Become a Patron of The Astrology Podcast

Today I am announcing the launch of a new subscription service for the The Astrology Podcast through the website Patreon.

Patreon allows podcast creators like myself to receive donations from their listeners on an ongoing basis, which essentially creates an optional or voluntary subscription model for the podcast.

I will continue to record and release new episodes of the podcast for free, but now listeners will have the option to voluntarily donate money each time I produce an episode, in order to help support my work, encourage me to keep recording more episodes, and allow me to expand and improve the quality of the podcast.

The podcast itself will remain free, but there are some additional ongoing rewards and benefits that will only available to patrons, such as access to a private Facebook discussion forum, early access to new episodes, and the ability to vote on future episodes.

For more information, including a video overview, please visit my page on Patreon:

If you have any questions please send me an email at

Thanks for your support of the podcast!