The Definition of “Astrologer” with Nick Dagan Best

In the third episode of the podcast Nick Dagan Best and I discuss the definition of the word “astrologer”, and talk about the pros and cons of some of the different ways that people define the term.

The central question is what does it take to be considered an astrologer?  Should the term “astrologer” only be used as a professional designation, so that it only applies to people who do astrology as part of their vocation?  Or can someone be labeled as an astrologer even if they don’t practice astrology professionally?

During the course of the show we touch upon topics such as professional certification, whether astrology involves belief, and what basic things you should know in order to consider yourself an astrologer.  At one point we even discuss the dreaded word “astrologist”, and why it has negative connotations in some astrological circles.


A full transcript of this episode is available: Episode 3 transcript

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