In episode 452 astrologer Chris Brennan hosts a live chart reading session with listeners exploring how Jupiter’s transit through Taurus manifested in their lives based on the house it activated in their birth charts. The premise of the...
In episode 451 Chris Brennan does a live birth chart reading session with patrons of the podcast where he looks at their charts and discusses how recent transits have impacted their lives. This was an impromptu livestream done with patrons of The...
In episode 450 astrologers Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock discuss the June 2024 astrology forecast, covering major transits like a stellium of planets moving through Gemini, Jupiter trine Pluto, Venus cazimi, Mars square Pluto, and Saturn...
Penelope Sitter joins the show to talk about the life and work of the 17th century astrologer Jean-Baptiste Morin de Villefranche, and her new translation of his work. Morin was an astrologer from France who lived around the same time as William...
In episode 448 astrologer Isa Nakazawa joins the podcast to talk about how to give an astrological consultation, and some considerations surrounding reading birth charts for clients. Isa is the host of a new astrology podcast called Stars and Stars...
In episode 447 historians Patrick Curry and Nicholas Campion join me to discuss the recent republication of Patrick’s groundbreaking book Prophecy and Power: Astrology in Early Modern England, which documents the rise and fall of astrology in...
In episode 445 astrologers Chris Brennan and Patrick Watson have a followup discussion about Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions in history, and review more examples of major events in the past that coincided with those conjunctions. This is a followup...
In episode 444 astrologer and historian Richard Tarnas joins the show to talk about conjunctions between the planets Jupiter and Uranus, and discuss major events they have coincided with in history. Jupiter and Uranus form a conjunction in the sky...
In episode 443 historian of ancient astrology and magic Kristin Mathis and astrologer Drew Levanti join me to talk about an ancient Greek mystical tradition known as Orphism, and how it influenced ancient astrology. Orphism is an ancient Greek...
In episode 442 astrologers Chris Brennan and Sam Ogden discuss the rulers of the houses in astrology, and what it means for the ruler of one house to be in another house in a birth chart. The rulers of the houses is an ancient and important element...