes me think about oppositions and contrast and how contrast is a really good teacher, and it really helps define things as well. It just seems like kind of a rhyming or parallel kind of thought. I don’t know that I have much more than that to say about it, but yeah. A very defining time.
CB: Keyword that I’m thinking of with the Venus-Mars conjunction is “give and take,” because Mars is definitely more “taking,” and that is something I’ve been exploring lately is the role of the malefics to indicate that which takes versus Venus and the benefics being that which gives or provides something. And just seeing the conjunction of these two in Leo and maybe whatever house that falls in a person’s life, trying to achieve parity between those two tendencies of give and take in one’s life because usually there’s an imbalance in some ways, where you’re either giving too much, or you’re taking too much, or other people in your life may be doing that, depending on what house it is, and just trying to find equilibrium between those two tendencies.
AC: Yeah, and I think that in any relationship there- you know, romantic, friendship, whatever, professional, there gets to just be a baseline of not just sort of X amount of take and Y amount of give, but what you give and what you take. And maybe it’s fair, but you don’t want to be given what you’re given anymore, or what you were willing to give and let another take is now more precious, and you need to hold on to that. And that it’s time to kind of rethink that, not just in terms of ratio but in terms of what you’re giving and what you’re receiving, or what- with Mars, it can also be what you’re doing for someone. Mars gives by achieving things for someone, right? You know, the firefighters in my region give me something by going out and doing the forest fire thing, so I don’t have to, right?
CB: Yeah.
JG: Yeah.
CB: Alright, well, I think this is taking us into the following week, where we have our third cluster of planetary alignments that happen in relatively quick succession, but especially Venus, which is moving pretty fast at this point, moving into Virgo on the 21st of July, the Sun ingressing into Leo on the 22nd, and then our second lunation of the month, which is the full Moon in Aquarius on the 23rd of July.
AC: Yeah, a little bit less hobbity than our first lunation.
JG: Yeah, that’s for sure.
CB: What is our alternative fantasy or sci-fi reference for our second- or sci-fi for our Aquarius lunation?
AC: Well, we should just say that- so, this is a full Moon conjunct-enough Saturn, right, it’s not within a- well, it is pretty tight. Ok, well, no, it’s nine degrees.
JG: Yeah, it’s nine degrees.
AC: But it’s applying. That’s what the Moon’s going towards is Saturn.
CB: Yeah, it opposes the Sun, and then I guess its next aspect is a conjunction with Saturn, with reception.
AC: Right, which will then, you know, another- basically the day after the full Moon it’s right on, it’s activating the Saturn-Uranus opposition. Or, sorry, Saturn-Uranus square.
CB: Right, yeah.
AC: So, I don’t know. I don’t have an immediate sci-fi thing. Do you have a reference, Chris?
CB: I’m trying to think. Kind of like cold, Saturn things, I kind of always think of the coldness, but then Aquarius; it’s like cold air, and that always strikes me as more of a Blade Runner-type situation of the technological dystopian future themes that we’ve talked about off and on over the past year or so, especially of Saturn into Aquarius.
AC: Yeah, I’m sure- I think we could probably locate it into that, that cyberpunk genre.
JG: You know, I was actually thinking- this is not- I mean, it is tied into the lunation because, Austin, you pointed out yesterday when we were talking that it’s- we’re getting space from the Leo transits – the Mars and Venus in Leo opposing Saturn – getting some space from that, and then the full Moon just bringing that axis back into focus, even though Venus has moved on into Virgo. But it kind of- this lunation slash just the Leo-Aquarius stuff in general kind of reminds me of, and again, I’ve been watching a lot of anime, so bare with me, but it reminds me of when the hero in a story, or specifically in an anime in my case, has been training really hard, they’ve been making breakthroughs, and they go- they’re fighting this big enemy or opponent, and you think they might actually have a chance. And then either their teacher shows up or an ally and is like, “You are way outclassed. You will die if you face this opponent.” And the kind of letdown of just realizing the scale of how much further you have to go to be able to face that opponent. And I feel like the Virgo ingresses are the next training arch, where it’s like, “Ok, I’ll do my best, but back to training. Back to basics.” This very difficult emotional experience of not being good enough to face this opponent is now data in a Virgo way of like, “This tells me what I need to do next. What do I do with this information?” Train harder. Implement new systems.
AC: I think that’s a really good read. It’s being tricked by the training montage to think now the protagonist is going to be able to just smoke whatever opposition. Because it’s also– you know, we talked about this when we had our meeting the other day. It’s easy to focus initially on the Mars pinging the Saturn-Uranus, and they’re like, “Oh, but it’s Venus, too.” And so it’s been a week or two since that started to ratchet down, and it’s like, “How about a full Moon in the same thing?” It’s like, “Oh, this again?” And then we’ll have Mercury joining the Sun on this again, not much later. And so it also ties into that theme. But yeah, I really like that as a read. That, “Yeah, it’s great that you did the training montage, but full Moon conjunct Saturn? You’re-”
JG: You’re not ready yet.
AC: You’ll still die if you fight the final boss. You need to go grind for a while.
JG: Yeah, yeah.
CB: One of the things to note about this lunation, this full Moon in Aquarius, is look at where Jupiter is. Jupiter at this point is at zero, 26 Pisces, so it is really close at this point, basically right on the verge of falling back into Aquarius. So this is a lunation that’s highlighting the Aquarius sign, and the Aquarius part of our chart, and whatever house that falls in, just before we get Jupiter making its sort of triumphant return back into Aquarius in order to return back to and finish the job that it started late last year and earlier this year when it formed that conjunction with Saturn. So, I think it’s just priming and warming up for that work that Jupiter’s about to do in sort of calming and expanding and sort of improving on the groundwork that it laid in the first few months of 2021.
AC: Yep. Or, I could say, since it’s a full Moon on Saturn, it’s going to spotlight the problems that Jupiter is getting calling back into Aquarius to help with.
CB: There you go.
AC: You know, instead of Jupiter wanting to be back in Aquarius to help or whatever, we could just say it’s like, “No, no, no. We need you. I know you want to do Pisces stuff, but we need you here.”
CB: Right. Jupiter’s beeper has gone off. Do people know what beepers are? That’s a very ‘90s reference. It’s gotten the notification; it’s gotten the WhatsApp text message saying, “We need help back here,” because Saturn, when left to its own devices, is still being overly cold and overly problematic in the sign of Aquarius, and it needs a little bit of lightening up in order to smooth out this area of one’s chart or in a mundane, macro sense, the area that this is affecting in the world in general.
AC: Yeah, Jupiter, we need you to do another shift.
CB: Right. It’s going to pull overtime. Second shift. It had gone home and kicked off its shoes and was starting to veg out and watch its favorite series, but now it’s got to go back to work for-
AC: Jupiter was probably watching The Blood of Zeus.
JG: Honestly, yeah, yeah.
CB: Yeah. Alright, so we have the return of the king with Jupiter moving back into Aquarius late in the month. We get our Aquarius lunation. Let’s see, Venus has gone into Virgo, and Mars is actually getting ready to shift as well, but we don’t get that until the 29th. Should we move forward-
AC: We should talk about Mercury.
JG: Yeah.
CB: Mercury’s ingress? Ok. Alright, so we shift to the last part of the month, where Mercury ingresses into Leo on the 27th of July and very soon after that, I believe, forms a conjunction with the Sun, right?
JG: That’s on August first, I believe. The cazimi.
CB: Oh, right. It’s a little later. Got it.
AC: But it’s coming into that, and it’s so connected to all the themes we’ve been talking about. It’s really the last activation of this opposition. It’s the last planet in Leo that’s going to t-square the Saturn-Uranus thing, right? And it’s so interesting because Mercury makes the superior conjunction to the Sun and does a perfect cazimi, exactly opposite that Saturn.
CB: And it’s weird that that happens right after Mars has just departed from Leo, so it’s just gotten done kicking up a storm and causing some problems in Leo, and then Mercury moves into that sign putting extra emphasis on it to sort of do clean up.
JG: Yeah, and you know what I think of, too, is Venus and Mars being very embodied and a little bit more visceral as planets in general, while Mercury and Jupiter, to a degree, are much more mind-oriented. And so it makes me think of these desires we’re having, or revelations, or what’s illuminated; the things we want with Mars in Leo, and things we don’t want, Mars and Venus moving through Leo. It’s like Mercury following behind, with the Sun, having that superior conjunction with the Sun, in its domicile, opposite Saturn exactly, following this, and following a lunation in Aquarius is kind of like the mind catching up. And that’s the Mercury that’s ruling Mars and Venus in Virgo as well, so it’s like- the training arc is literally all I can think about. Jupiter moves back into Aquarius. Sensei comes back and is like, “No, you need more training.” And it’s like that’s what’s being pulled into focus, is like, “What are you going to do now? What are we going to do now?” This is a different kind of clarity. Rather than it being, I don’t want to say just a felt sense or a visceral experience because that’s really important, but there’s something about the mind catching up with this. At least, that’s how I’m thinking about it.
AC: Yeah, I think that’s a really good read. Especially the- whatever clarity, insights, planning gets done with the Mercury cazimi opposite Saturn and square Uranus, that immediately goes to Mars and Venus, who are in Virgo and are like, “Ok, so what’s the technical implementation?” They’re both ready to do that.
JG: Exactly, and whereas Mars and Venus, when they were in Leo earlier in July, the Sun and Mercury were in Cancer for part of that, and it’s- that kind of feels to me like the visceral embodied Mars-Venus stuff, opposing Saturn, and getting our feelings hurt, and kind of temper tantrum energy. But then the Sun and Mercury being in Leo is like, “Ok, how are we going to own it? What are we going to actually do about it now?” and being able to do the emotional care in the beginning of the month and then- so we are supported to move into an, “Ok, what do we do now?” The technical implementation, essentially.
CB: One of the things that-
AC: Yeah. Oh, go ahead.
CB: I was just going to note that one of the things that happens that you pointed out, Jo, is that Mars, right before it leaves and moves into Virgo before it leaves Leo, it has this parting shot where it opposes Jupiter, which is just retrograde ingressed into Aquarius from 29 Aquarius to Mars at 29 Leo. So, that’s our last major aspect of July is Mars opposing Jupiter.
JG: So true.
AC: Yeah, it’s like, “Welcome back.”
JG: I was just thinking it’s like a fist bump in a weird way. As they- I know it’s not a conjunction, but-
AC: I don’t know. I feel like it’s more like, I don’t know, more like- it would involve a fist-
AC: I was going to say, “a surprise kick in the nuts,” but I think Mars in Leo is more direct than that. It’s like, “Welcome back!” Punch in the face. And Mars is on its way out, so there’s not continuing whatever, but it’s definitely a rough, “Welcome back motherfucker.”
JG: Yeah.
CB: Yeah. Think of that, though. The month starts with Mars opposing Saturn, and it ends with Mars opposing Jupiter.
AC: Yeah, yeah.
CB: Bookends.
AC: So, one of the things I’ve been thinking about is, ok, so, you know, this month, as I think we’ve discussed pretty thoroughly, it’s all about planets in Leo opposing Saturn and squaring Uranus. And we have, you know, we have activation from almost all the other planets, right? Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and then obviously, Moon. Hey, that’s five of the seven visible planets, right? And that really lays out, as you were saying, Jo, with the Sun, really shines a spotlight on what our ongoing structural crisis is. And so, what’s interesting is that that kind of gets left alone until November, when the same stuff is reactivated with a vengeance. And so, taking your training montage or protocol idea, Jo, so, we’ve got several months to sort of, “Ok, so what are we doing about all this? When this comes back and when all this stuff comes up again, or when it gets activated, how are we going to- to what degree are we going to be ready for what’s probably going to be a harder round three?” So, if this is round two, then- you know, we talked about it in the yearly. Round three looks like the roughest round this year, but we’ve got time.
JG: Yeah, that Jupiter-Mars opposition just before Mars moves into Virgo reminds me of a point in a story where it’s not a parting fist bump but a punch to the face, where it’s like, “I’ll face you again when you can punch me in the face like that.” Or something where you know you have X amount of months or days to prepare to face this opponent again or something.
AC: It’s literally a parting shot.
JG: Yeah, yeah.
CB: The second act, and that sets things up for the third act, which is later this year when, I believe, you’re alluding to Mars going through Scorpio, right Austin?
AC: Yeah, well, there’s a couple other things, but yeah, the bones of it are Mars activating Saturn-Uranus again from Scorpio, and that also being entangled with an eclipse in a fixed sign.
CB: Right. So, isn’t this then, isn’t that when our hero character, if this was a Rocky movie, suffers a loss or gets knocked down? And then we have the training montage this fall that builds up to the final culmination at the end of the year?
AC: Yeah, I mean, and so- what is the one- what is the Rocky where his mentor gets killed in the ring?
CB: Right.
AC: It’s facing that, you know, that scary, you know- Ivan Drago? Was that the-
CB: Yeah. Yeah, Drago kills the other guy.
AC: Apollo?
CB: Apollo.
AC: I haven’t seen those in 20 years.
CB: Apollo Creed. So, Mars opposing Jupiter at the end is like Apollo Creed getting killed, which is a surprise sucker punch that happens at the end of July, and that sets us up for our final climactic act of the year, later on, once Mars gets to Scorpio.
AC: Yeah, so a lot of training montages are necessary.
CB: Ok. And here I’m just showing the graphic that Kyle from Archetypal Explorer made for us for the last episode, which I’m having trouble bringing it up, but which just helps to illustrate how we kind of broke this up in terms of the year ahead forecast based on when Mars would come in at those three different points and, yeah, activate that square between Saturn and Uranus, which was our main narrative this year. So, right now, we’re in the second part of that this month, especially at the very beginning of July when we get those hits of Mars, but then we’ve got one more set that’s going to take place later this year in November and December.
AC: Yeah, so another metaphor just occurred to me. I like our training montage, and that’s very personal in the sense of, “Who do I need to be?” But on a terrain level, it’s like playing a tower defense game where you have X amount of time to build up your defenses, then the waves come. And so, July is a wave of the fixed stuff, and then we’re going to have a couple more- or several months to do the building phase again before there’s another wave in November.
CB: I love that. That’s my favorite analogy that I think I’ve ever heard you use on the podcast. [All laugh] Because I was very- there was a string where I was very into tower defense games. But especially as a fixed sign, somebody with a fixed sign stellium and pretty much everything in fixed signs, that is exactly what it feels like when Mars goes through fixed signs this year is that’s when you’re getting a wave, and you’re just trying to defend and shoot down the attackers before they breach the defenses. And then, in between, when Mars is going through the mutable and cardinal signs, you get a brief reprieve to build up your defenses again.
AC: I’m glad you liked that one. I didn’t realize you were such a fan.
CB: Yeah. Alright, so this is bringing us pretty much to those last things. So, at this point, of course, we’ve got Jupiter is fully back into Aquarius, and we’re kind of getting towards the end of the month here in terms of the major configurations. Let me check the outline. What are we missing at this point? Anything?
AC: I mean, we definitely got all the big stuff.
CB: Yeah.
AC: Let’s see if there’s anything small but important.
CB: So here’s- let me show the alignments calendar for- that’s August, there’s July. So, yeah, we’ve just got Mars going into Virgo, Jupiter going back into Aquarius. July, August- there’s August. I don’t want to get ahead of us, but that’s what we have to look forward to next month. Uranus stationing, that Sun-Mercury conjunction we’ve been talking about at the very beginning of August, which is kind of tied in. Do we get a second lunation in Aquarius? Is that right? We’ve got a blue Moon/full Moon situation going on here.
JG: Oh, yeah. Two full Moons in Aquarius in a row.
CB: Yeah, because the first one is so early in the sign, that means it opens it up. So, that there can be another lunation in the same sign in the following month, so that means Aquarius is just getting fully lit up starting in July but carrying over into August, which actually makes sense since we have Jupiter also retrograding back to that sign. So, that’s not just Jupiter, but also the lunations putting emphasis on it as well.
Cool, so Aquarius is important. That’s first house stuff for me, which is health, self-development, and image things. What’s your Aquarius stuff?
AC: Oh, it’s my eighth. So, you know, a lot of times there’s a spiritual and a relational component to the eighth, but there’s also- I’m working on getting my tax structure better so that I will know how much I owe and not be shocked and surprised, which is very real but also very boring.
CB: Right. Totally. Yeah, it’s funny how often taxes come up in the eighth house, though, and how literal that is.
AC: It’s such a thing.
JG: It’s so true. Yeah, for me, it’s my seventh, and it’s also sort of still my Saturn return phase, so I’ve noticed it’s been showing up not only just with my primary relationship but with my counseling astrology work. The way I do it, how sustainable that is, etc., etc. And just how busy I am with my counseling stuff and just kind of gaining more practice and skills. So, it’s been a variety of things, but it’s relationships stuff, seventh house stuff, Saturn return stuff in general, so-
CB: Nice.
AC: Yeah, I would say- one thing I would say is I think it’s been my experience with doing consultations that, to a certain degree, you’re almost doing planetary charity or service in a way that smooths things out for you by dealing with the problem. You know, talking- if Mars is in your seventh, you know, talking to someone about, like, “I have all these Mars problems. I’m angry, or this is happening.” You’re dealing with the malefic very clearly and trying to help.
JG: Yeah.
CB: Yeah.
AC: And I’ve definitely seen that just kind of happen naturally. Because sometimes the- a partner, a close relationship like you’d see in the seventh, is definitely the primary signification, but sometimes, let’s say it’s Saturn in the seventh, and let’s say you’re in a relationship, all of what Saturn has to say as a transit can’t necessarily come through that relationship, right? And not every relationship- no relationship can be anything. There are certain parameters to that; good, bad, and other. And so, it’s sort of what’s left over comes from other people and, you know, consultations, client work in whatever field has this interesting astrological element in that you’re not selecting who comes to you, right? You’re kind of letting the people and the gods and everything else bring people to you.
JG: Yeah, and that’s- yeah, totally. All of that. And I’ve been doing a lot of 12th house consultations, too, and the 12th being the joy of Saturn. I’m having so many Saturnian conversations with people about the 12th house, specifically like, “Let me help you with your Saturn in its joy problems.” And hold space for that, so, yeah.
CB: Yeah, I’ve seen that as such a big natural remediation that some people worry about their malefic placements too much, that it’s going to be something bad that happens to them in that area of their life, but more often than not, it’s them helping other people who are in a difficult situation as represented by that planet. And it’s one of the most active ways that people accidentally play out their chart but also do it in a way that’s constructive and useful than I can even think of.
AC: Yeah, absolutely.
CB: Yeah. Alright, well, I am, and I’m going through the Aquarius stuff is just my ongoing stuff to get my health back after last year and after the Covid stuff, which I realized is a really literal manifestation of that is Saturn going through my first house is getting sick and then recovering my health. It feels like it aged me like 10 or 20 years over the course of 12 months so that my memory is not as good, so you’ll hear me sometimes on forecast episodes, especially with people’s names, not remembering names as much as I used to. So, getting my health back and starting to get back in shape is one of the things I’m focused on this summer. And I’m looking forward to Jupiter coming back into Aquarius as a result of that.
One funny Mercury retrograde story that I had, though, was somebody reached out to me that was an audiobook narrator, and he was like, “Hey, I’m working with this company that hired me to narrate your audiobook, and I just needed some clarification on- I wanted to clarify some things with you and just give you a heads up about that because they’re being a little weird.” And I was like, “Yeah, I didn’t hire anybody to do an audiobook of my book. I haven’t done that yet.” And so, he informed me that there was a company that was trying to rip me off. So, that was really unfortunate, but I was super glad that guy was a stand-up guy who reached out to let me know about that, but it made me realize that I need to buckle down and finally, I think, record an audiobook of my book Hellenistic Astrology, which came out in 2017.
And I’ve been putting that off and not doing it even though lots of people have asked me to because my online course on Hellenistic astrology is essentially an expanded audio version of that that contains all the diagrams and everything else. So, it seemed redundant, but I’d like to get out ahead of whatever sketchy companies are trying to rip off my audiobook by just putting one out myself. The only problem with that is because of the podcast, and people are so used to my voice I think I have to record it myself. So, I’ve set a big task of recording an audiobook for a 700-page thick book over the course of the summer. So, I wanted to put out some feelers to see if people would like an audiobook version of my book or would buy it, but let me know if you would, in the comments below, on YouTube, and otherwise, that’s going to be one of my Saturn in Aquarius things is, trying to balance my energy levels as I record that.
AC: Yeah, dude. Better lube up your throat.
JG: Yeah.
CB: Yeah.
JG: I’m going to send you so much camomile and honey. Oh, my goodness.
CB: Ok. I’ll have a whole arsenal of that. In addition to recording the normal four to six podcast episodes a month, so we’ll see how that goes, but I’m going to give that a shot. Other things I’ve been doing is, last month, I experimented with doing a short version of the forecast on YouTube that was just a five-minute overview, kind of like I do at the beginning of these longer episodes, and it worked out pretty well. So, if people like to see more of those, then please let me know; for just a quick overview that you can either see as a preview to our more detailed forecast or as a sort of review that you can check back in more quickly during the course of the month. Let me know if you’d like to see more of those, and I’ll probably put one out for July. What are you two working on this month? Austin, do you have any classes or anything coming up, or what are you doing?
AC: Everything is just sort of ongoing right now. There may be some announcements. We’ll see. I don’t want to promise anything right now. There’s almost certainly going to be a Sphere and Sundry release of one of the series that got banked. And I believe that that’s going to be sort of up for Sphere and Sundry clients to vote on. I think Kate’s going to do some sort of- because we’ve got a couple things that would all be cool and sort of like, “Yeah, what do you want next?” I have my vote, but [laughs] in this, I am one among many.
CB: Nice and your website, as always, is, and the other one is, right?
AC: Mhmm.
CB: Ok. Cool. Jo, what do you have going on?
JG: I am on a brief hiatus right now from client work. Speaking of all the client work and my seventh house stuff. Taking a little break. I should be back. My books should be open probably late July. And starting in August, my lecture that I did in the spring for The Astrology of Awakening Summit, which is my 12th house talk, “Waymaking Through the 12th House”, that will actually be available for sale on my website. I originally thought I wouldn’t be able to sell it until next year, so I’m really excited to be able to offer that for anyone who missed it, or anyone who has prominent 12th house stuff, is into 12th house stuff as much as one can be. Yeah, that’ll be available August first. And I might have some announcements about a workshop, or a something, maybe later in the fall. We’ll see. But yeah, I have a mailing list on my website if you want to be in the loop for those updates at some point. My website is just
CB: Awesome. That was a great workshop, and I know everybody that’s watched it has really loved it, so I definitely recommend checking that out if people want to learn more about the 12th house. And I’ll put a link to both of your websites in the description below this video or on the description page for this episode on
As for me, I’ll just be recording an audiobook of my book, which you can find out more information about at, where there’s an eBook version on Google Books or a print version on Amazon, and Barnes & Noble, and fine book stores everywhere. The book goes with my course on Hellenistic astrology, which is the Hellenistic Astrology Course, which you can find out more information about at, with over a hundred hours of audio and video lectures.
There were a couple news stories I wanted to mention before we wrap up. One of them that was an astonishingly literal astrology manifestation transit. Did you see that story in the news about the president of France was slapped by a random just person in a crowd that he walked up to and astrologers- this is why I love astrology Twitter because astrologers were very quick to run his transits and since he was born in France where I believe birth times are public and recorded, astrologers very quickly ran the transits, and he had transiting Mars exactly on the degree of his Descendant the day that this event happened, which I thought was just a brilliantly literal manifestation of a Mars conjunct Descendant transit that I’m going to put in my memory bank for the future.
AC: [laughs] Well, and maybe that’s the Mars-Jupiter interaction.
JG: I was just thinking that. [laughs]
AC: You know what did- “Welcome back, Jupiter!” *slap* Because it’s not a devastating transit, but it’s a solid smack.
JG: Exactly. Yeah.
CB: And a bit of an insult. So, here’s the transit, it was his Ascendant is at 28 degrees of Capricorn, and Mars was at 28 degrees of Cancer on that day. So not a good event, not really making fun of it or light of it necessarily, but just it was amazingly literal. Because astrologers sometimes, especially in modern psychological astrology, you might describe it metaphorically as a slap in the face from somebody else, but no, this was a very literal slap in the face from Mars.
AC: You might say- how should we say- people may express their anger to you on this date.
CB: Right, exactly. That would be a good general discussion. Alright, so I think that’s it for this episode, so thanks, everyone, for watching. Thanks, Jo, for joining us. This is amazing having you, and it feels like things are full circle because I remember you being one of the earliest listeners and commenters of the forecast episodes, way back in 2014-2015, I think, right?
JG: Yeah, yeah. I remember specifically when the forecast episodes started coming out, and I was the fan girl that commented on all the Facebook posts and stuff. So, yeah, I really appreciate you guys having me. This has been so much fun. And it’s such a huge honor, so thank you.
CB: Yeah-
AC: Thanks for being here. I think this was great.
CB: Yeah, you make a great addition to the team, and I love, especially, your- the ability for us all to use extended fantasy/Tolkien metaphors in more detail. [laughs]
JG: If you can count on me for anything, you can count on me for that. [laughs]
CB: Alright, well, thank you, our hobbit friend. And thanks, Austin and everybody else; thanks to the audience and everybody who joined us for the live recording of this episode as we do every month to all the patrons who support us on our- through our page on Patreon. We appreciate it. If you like this episode, please be sure to like and subscribe to the YouTube channel or rate it wherever you listen to fine podcasts everywhere. And we’ll be back again next month for the forecast for August, which, can we announce who our next guest is at this point, Austin?
AC: I don’t know. I would say it’s your call at this point.
CB: Ok. Well, we’re scheduled to have Chani Nicholas joining us to do the next forecast for August, so that will be our next guest who is filling in for Kelly, so looking forward to that. And yeah, we’ll be back again next month with more podcast episodes and forecasts of the astrology of 2021. So, thanks, everyone, for watching or listening, and we’ll see you again next time.
Special thanks to all the patrons that supported the production of this episode of the podcast through our page on In particular, shout out to the patrons at our Producers tier, including Nate Craddock, Thomas Miller, Catherine Conroy, Kristi Moe, Ariana Amour, Mandi Rae, Angelic Nambo, Sumo Coppock, Issa Sabah, Jake Otero, Morgan MacKenzie, and Kristin Otero. For more information about how to become a patron and get early access to new episodes and other subscriber benefits, go to Podcast.
Special thanks, also, to our sponsors, including The Mountain Astrologer Magazine available at, the Honeycomb Collective personal astrological almanacs available at, Astro Gold astrology software for the Mac operating system which is available at, and you can use the promo code ASTROPODCAST15 for a 15% discount, The Portland School of Astrology, available at, Astro Gold astrology app for iPhone and Android, which is also available at, and finally the Solar Fire astrology software program for Windows, which you can get from, and you can use the promo code AP15 for a 15% discount.